MORNING REPORT

To:        All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:      Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:  Friday, March 8, 1996

Broadcast: By 1000 ET


No incidents.


No events.


No reports.


o Incidents - Several people have asked if the recent reduction in the
number of incidents appearing in the Morning Report is part of the
reformatting of the MR.  As noted in the summary of changes which
appeared here on February 23rd, incident reporting remains at the heart
of the Morning Report and will continue to be its primary component in
the future.  The drop in incident reports is largely seasonal in
nature.  Increased work loads in the field are also a factor.  All
received reports meeting incident reporting criteria will continue to
appear in the Morning Report.  [Bill Halainen, DEWA]


No memoranda.


o Radios Available - The National Interagency Fire Center currently has
about 400 Motorola MX330 radios available as excess.  These radios were
purchased about ten years ago by NPS, BLM and the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission for use in the National Interagency Radio Support Cache
(NIRSC).  The radios transmit with two watts of power and can be
programmed through the federal frequency band of 162-174.  These radios
are being replaced through a cyclic replacement program.  They are
available at no cost to parks and BLM districts.  No battery chargers
are available; batteries can be readily acquired through commercial
sources.  Each radio will come with a case, antenna and speaker
microphone.  They are synthesized radios with up to 48 channel
capacity.  We will program them with your authorized frequencies at no
cost.  Arrangements can be made for annual maintenance on a non-
emergency basis for little or no cost.  Several parts for these radios
are no longer in production, but the NIRSC has a good stock of parts
available which should last for several years.  There is one catch. 
They have no tone capacity, so may not activate many of our repeaters. 
Their best use is in a scene-of-action situation and smaller areas with
no repeaters.  If interested, please provide the frequency you need and
shipping address with a one sentence statement of need.  If more
requests are received than radios available priorities will be based on
need.  Requests need to be received by March 15, 1996.  Questions and
requests can be addressed to Doug Erskine at (208) 387-5201 or on
cc:Mail.  [Doug Erskine, F&AM, NIFC]

o Nesting Boxes - George Washington Memorial Parkway is seeking in
formation from any parks that have experience with prothonotary warbler
nest boxes.  The park has been approached by local ornithologists
wishing to initiate a research project to increase breeding success at
Dyke Marsh (a freshwater tidal marsh in Virginia) for this species. 
The park's natural resource management staff is gathering data and
information on historic breeding populations in the area as well as
information on success of boxes.  The project leaders propose to try
variations of the marginally successful wooden nest boxes as opposed to
the more successful but maintenance intensive "milk cartons."  The park
would appreciate information from any area that has tried the nest
boxes or has completed resource management project statements,
environmental compliance documents specific to this species, or other
NPS-77 requirements for habitat management.  Please send this
information via cc:mail to Dan Sealy. [Dan Sealy, GWMP]


Today's park-specific observation concerns Mount Rainier, and, also, the
building of roads in national parks.  Sorry, the name of the submitter was
not on the document:

"The road recently completed to Paradise Valley should be widened, by all
means, and made safer by retaining walls at every danger point.  But it is
doubtful whether automobiles will ever be permitted above the bridge at the
Nisqually glacier.  Some automobile owners regard the park as an automobile
club preserve, and insist that nothing more be done toward the opening of its
scenery or the conservation of its forest until it is made safe for them to
run their touring cars into Paradise.  This is unfortunate, because it
betrays ignorance of the purpose of Congress in creating the national park,
namely the education and enjoyment of all the people, not the pleasure of a

                           "The Mountain That Was 'God'," John 
                           H. Williams, 1911.

Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators.  Please address requests
for the Morning Report to your servicing hub coordinator.

Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

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