MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           Ranger Activities Division Information Network

Day/Date:	 Wednesday, October 23, 1991


90-109 - Gulf Islands (Mississippi/Florida) - Follow-up on McGhee Shooting

On October 17th, D.A.B. and J.F.W. were formally arraigned before a U.S. 
magistrate in Biloxi, Mississippi.  Two public defenders have been 
appointed for each defendant.  Both pled not guilty to the one count murder 
indictment.  Numerous motions were filed and more are expected.  The trial 
has been set for January 23rd, but D.A.B. waived discovery and his trial 
date was set for December 2nd.  If a motion for severance is denied, 
J.F.W.'s trial date will also be moved to that date.  [CompuServe message 
from Gene Phillips, CR, GUIS, 10/22]

91-575 - Olympic (Washington) - Shooting

At about 1:30 a.m. on the morning of October 14th, R.H.S., 57, 
of Kagel Canyon, California, was sleeping in his vehicle in the Queets area 
of the park when he was awakened by people knocking on the vehicle's window.  
When he unlocked the passenger door, a person entered the vehicle, placed a 
pillow over his face and a firearm against his chest, and shot him.  R.H.S. 
later reported that he remained in the vehicle for about 12 hours until he 
was able to summon a passing motorist by blowing the vehicle's horn.  He 
was transported to the hospital in Aberdeen, where he was admitted and 
treated for a small caliber bullet wound which passed through his body and 
exited out his lower back.  R.H.S. is now in stable condition.  During an 
interview, R.H.S. stated that he was in the Queets area waiting for two 
women; he thought they were the ones knocking on the window and therefore 
opened the door.  R.H.S. also said that the assault was connected to the 
occult and that his assailants were attempting to steal a book he was 
writing on the subject.  The incident is being investigated by rangers and 
deputies from Grays Harbor.  [Kym Ulin, OLYM, via telefax from Mark Forbes, 
RAD/PNRO, 10/21]

91-576 - Crater Lake (Oregon) - Sewage Spill

A sewage spill was discovered in the park on the afternoon of October 21st.  
The spill entered a small side channel of Munson Creek about a half mile 
above park headquarters.  Munson Creek flows into Annie Creek, which 
eventually empties into the Wood River outside of park boundaries.  
Although neither Crater Lake itself nor park water supplies have been 
threatened, there is concern that individuals using downstream surface 
water for domestic purposes could be affected.  Officials are suggesting 
that residents who have surface water intakes for domestic use on these 
creeks boil their water until tomorrow.  State authorities were immediately 
notified of the spill, and the park temporarily diverted the contaminated 
portion of the creek into the park sewage system until permanent repairs 
could be made.  The spill was apparently caused by a plugged sewer line.  
[Telefax from Mark Forbes, RAD/PNRO, 10/21]

91-577 - New River Gorge (West Virginia) - Significant Event

On October 18th, approximately 200,000 people attended Bridge Day, an 
annual event held on the New River Gorge bridge.  Most come each year to 
watch people parachute from the bridge into the park below.  This year, 265 
parachutists registered for the event and made over 550 jumps.  Sixty-nine 
jumpers landed in the river below the bridge, and rangers made 34 water 
rescues during the day.  Six parachutists landed in trees; two required 
technical rescues.  Rangers Kinsey Shilling and Scott Kalna were 
instrumental in rescuing the victims, who were lodged in treetops from 60 
to 80 feet above the ground.  There were eight injuries requiring transport 
to the hospital - six leg injuries (one a double compound fracture) and two 
possible spinal injuries.  [Telefax from Rick Brown, DR, NERI, 10/22]

91-578 - Morristown (New Jersey) - Poaching Arrests

On October 11th, rangers received information that poaching activities were 
occurring in the park.  The following day, ranger Troy Mueller checked the 
area and located a baited tree stand, a fresh gut pile, and a partially 
concealed deer carcass.  Evidence was also found of other recent poaching 
activity in the area.  Surveillance of the area was begun by Mueller, 
ranger Bryan Sutton and two state game wardens.  At about 8:00 p.m., two 
men - J.G., 20, and H.G., 18 - arrived at the site and 
attempted to remove the carcass.  A foot pursuit ensued, but the two were 
soon apprehended.  The men were cited for poaching and their equipment 
was seized.  State charges are also pending, including loss of hunting 
privileges.  [Telefax from Lynn Wightman, CR, MORR, 10/22]


1) FIRE SITUATION - Preparedness Level III


State  Agency    Area           Fire                 10/22   10/23  Status

WA    USFS   Willamette NF    Warner - T1           9,200   9,200  CN      
      State  Spokane Area     South Stevens Comp.  18,795  18,795  CN      
                              Spokane Comp.        16,150  16,150  CN      

MT    USFS   Kootenai NF      Sylvanite Comp. - T1 12,343  12,343  CN 10/23
             Bitterroot NF    Overwhich II - T2     1,880   1,880  CN      
      BLM    Lewiston Dist.   Burnette - T1         6,300   6,300  CN 10/23

ID    USFS   Idaho Pan. NF    Kilroy - T2           2,200   2,200  CN      

WY    USFS   Bridger-Tet. NF  Dry Cott. - T1        7,157   7,157  CN 10/23

CA    CA     Oakland          Oakland Hills         1,800   1,800  CN      
      CDF    Sonoma Ranger    Geysers               6,200   6,200  CN 10/23
      USFS   Los Padres NF    Lion - T2             2,100   1,905  CN 10/24

VA    USFS   Washington NF    Piney Mountain - T1   1,425   1,425  CN      


- Fires - Asterisk indicates newly reported fire (on this report). T1 and 
T2 indicate assigned Type I and Type II Teams.
- Status - The following abbreviations are employed:

 * NR - No report received      * MS - Modified suppression strategy
 * CN - Contained               * MN - Being monitored
 * CL - Controlled              * None - No estimate of containment
 * CS - Confinement strategy    ?

3) ANALYSIS - Higher relative humidities and cooler temperatures are 
helping firefighters contain fires in the Western states.  Some moisture 
has been received on fires in the Northern Rockies and the Northwest.  
Initial attack activity is increasing in the South.
4) PROGNOSIS - Demobilization is in progress on several large fires in the 
Northern Rockies and the Northwest.  Demobilization from other fires is 

[NIFCC Intelligence Section, 0520 MDT, 10/22] 


Division Chief: Brady at regional chief rangers' conference, Boise, ID 

Branch of Resource and Visitor Protection: Martin, Schamp, Marriott, Smith, 
Lee, and Halainen at regional chief rangers' conference, Boise, ID (10/21-
10/25); Coffey at grazing lands forum, Harpers Ferry, WV (10/22).

Branch of Fire and Aviation: Broyles at NFPA wildland fire quals meeting, 
Salt Lake City, UT (10/20-10/25); Norum at NPS parks and wilderness 
management course faculty meeting, NARTC, Marana, AZ (10/21-10/25); Botti 
in budget meetings, WASO, Washington, DC (10/21-10/25).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:	All Offices - FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
Telefax:	Branch of R&VP - FTS 268-6756 or 202-208-6756
              Branch of Fire - FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977
CompuServe:	Branch of R&VP - WASO-RANGER
              Branch of Fire - WASO-FIRE-WO
SEAdog:	All Offices - 1/650