MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           Ranger Activities Division Information Network

Day/Date:	 Monday, December 30, 1991


No incident reports received.


1) The George Wright Society has issued a call for abstracts for 
presentation as both posters and papers for its conference next November.  
The theme for the conference will be "Partners in Stewardship."  Abstracts 
should be on a low-density computer disk, if possible, with copy in ASCII 
format; submitters should not exceed 150 words in outlining themes and 
conclusions.  Please include your name, affiliation, address, telephone 
number and fax number for each author and/or presenter.  Entries must be 
faxed or postmarked by February 15th.  Send to George Wright Society, P.O. 
Box 65, Hancock, MI 49930-0065 (Fax: 906-487-9405).  [Steve Cinnamon, 


Calendar appears in the morning report every other Monday.  If you know of 
a conference, meeting or training session with Servicewide interest and 
implications, please provide the specifics to Bill Halainen in Ranger 
Activities.  Entries are listed no earlier than four months before the 
event.  An asterisk (*) indicates a new entry; a plus (+) indicates a 
revised entry - subsequent comments explain the revision.  Brackets at end 
of entry indicate source of information:

* January 5 - 8 - "Leadership in Natural Resources: Challenges and 
Strategies for a Diverse Workforce", conference, Dallas, TX.  Sponsored by 
the Society of American Foresters.  For further information, call the 
society at 301-897-8720.  [Jen Coffey, RAD/WASO]

January 6 - 10 - Natural Resource Communications, California State 
University, Chico, CA.  For further information, call Dr. Jon K. Hooper at 
916-898-5811.  [Kathy Jope, RAD/PNRO]

January 9 - March 25 - Basic Law Enforcement for Land Management Agencies, 
FLETC, Glynco, GA.  Funded by LEEDC/FLETC.  For application procedures, 
contact your regional training office.  [Carole Pfeifer, LEEDC/FLETC]

January 13 - 17 - "Critical Issues: Museum Security and Fire Protection", 
Williamsburg, VA.  The objectives of the course are to incorporate museum 
practices into physical security and structural fire protection programs 
and to reinforce cooperative working relationships that ensure improved 
overall museum collections protection.  Funded by benefitting accounts.  
For further information, contact Connie Hudson Backlund, Mather EDC, FTS 
925-6402 or 304-535-6402.

* January 13 - 17 - Servicewide Uniform Committee Meeting, Nashville, TN.  
[Bill Halainen, RAD/WASO]

January 13 - May 6 - Seasonal Law Enforcement Ranger Academy, Colorado 
Northwestern CC, Rangely, CO.  For further information and application, 
contact Steven Whittmore at 303-675-3306.  [Steve Whittmore, CNCC]

January 22 - 23 - Introduction to Global Positioning Systems and Geographic 
Information Systems for Natural Resource Managers, College of Forestry and 
Natural Resources, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.  $100 
registration fee prior to January 10th; $125 thereafter.  Enrollment 
limited to 100 people.  For further information, contact the Office of 
Conference Services at 303-491-7501.  [Steve Cinnamon, MWRO]

January 27 - 31 - Archeological Resource Protection Training, Glen Canyon, 
Page, AZ.  Funding by LEEDC/FLETC subject to availability of FY 92 funds. 
[Carole Pfeifer, LEEDC/FLETC]

January 28 - March 27 - Land Management Investigator Training, FLETC, 
Glynco, GA.  Funded by LEEDC/FLETC.  For application procedures, contact 
your regional training office.  [Carole Pfeifer, LEEDC/FLETC]

* February 10 - April 23 - Basic Law Enforcement for Land Management 
Agencies Training, FLETC, Glynco, GA.  Funded by LEEDC/FLETC.  For 
application procedures, contact your regional training office.  [Carole 

* February 18 - 20 - "NEPA: Current Implementation Issues", regional 
conference, Atlanta, GA.  For brochure and registration form, contact Kathy 
Jope at FTS 399-5670.  [Kathy Jope, RAD/PNRO]

* February 25 - May 7 - Basic Law Enforcement for Land Management Agencies 
Training, FLETC, Glynco, GA.  Funded by LEEDC/FLETC.  For application 
procedures, contact your regional training office.  [Carole Pfeifer, 

* March 9 - 13 - Joint Midwest Region/Southwest Region Chief Rangers' 
Conference, Las Vegas, NV.  [Bill Tanner, RAD/SWRO]

* March 9 - May 20 - Basic Law Enforcement for Land Management Agencies 
Training, FLETC, Glynco, GA.  Funded by LEEDC/FLETC.  For application 
procedures, contact your regional training office.  [Carole Pfeifer, 

* March 12 - 15 - "Environmental Alternatives: Grassroots to Global", Tenth 
Annual Conference on Public Interest Environmental Law, University of 
Oregon Law School, Eugene, OR.  For further information, contact Kathy Jope 
in PNRO at FTS 399-5670.  [Kathy Jope, RAD/PNRO]

* March 16 - *** - Natural Resources Management Trainee Program.  
Announcements will appear shortly.  Interested persons should contact their 
regional (or WASO or DSC) employee development, natural resource or 
personnel office for further information.  [Bill Walker, EDD/WASO]

* March 17 - 19 - Rocky Mountain Region Chief Rangers' Conference, Denver, 
CO.  [J.T. Reynolds, RAD/RMRO]

* March 23 - 25 - "NEPA: Current Implementation Issues", regional 
conference, Boston, MA.  For brochure and registration form, contact Kathy 
Jope at FTS 399-5670.  [Kathy Jope, RAD/PNRO]

* March 30 - April 1 - "Crossroads of Conservation: 500 Years After 
Columbus", 57th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference, 
Radisson Plaza Hotel, Charlotte, NC.  Sponsored by Wildlife Management 
Institute.  Registration forms and program information can be obtained from 
the Wildlife Management Institute, 1101 14th Street, NW, Suite 725, 
Washington, DC 20005.  [Jen Coffey, RAD/WASO]

* March 30 - April 10 - "Outdoor Recreation Management in the 90's", 
conference, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN.  For further information, 
contact David Lime, the NPS CPSU contact at the University of Minnesota, at 


Division Chief: No leave or travel scheduled.

Branch of Resource and Visitor Protection: Martin on AL (12/23-1/1); Kreis 
and Marriott on AL (12/23-1/5); Schamp on AL (12/23-1/8); Coffey on AL 
(12/30-1/5); Lee on AL (1/2-1/5).

Branch of Fire and Aviation: Hurd on AL (1/2-1/5); Erskine, Cook and 
Spruill on AL (12/23-1/5).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:	Branch of R&VP - FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
              Branch of F&A (WASO) - FTS 268-5572/5573 or 202-208-5572/5573
Telefax:	Branch of R&VP - FTS 268-6756 or 202-208-6756
              Branch of F&A (WASO) - FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977
CompuServe:	Branch of R&VP - WASO-RANGER
              Branch of F&A (WASO) - WASO-FIRE-WO
SEAdog:	Branch of R&VP - 1/650
              Branch of F&A (WASO) - 1/655