MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           Ranger Activities Division Information Network

Day/Date:	 Thursday, November 21, 1991


91-160 - New River Gorge (West Virginia) - Follow-up on Pollution Case

Last spring, an acid mine runoff in Wolf Creek, which runs through the park, 
killed over 500 fish and threatened water quality for area residents.  The 
U.S. attorney subsequently asked the NPS and FBI to conduct a joint 
investigation of the incident.  On November 15th, L.L. and his company, 
Mine Management, Inc., were found guilty by a federal jury on 16 felony 
counts of violating the Federal Clean Water Act.  L.L. faces both fines and 
possible sentences of three years in prison on each count.  The case is 
being viewed as a significant shift in the use of the Clean Water Act.  
Rangers, FBI agents and members of the U.S. Attorney's Office - all members 
of an environmental crimes task force - are now investigating two 
additional environmental crimes involving water quality in the park.  
Arrests are expected.  [Telefax from Bill Blake, CR, NERI, 11/20]

91-628 - Kennesaw Mountain (Georgia) - ARPA Investigation

Ranger Rick Black was on patrol near Cheatham Hill on November 18th when a 
park visitor advised him that a man was using a metal detector and digging 
holes below the Illinois Monument.  Black investigated, and came upon 
W.S.M., 32, of Lancaster, Texas, who was carrying a metal 
detector in one hand and ear phones in the other.  Black asked him if he'd 
found anything, and W.S.M. showed him a minie ball.  Black then 
accompanied W.S.M. back to the monument, where W.S.M. showed him several 
holes he had dug.  Ranger Frank Graham arrived on scene, interviewed 
W.S.M., then contacted the U.S. Attorney's Office.  They advised that 
W.S.M. be arrested.  He was therefore jailed and brought before a U.S. 
magistrate for an initial appearance the following morning.  He was 
subsequently released on a $10,000 bond.  SEAC archeologist Kenneth Wild 
has conducted an archeological damage assessment and will be completing a 
report.  W.S.M. is scheduled to appear in court in late December or early 
January.  This is the third ARPA case which has occurred in the park in the 
past six weeks.  [Telefax from Frank Graham, Acting CR, KEMO, 11/20]

91-629 - Delaware Water Gap (Pennsylvania) - Assist on Felony Arrests

Early on the evening of November 9th, the Pennsylvania State Police advised 
rangers that two men had committed an armed robbery just outside the park 
and that they were fleeing in a stolen vehicle toward the park.  Rangers 
Deborah Forbes, Mitch Williams and Greg Jablonski responded; while in the 
process of doing so, they were advised that the stolen vehicle had crashed 
within the park.  Forbes arrived at the scene first, secured the weapon 
which had been used in the robbery (a starter's pistol), then helped local 
EMS responders provide medical assistance to the vehicle's driver, M.C., 
26, of Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania.  Forbes then detained M.C. until 
state troopers arrived and took him into custody.  The second suspect, a 
juvenile runaway from Philadelphia who'd left the scene of the accident on 
foot, was picked up by a passing motorist and taken to the post office in 
Bushkill.  Williams accordingly headed for the post office and contacted 
the juvenile.  Williams found that he had sustained a gunshot wound in the 
hand and provided first aid, then detained the juvenile with Jablonski 
until the state police could arrive on scene.  Both suspects were treated, 
released to the state police, and imprisoned pending the filing of multiple 
felony charges.  NPS and state investigators have since determined the 
sequence of events prior to the accident.  After the two men committed the 
first armed robbery, they fled in the victim's vehicle, which soon broke 
down.  A passing motorist stopped, helped the two men push the vehicle off 
the road, then gave the men a ride.  Once in the vehicle, the juvenile drew 
his gun on the driver and told him to get out.  As they drove off in the 
second victim's vehicle, the two men got into an argument and crashed.  The 
incident is believed to be drug related.  The state police are continuing 
the investigation.  [CompuServe message from DEWA, 11/20]


Cape Cod (Massachusetts) - Archeological Excavation

Emergency archeological field work resumed this week at the prehistoric 
site discovered on the beach last year.  Dunes up to ten feet high covered 
the unexcavated portion of the site prior to the passage of the severe 
coastal storm late in October.  That storm leveled the dunes, destroyed 
about 40 percent of the known site area, and left the balance vulnerable to 
destruction by forthcoming winter storms.  A series of 100 shovel test pits 
will be excavated in order to verify the existence of the site and to 
define prehistoric habitation and activity areas.  Once a site map has been 
developed and the data from the test pits is analyzed, a determination will 
be made regarding the need for further excavations.  Rangers will be on 
site around the clock for the duration of the project in order to protect 
and interpret the site.  [Dennis Burnett, CACO]


Division Chief: Brady on annual leave (11/18-11/22).

Branch of Resource and Visitor Protection: Martin instructing at safety for 
line managers course, Beckley, WV (11/18-11/20); Kreis at regional fee 
coordinator meeting, WASO (11/19-11/22).

Branch of Fire and Aviation: Norum at meeting of prescribed fire and fire 
effects working team, Charleston, WV (11/17-11/22); Gale serving as 
incident commander for 50th anniversary of Pearl Harbor, U.S.S. Arizona 
Memorial, HI (11/25-12/9); Botti at Western Region FMO meeting, Yosemite, 
CA (11/18-11/22); Broyles at training working team meeting, White River, AZ 

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:	All Offices - FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
Telefax:	Branch of R&VP - FTS 268-6756 or 202-208-6756
              Branch of F&A (WASO) - FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977
CompuServe:	Branch of R&VP - WASO-RANGER
              Branch of F&A (WASO) - WASO-FIRE-WO
SEAdog:	Branch of R&VP - 1/650
              Branch of F&A (WASO) - 1/655