MORNING REPORT

To:        All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:      Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:  Tuesday, February 18, 1997

Broadcast: By 1000 ET


96-707 - Yosemite NP (California) - Follow-up on Winter Storm Impacts

A portion of the park accessible by Highway 120 through the Big Oak Flat
entrance reopened on Saturday.  Visitors can now travel as far as Crane Flat,
thereby permitting access to hiking, cross-country skiing, and snow play
areas.  The newly reopened section includes the Hodgdon Meadows campground
and the Tuolumne and Merced Groves of big trees.  This is the third segment
of Yosemite to reopen to visitors since the entire park was closed by heavy
flooding in early January.  Reservations are now being accepted for the Upper
Pines campground in Yosemite Valley for the period beginning on May 15th. 
The Upper River and Lower River campgrounds in Yosemite Valley will not open
this summer.  The NPS Type II team from Northeast Region (Skip Brooks, IC) is
planning to return complete management of the incident to park recovery
manager Kevin Cann today. [Scott Gediman, IO, YOSE, and Al Nash, YOSE PIO
Staff, 2/15]

97-57 - Delaware Water Gap NRA (New Jersey-Pennsylvania) - Suicide

On February 13th, the body of 27-year-old B.H. was discovered in the
caretaker house on the premises of the Walpack Environmental Education
Center, a park cooperator, in the New Jersey District.  He apparently died
from a self-inflicted shotgun wound to the head.  B.H. was employed as a
cook at the Walpack Inn, a private inholding, and was temporarily house
sitting at the center.  Ranger Brad Clawson, law enforcement specialist Bob
Wilson and New Jersey state troopers investigated the incident.  [CRO, DEWA,


No submissions.


FAA Awards - On January 30th, the acting administrator of the Federal
Aviation Administration presented awards to three NPS and two Departmental
employees for their roles in the development of air space rules over Grand
Canyon on Rocky Mountain NPs - Mike Ebersole (GRCA), Rick Ernenwein (DSC) and
Wes Henry (RAD/WASO) from the NPS, and Jake Hoogland and Bruce Peacock (DOI). 
The awards were given in recognition of preparation and publishing of the
complex rulemaking actions within a very short period of time and were
accompanied by a letter of appreciation from Frederico Pena, the Secretary of
Transportation.  Major FAA rulemakings normally take nearly two years to
complete.  This time, however, the FAA assembled a large and diverse team
that was able to develop these complex airspace rules within a matter of
months in order to comply with a directive from President Clinton requiring
prompt action on the rules.  The FAA is currently assembling another team to
begin development of a national rule that will address commercial sightseeing
tours over the national park system.  [RAD/WASO]


No submissions.


No submissions.


Two calendars alternate in the Morning Report on Mondays - this one, which
contains training courses and workshops, and a second, which contains
meetings, conferences and events.  If you know of a conference, meeting,
workshop or training session with Servicewide interest and implications,
please send the information along.  Entries are listed no earlier than FOUR
months before the event, EXCEPT in instances in which registration dates
close much earlier.  Asterisks indicate new entries; brackets at end of entry
indicate source of information.  Brevity is appreciated.

2/20-23 -- Critical Incident Stress Debriefing: Basic and Advanced Courses,
Albuquerque, NM.  Courses will be taught by Jeffrey Mitchell and
will cover critical incident stress debriefing and other aspects
of stress management programs.  Contact: Institute for Advanced
Studies in Crisis and Disaster Management, 410-995-5124, or Deb
Boehme, New Mexico CISM, 505-827-1421.  [Mark Maciha, CACA]

2/24  -- Managing Audiovisual Records, National Archives, College Park,
MD.  Management of the special problems and requirements of
audiovisual records in a federal agency.  Contact: George Chalou,
301-713-7100 x 259.  [Diane Vogt O'Connor, DCA/WASO]

3/3-5* -- Introduction to Pluggers, Great Smoky Mountains NP.  Workshop on
military global positions systems, or "pluggers."  Overview of
NPS staff responsibilities and limitations on use of these units. 
Contact: GIS Website, NPS GIS Bulletin Board, or Leslie Armstrong
at 303-969-2964.  [Leslie Armstrong, AQD/WASO]

3/4-6 -- Introduction to ArcView 3.0, Montana State University, Bozeman,
MT.  Designed to provide participants with the basic capabilities
and limitations of ArcView GIS 3.0 using NPS data sets.  Topics
include display, manipulation and printing of spatial and tabular
data; thematic mapping; image integration; heads-up digitizing to
produce spatial data; elementary spatial analysis.  Contact: GIS
Website, NPS GIS Bulletin Board, or Leslie Armstrong at 303-969-
2964.  [Leslie Armstrong, AQD/WASO]

3/10-12  -- Records Disposition, National Archives, College Park, MD.  Cost:
$420.  Contact: George Chalou, 301-713-7100 x 259.  [Diane Vogt
O'Connor, DCA/WASO]

3/21-22* -- Effective Presentation Skills, Marriott Hotel, Albuquerque, NM. 
Offered in conjunction with the George Wright Society conference,
which ends at noon on the 21st.  This 12-hour course will include
the principles of adult learning and the presentation skills
needed for effective classroom instruction.  The course is
designed for NPS resource managers who currently deliver
presentations and wish to improve their presentation skills. 
Tuition: $50.  Contact: Dennis Vasquez, Albright Training Center,
via cc:Mail at NP-HOAL or at 520-638-7988.  [Dennis Vasquez,

3/24-4/4 -- Special Operations Training, Tucson, AZ.  The course is designed
for personnel who are directly involved in special law
enforcement operations in NPS areas.  One-page nomination forms
must be received in FLETC by close of business on February 12th. 
Tuition and per diem during training will be paid by a special
account; travel costs are paid by benefitting park accounts. 
Contact: Aniceto Olais, ORPI, at NP-SOAR or 520-387-7661
extension 7201.  [Aniceto Olais, ORPI]

4/14-16* -- Introduction to Pluggers, Anchorage, AK.  Workshop on military
global positions systems, or "pluggers."  Overview of NPS staff
responsibilities and limitations on use of these units.  Contact:
GIS Website, NPS GIS Bulletin Board, or Leslie Armstrong at 303-
969-2964.  [Leslie Armstrong, AQD/WASO]

4/16-18* -- Introduction to Pluggers, Anchorage, AK.  See above.

4/7-11 -- Basic Technical Rescue, Canyonlands NP, Moab, UT.  No tuition;
other costs funded by benefitting accounts.  Program code 5399. 
One-page nominations are to be sent to Ken Phillips at Grand
Canyon NP by February 15th.  [Charles Anibal, WASO]

4/15-17 -- GIS for Managers, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.  Includes
a half-day hands on session with ArcView, GIS case studies and
applications for park resource management, decisions support
tools, and budgeting and planning park-based GIS implementation. 
Contact: GIS Website, NPS GIS Bulletin Board, or Leslie Armstrong
at 303-969-2964.  [Leslie Armstrong, AQD/WASO]

4/21-25 -- Master of "Leave No Trace" Hiking Training Course, Zion NP, UT. 
Tuition is $650.  Applications are due at least one month before
the course starting date and can be obtained from the National
Outdoor Leadership School, 1-800-332-4100 (307-332-8811, fax). 
Contact: NOLS or Roger Semler at 406-888-7837.  [Roger Semler,

4/21-25 -- Same as above, Apache-Kid Wilderness, NM.  [Roger Semler, GLAC]

4/28-5/2 -- Federal Records Management, National Archives, College Park, MD. 
Fundamental policies, procedures and issues pertaining to the
life cycle of records.  Cost: $600.  Contact: George Chalou, 301-
713-7100 x 259.  [Diane Vogt O'Connor, DCA/WASO]

5/12-16 -- Master of "Leave No Trace" Hiking Training Course, Sweetwater
Rocks, Lander, WY.  Tuition is $650.  Applications are due at
least one month before the course starting date and can be
obtained from the National Outdoor Leadership School, 1-800-332-
4100 (307-332-8811, fax).  Contact: NOLS or Roger Semler at 406-
888-7837.  [Roger Semler, GLAC]

5/12-16 -- Master of "Leave No Trace" Stock Training Course, Huson, MT.
Tuition is $650.  Applications are due at least one month before
the course starting date and can be obtained from the National
Outdoor Leadership School, 1-800-332-4100 (307-332-8811, fax). 
Contact: NOLS or Roger Semler at 406-888-7837.  [Roger Semler,

5/13-14 -- Introduction to ArcView 3.0, South Florida.  Location TBA. 
Designed to provide participants with the basic capabilities and
limitations of ArcView GIS 3.0 using NPS data sets.  Topics
include display, manipulation and printing of spatial and tabular
data; thematic mapping; image integration; heads-up digitizing to
produce spatial data; elementary spatial analysis.  Contact: GIS
Website, NPS GIS Bulletin Board, or Leslie Armstrong at 303-969-
2964.  [Leslie Armstrong, AQD/WASO]

                                *  *  *  *  *

Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators.  Please address requests
for the Morning Report to your servicing hub coordinator.

Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

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