MORNING REPORT

To:        All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:      Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:  Wednesday, July 31, 1996

Broadcast: By 1000 ET


96-418 - Sequoia-Kings Canyon (California) - Follow-up on Search for Ranger

The search continues for seasonal backcountry ranger Randy Morgenson, 54, who
has not been seen or heard from since Sunday, July 21st.  Ninety-two people
from five organizations and agencies are currently involved in the search, 63
of them in the field.  Included are eight dog teams.  Four helicopters were
deployed yesterday; an Army Blackhawk with forward-looking infrared (FLIR)
detection equipment was utilized Sunday night, but without success.  No
definitive clues have yet been found.  The search effort will focus on the
Arrow Peak and Lake Basin areas today.  If nothing turns up, a reassessment
of options will be made tonight.  Searchers are also looking into the
possibility that Morgenson may be outside the search area.  [Debbie Bird, CR,

96-425 - Yosemite (California) - Two MVAs with Injuries

Employees in the Wawona district responded to a report of a cement truck that
went off the road near Glacier Point on June 24th.  The driver was trapped in
the truck, which had rolled on its side and struck a large tree.  He was
extricated and taken to the park clinic with minor injuries.  The truck was
separated from its cement barrel and removed that day, but a crane was
required to remove the 25-ton barrel.  On June 30th, Wawona rangers responded
to an accident on the Mariposa Grove road.  A vehicle with four occupants
went off the road, rolled over several times, then came to rest 65 feet down
an embankment.  The driver suffered a severe head injury and was flown by air
ambulance to a trauma center in Fresno, where he is now in stable condition. 
[Todd Brindle, Wawona District, YOSE]

96-426 - Yosemite (California) - Apparent Suicide

On June 28th, park dispatch received a phone request to locate and check on
36-year-old L.W. of Fresno, who had not shown up for work and had a
history of depression and suicide attempts.  A Wawona ranger found her car on
the Glacier Point Road within an hour.  She had apparently committed suicide
through a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.  Members of the park's
investigations unit investigated the incident.  [Jeff Sullivan, CI, YOSE]




                                                                     %   Est
State      Unit              Fire/Incident    IMT    7/30     7/31  Con  Con

OR   Deschutes NF            Jefferson         T1   3,648    3,648   92  7/31
     Ochoco NF               Little Cabin      --   1,500    1,000   75  7/31
     Vale District         * Bogus Creek       --       -   20,000    0  NEC
     Burns District        * Buzzard           --       -      500    0  NEC
                           * Rocky Ford        --       -      100    0  NEC

WA   Vale District         * Deep  Canyon      --       -      150   NR  NEC

ID   Boise District        * Coyote Butte      --       -   10,000   20  8/1
                             Snowbank          T2     100      146   20  8/1
                           * Grindstone        --       -      600    0  8/1
     SoCent Idaho District * Pioneer           --       -      150  100  CND
     Bitterroot NF           Swet Creek        --   1,100    1,100    0  NEC

UT   Fishlake NF             Hens Peak         --     190      190  100  CND 

CA   Seq.-Kings Canyon NP    Castle Cx         --   1,175    1,390    0  NEC 
     Inyo NF                 Buttermilk        --     150      150  100  CND
     San Diego RU          * Slaughter House   --       -      600    0  NEC

MT   State                 * Wolf              --       -      350   80  7/30

AK   Statewide               32 fires          -- 472,348  472,413   --  NSS

GA   NPS - Atlanta Area      Olympics 96       T2       -        -    -   -

Heading Notes

     Unit --    Agency = BIA area; NF = national forest; RU = CA state resource
                or ranger unit; RD = state ranger district; District = BLM
                district; NWR = USFWS wildlife refuge
     Fire --    * = newly reported fire (on this report); Cx = complex; LSS =
                limited suppression strategy; CSS = containment suppression
     IMT --     T1 = Type 1; T2 = Type II; ST = State Team
     % Con --   Percent of fire contained
     Est Con -- Estimated containment date; NEC = no estimated date of
                containment; CND = fully contained; NR = no report; LPS = limited
                protection status


Olympics 96 Incident, Atlanta Area Parks - Visitation at all three parks has
increased dramatically, possibly due to the tension surrounding Centennial
Olympic Park.  Visitation increased by between 75 and 100 percent at Kennesaw
Mountain, nearly 300 percent at Chattahoochee, and 350 percent at Martin
Luther King.  Attorney Johnny Cochran and his family toured Martin Luther
King yesterday.  


                    NPS    BIA      BLM     FWS    States   USFS     Total

Sunday, 7/28         4      5        17       0       48     53       127
Monday, 7/29         6      8        19       0      129     49       211
Tuesday, 7/30        0      8        69       0       77    190       344


                  Crews     Engines    Helicopters    Airtankers   Overhead

Sunday, 7/28       205        253          66             2           738
Monday, 7/29       182        197          64             5           955
Tuesday, 7/30      151        279          62             8           563


There was a significant increase in both initial attack and large fires in
the Northwest yesterday.  Lightning also kindled several range fires in the
Northwest and eastern Great Basin.  


NICC has posted a FIRE WEATHER WATCH for gusty west winds for the eastern
two-thirds of Washington.

Fire activity is expected to be moderate through most of the West, but may
increase in eastern Washington due to windy conditions.

[NICC Incident Management Situation Report, 7/31; Cheri Anderson, IO,
Olympics 96 Incident, 7/30]


No submissions.


Uniform Program FY 96 Closeout - The fiscal year is about to come to an end,
which means that it is again time to closeout current uniform allowances and
pending business with the contractor and prepare for the coming fiscal year. 
Instructions on closeout procedures are now being mailed to each park and
office uniform program administrator from R&R Uniforms.  Here are the key

o Uniform allowances authorized for FY 1996 cannot be applied beyond the
end of the fiscal year.  Uniform orders placed against FY 1996
allowances must be postmarked to R&R no later than September 10th or
telefaxed to R&R no later than September 13th.   Existing backorders
will be charged against current allowance balances and will be shipped
as soon as R&R receives the merchandise.  All outstanding dealings with
R&R must be resolved before the end of September.  Credits should be
applied, refunds made, and exchanges completed as soon as possible.  

o Park uniform program administrators will soon be receiving the annual
Consolidated Uniform Allowance Report, which is to be employed to
reauthorize uniform allowances for permanent employees.  This is the
only documentation which is required for these employees; in order to
assure that their accounts are activated for FY 1997, it is imperative
that the printouts be reviewed, certified and returned to R&R Uniforms
before the September 1st deadline.  Any adjustments or corrections to
the information contained in the report may be made in writing on the
page itself.  The superintendent or her/his designated representative
must then sign each page of the report to certify its validity - this
means all pages, even those without any changes.  Unsigned reports will
be returned.

o Since temporary and seasonal employees do not appear on the CUAR
printout, UAAs for replacement allowances must be prepared and
submitted for any seasonals who are still on the roles on October 1st. 
Please keep in mind that seasonal employees working any part of a
period qualify for the full amount of the replacement allowance for
that period.  In so far as is possible, new UAAs should be sent to R&R
at the same time as the CUAR.

o Price changes will take effect on October 1st under a contractual
provision whereby R&R is permitted an annual adjustment based on the
Producer Price Index (PPI) for the previous year.  Existing order forms
will therefore be invalid after September 30th, and orders received
after the closeout date will be returned for resubmission on new order
forms.  R&R will send new forms to all park uniform coordinators by
late September.  

Ordering for the new fiscal year will begin as soon as an appropriations bill
or continuing resolution is passed by the Congress and signed by the
President.  There is no way of forecasting how long this process may take. 
It is therefore important that employees complete orders for uniform
components before this fiscal year closes out.  [Bill Halainen, Chair, NPS
Uniform Committee, DEWA]


No submissions.


No submissions.


Seasonal ranger David Rothenburger at Yellowstone has sent along this clip
from Edward Abbey which hangs in the Tower ranger station:

"Do not burn yourselves out.  Be as I am - a reluctant enthusiast, a part-
time crusader, a half-hearted fanatic.  Save the other half of yourselves and
your lives for pleasure and adventure.  It is not enough to fight for the
West; it is even more important to enjoy it.  While you can.  While it is
still there.  So get out there with your friends, ramble out yonder and
explore the forest, encounter the griz, climb the mountains, bag the peaks,
run the rivers, breathe deep of that yet sweet and lucid air, sit quietly for
a while and contemplate the precious stillness, that loverly, mysterious,
awesome space."

                                     Edward Abbey, quoted in "Wild
                                     Oregon", January, 1979  

Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators.  Please address requests
for the Morning Report to your servicing hub coordinator.

Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

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