MORNING REPORT

To:        All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:      Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:  Friday, January 5, 1996 - SPECIAL EDITION, PART 2

Broadcast: 4:30 p.m. EST

This special edition of the Morning Report is being sent to you at the request
of the Directorate to convey information pertaining to the current shutdown. 
All parks and offices should continue to contact their shutdown coordinators
for specific guidance and instructions.

The following memo on the shutdown, entitled "Back To Work - A Transition", 
was sent to all employees by Director Kennedy, Deputy Director Reynolds and the
National Leadership Council this afternoon (Friday, January 5th):

 First of all:  Thank you for your patience and good will.  We are all in
this together.  The extent and duration of the National Park Service
shutdown has reached proportions never imagined just a few weeks ago. 
Its effects are not fully known.  However, we want to let you know what
we are doing in Washington and at the Field Area level to deal with the
tasks before us as we pass through this uncharted territory.

 We have decided to set up a full Incident Management Team.  This is a
process which is familiar to most of you, and will address five things:

 1. How we continue to handle communication and management for whatever
    period remains of the shutdown;

 2. What our primary objectives ought to be upon returning to work;

 3. How we will set priorities for our work and the backlog facing us;

 4. How we will address and take care of our employee and family needs;

 5. How we will reach out to our many partners and neighbors to rebuild
    communication and trust.

 The full team structure is now being developed and put into place under
John Reynolds.  It will concentrate on:

 o Internal communications within NPS

 o Personnel and payroll needs

     coding pay
     leave and retirement
     employee counseling

 o Budget and financial issues


 o Setting priorities for workload in a phased manner upon return

     mail and payment backlogs
     rescheduling travel, training, and meeting
     adjusting deadlines, reporting requirements, and comment
     deciding what cannot be done

 o External communications with media, partners, businesses and

     cooperating associations
     park neighbors
     states, localities, and grantees    

 o Providing for visitor services

     reopening issues: who, what, when, how much
          fee collection
 o Protecting and maintaining park resources during the transition

 o Providing guidelines for other NPS functional areas, such as grant
   programs, construction, lands, etc.

 o Debriefing and review of shutdown effort to date

 There is one matter about which we must be clear:  the moment the
shutdown is over, the Service will begin work immediately on an emergency
basis to get all of us paid and to pay all overdue obligations, including
travel reimbursements.

 At this writing, there is action in the Congress which may result in us
going back to work, but we do not have the final Congressional language
under which we will be operating.  Clearly, however, it is likely to be
considerably different than "business as usual".

 We are gearing up to provide you an enhanced level of support as we move
on in the days ahead and get past the Shutdown Coordinator stage under
which we have been functioning.  There are some things which must be
treated consistently on a national basis, and others which parks and
other offices must design for themselves. 

 Our obligations are to our own people and, of course, to our neighbors in
adjacent communities.  We hope that each superintendent will think about
natural ways of showing that we care both about our own people and those
neighbors.  We welcome your comments and suggestions.  We are proud to
join with you on the rebuilding team.

Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

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