MORNING REPORT

To:        All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:      Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:  Friday, August 9, 1996

Broadcast: By 1000 ET


96-370 - Glacier Bay (Alaska) - Follow-up on Assault

Additional details have been released regarding the arrest of P.D.,
34, for threatening a charter boat operator on the shore of the bay in mid-
July.  Arresting rangers and Alaska state troopers discovered that P.D. had
excavated a large, square crater measuring 20 by 20 feet and six feet deep. 
He had cut and peeled small trees by hand and was using them to construct
walls of a cabin within the hole.  He told the members of the arresting party
that he intended to construct a roof which would be level with the ground and
cover it with moss and other ground vegetation.  Items found at the scene
included a .308 M1 rifle with a sniper's barrel and scope, a .22 caliber
Thompson "Contender" with a scope, about 35,000 rounds of ammunition, 90
pounds of fishing gear, an inflatable raft, and other camping equipment - an
overall total of almost 2,000 pounds of gear.  [Kris Fister, PIO, IMT, GLBA]

96-424 - Glen Canyon (Arizona/Utah) - Follow-up on Drowning

The search for 16-year-old J.H. concluded on July 31st with the
recovery of his body from a depth of 428 feet.  J.H. drowned on July 28th
when a friend jumping off a cliff into the lake struck J.H., who was
swimming below.  Dive recovery teams and the park's remote operated vehicle
(ROV) were used extensively to cover the search area down to a depth of 500
feet.  The K.C. Johnson Foundation, a non-profit organization established to
help recover drowning victims, provided a second ROV to assist in the search
on the 31st, and it located the body.  An armature attached to the ROV was
used to recover and raise the body to a depth of 80 feet.  Dive team members
from the park met the ROV at that point and brought the body to the surface. 
[David Sandbakken, LES, GLCA]

96-446 - Grand Canyon (Arizona) - Burglary/Larceny Investigation

South Rim rangers responded to a series of property crimes on July 28th and
29th.  In the first incident, the Fred Harvey Company's personnel office was
burglarized, and several hundred dollars worth of property was stolen.  Then,
at 2:15 a.m. on the 29th, the park received a report of windows being broken
at a concession-operated laundromat.  The suspects fled on foot as rangers
arrived.  A few minutes later, a vehicle was stolen from a nearby park
residential area.  It was later recovered about a half mile away with its
stereo missing.  Later that morning, rangers discovered two vehicles with
broken windows, one of which was an unmarked vehicle assigned to a park
criminal investigator.  Rangers are also investigating two car clouts that
occurred at the El Tovar Hotel parking lot.  Investigators are focusing on
the possibility that all of these crimes may have been committed by the same
person(s), possibly local juveniles.  The cases are being jointly
investigated by the NPS and the Coconino County sheriff's office.  [Dave
Brennan, SDR, South Rim, GRCA]

96-447 - Clara Barton Parkway (Maryland) - Road Closure

On July 23rd, a 22-inch water line located adjacent to the parkway near Chain
Bridge ruptured, creating a water spout over 150 feet high.  the pressure was
so intense that it clear cut a section of trees on the palisade, opening a
new vista to the adjacent Crescent trail.  The parkway was closed for four
hours while FHWA engineers inspected the roadway and park personnel cleared
debris.  Additional closures for inspections will be required.  [Bill Lynch,

                   [Additional reports pending...]




                                                                     %   Est
State      Unit              Fire/Incident    IMT     8/7      8/8  Con  Con

UT   Salt Lake District      N. Stansbury Cx   T2  13,000   17,000   75  8/8 
                             Pilot             --   1,200    1,200   95  8/8
     Richfield District      Leamington Cx     T1 112,500  134,900   30  8/12
     Cedar City District     Honey Boy         T2   7,650    7,800   50  8/11
     Fishlake NF             Adelaide Cx       T2  14,965   14,365   10  NEC
     State                   Camp Floyd        --   5,010    5,010   NR  NR  
                             Tank              T2   1,200    2,800   70  8/10

NV   Elko District           Division          T2  29,820   30,450  100  CND
     State                   Belli Ranch       T2   6,000    6,700   80  8/8

WY   Big Horn NF             West Pass         T2     600      600   70  8/7
     Medicine Bow NF         Murphy/Bear Cx    T1   4,000    4,910   15  8/12

CO   Craig District          O'Pinion Cx       T2  15,000   15,900   70  8/8
                             Gillsonite        --     303      300  100  CND
     Dinosaur NM             Persistant        T2     800      945   40  8/8 

MT   State                   Rosebud Creek     --  24,000   24,000   50  8/8

AZ   Grand Canyon NP         Lancelot II       T2     200      200   40  8/9

OR   Prineville District   * Magic Lantern     --       -      420   95  8/7

AK   Statewide               24 fires          -- 458,305  458,305   --  NSS

Heading Notes

     Unit --    Agency = BIA area; NF = national forest; RU = CA state resource
                or ranger unit; RD = state ranger district; District = BLM
                district; NWR = USFWS wildlife refuge
     Fire --    * = newly reported fire (on this report); Cx = complex; LSS =
                limited suppression strategy; CSS = containment suppression
     IMT --     T1 = Type 1; T2 = Type II; ST = State Team
     % Con --   Percent of fire contained
     Est Con -- Estimated containment date; NEC = no estimated date of
                containment; CND = fully contained; NR = no report; LPS = limited
                protection status


                    NPS    BIA      BLM     FWS    States   USFS     Total

Sunday, 8/4          0     13        17       1       33     41       105
Monday, 8/5          4      1        20       0       78     45       148
Tuesday, 8/6         1      3         5       0      100     32       141
Wednesday, 8/7       0      4         4       0       41     27        76


                  Crews     Engines    Helicopters    Airtankers   Overhead

Sunday, 8/4        203        380          82             8           542
Monday, 8/5        157        349          72            11           873
Tuesday, 8/6       204        365          83            18           845
Wednesday, 8/7     215        410          83             5         1,416


Fire activity was moderate on Wednesday, with little initial attack. 
Resource mobilization through NICC has decreased.


There was no activity forecast in Thursday's NICC situation report.
[NICC Incident Management Situation Report, 8/8]


Reports pending.


Ranger Careers - WASO Ranger Activities is currently embarked on a review of
the park ranger occupation to determine the medical/physical attributes a
ranger must possess in order to perform "rigorous" ranger duties
successfully.  OPM, the Public Health Service, the Department and the NPS are
all involved.  The study team has visited FLETC to observe rangers in
training and is scheduled to visit three "high incident" parks - Yosemite,
Grand Canyon and Lake Mead - before the end of this summer's visitation
season in order to see rangers at work.  Ranger Ed Clark from Valley Forge is
coordinating this effort for Ranger Activities.  [Bill Sanders, RAD/WASO]


"Fee-Free Day," signed on August 7th by Chris Andress, acting associate
director for park operations and education, and sent by cc:Mail to all field
area directors and park superintendents.  Text follows:

"We just want to remind all park areas that normally charge a park admission
fee that August 25, 1996, has been designated as the national fee-free day. 
The Land and Water Conservation Fund Act (LWCFA) mandates that the National
Park Service (NPS) designate at least one fee-free day annually when no
admission fee will be charged.  This is an opportunity to extend an
invitation to all park visitors to enjoy their national park areas and a
chance for each of us to share Founder's Day with our visiting public.
"If you have any questions concerning the above information, please feel free
to contact Tim Stone, National Fee Program Manager at 202-208-4205."


No submissions.

Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators.  Please address requests
for the Morning Report to your servicing hub coordinator.

Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

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