MORNING REPORT

To:        All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:      Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:  Tuesday, January 2, 1996 - SPECIAL EDITION

Broadcast: 3:15 p.m. EST

This special edition of the Morning Report is being sent to you at the request
of the Directorate to convey information pertaining to the current shutdown. 
All parks and offices should continue to contact their shutdown coordinators
for specific guidance and instructions.

The following message, entitled "Pay Period 9601 Payroll Processing", was sent
to all field area shutdown coordinators by Administrative Service Center
Director Stan Dunn on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29th:

 "....processing of the pay (based on a standard tour of duty) for pay
period 9601 (December 10-23, 1995; pay due January 4, 1996) was
successfully completed last evening and forwarded to Treasury.  Treasury
has indicated that all direct deposits to financial institutions will be
available by January 4, and all hard copy checks will be in the U.S. Mail
no later than tomorrow.  Please be advised that many of these hard copy
checks are directed to designated agents'  office addresses in your
headquarters and field offices.  Someone will need to be present to
receive and distribute these checks.

 "Due to the usual circumstances we are in, we recognize we will have some
individual pay situations that will require special handling.  As these
are identified, we are prepared to coordinate appropriate pay action with
your offices and get supplemental checks in the hands of affected
individuals as quickly as possible.  For example, we are now shifting our
attention to those individuals on severance pay.  We are identifying the
individuals and working with your offices to determine fund availability
in order to make the severance payments.

 "In anticipation of an increase in the number of individual pay
questions, we have expanded our Payroll Hotline facilities and support
staff.  Employees are encouraged to call the Hotline at (303) 969-7732
with their individual concerns.  Questions or problems that come to your
attention can be directed to myself or Dennis Locke at (303) 969-7200 or
Mike Anderson at (303) 969-7739.

 "Early next week we will formalize a plan to complete payroll processing
for pay period 9601 and initiate processing for pay period 9602 using
actual T&A data.  We will coordinate this plan with your staffs next

 "I want to thank each of you for your support and that of your staff
these past few days.  We are attempting to do the best we can in working
through some very difficult circumstances.  It is great to see the
cooperation of our staffs toward the common goal of ensuring employees
receive the pay they are entitled to in a timely manner."

Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

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