MORNING REPORT

To:        All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:      Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:  Tuesday, July 29, 1997

Broadcast: By 1000 ET

                            *** NOTICE ***

Flags lowered to half staff in honor of former Supreme Court justice William
Brennan should be returned to full staff tomorrow morning (Wednesday, July


97-405 - Yellowstone NP (WY) - Search for Concession Employee

A search was begun on the afternoon of July 23rd for concession employee
M.L., 19, who was overdue from a July 22nd day hike to the
Specimen Ridge area.  Approximately 50 park staff, two helicopters and three
dog teams were deployed in the search, which encompassed an area of almost
100,000 acres.  M.L. was spotted from a helicopter near the confluence of
Calfee Creek and the Lamar River shortly before 7 p.m. on the 24th and
airlifted out of the backcountry.  He was tired, hungry and sunburned, but
otherwise in good condition.  [Mike Murray, ACR, YELL, 7/25]

97-406 - Lake Meredith NRA (TX) - Homicide

The body of an apparent homicide victim was found near the marina by three
visitors just before dark on July 24th.  The victim, a man in his early 30s,
was unclothed and had been there for about three weeks under some brush. 
County officers, FBI agents and crime unit investigators from Amarillo are
investigating along with rangers.  Indications are that the killing was drug
related.  [John Benjamin, Superintendent, LAMR, 7/25]

97-407 - Denali NP (AK) - Drowning

Russian mountaineers F.L. and D.O. were returning from a
climb on the morning of July 23rd when they attempted to cross the McKinley
River.  While crossing the third braid of the river, the two men, both
carrying heavy packs, were swept down the river and separated.  D.O. was
able to swim to the next gravel bar, but F.L. was swept downstream. 
D.O. dropped his pack, ran downstream for a couple of minutes, found
F.L., and dragged him onto a gravel bar.  After 30 minutes of unsuccessful
CPR, D.O. covered his partner, crossed the remaining braids in the river,
then ran and walked three miles to a trailhead, where he reported the
incident to a shuttle bus driver.  Wonder Lake rangers Brian Johnson and Greg
Russell overheard the radio traffic, commandeered a nearby resource
management helicopter, and flew to the scene.  They performed CPR for almost
an hour, employing employed a heart monitor, but were unable to revive him. 
The McKinley River, notoriously dangerous to cross even in good weather, was
swollen at the time by recent heavy rains.  [Ken Kehrer, CR, DENA, 7/24]

97-408 - Denali NP (AK) - Aircraft Accident

On the afternoon of July 23rd, the park was notified of a downed aircraft at
the 9,100-foot level of the Kahiltna Glacier.  The Hudson Air Cessna 185,
piloted by Eric Dinkelwater, had just lifted off when it was forced to the
ground by a downdraft.  The aircraft was a total loss, but all four occupants
walked away uninjured.  The air taxi had specifically asked to land at this
location due to conditions at the 7,200-foot base camp strip.  [Ken Kehrer,
CR, DENA, 7/24]

97-409 - Canyonlands NP (UT) - Attempted Suicide

On July 24th, a female passenger on a commercial river trip attempted to
commit suicide by slashing her wrists between Big Drop 2 and Big Drop 3 on
the Colorado River in Cataract Canyon.  Rangers on a routine whitewater
patrol encountered the rafters as darkness was approaching.  They provided
medical aid and transported the woman by boat 30 miles to a waiting
ambulance.  She was then driven to the nearest medical facility, and
eventually flown to a hospital in Salt Lake City.  Ranger Dave Walton was
incident commander.  [Steve Swanke, CANY, 7/25]

                   [Additional reports pending...]




                                                     Sun      Mon    %   Est
State      Unit              Fire/Incident   IMT     7/27     7/28  Con  Con

AK   Southwest Area          Inowak           T2  480,000  480,000    0  NEC
                             Chiniklik Mt.    T2    3,340    3,340   20  8/3
     Galena District         Paimiut          T2    1,200    1,200   25  8/3
                             Simels           --  317,350  342,000    0  NEC

CA   San Bernadino NF      * Bautista         --        -      140  100  CND

WA   Wallowa-Whitman NF      Bull             --      100      400  100  CND
     Yakima Agency           Logy Cow Camp    --      100      200  100  CND

Heading Notes

     Unit --    Agency = BIA area; NF = national forest; RU = CA state resource
                or ranger unit; RD = state ranger district; District = BLM
                district; NWR = USFWS wildlife refuge
     Fire --    * = newly reported fire (on this report); Cx = complex; LSS =
                limited suppression strategy; CSS = containment suppression
     IMT --     T1 = Type 1; T2 = Type II; ST = State Team
     % Con --   Percent of fire contained
     Est Con -- Estimated containment date; NEC = no estimated date of
                containment; CND = fully contained; NR = no report; LPS = limited
                protection status


                    NPS    BIA      BLM     FWS    States   USFS     Total

Thursday, 7/24       0      6        11       5       41     32        95
Friday, 7/25         0      4        14       0       39     33        90
Saturday, 7/26       0      2        14       1       26     29        72
Sunday, 7/27         0      4        25       1       44     74       148
Monday, 7/28         1      3        37       0       86    105       232


                  Crews     Engines    Helicopters    Airtankers   Overhead

Thursday, 7/24      47         62          21            10           161
Friday, 7/25        43         46          27             7           174
Saturday, 7/26      47         95          26             8           144
Sunday, 7/27        69        130          27            13           183
Monday, 7/28        89        114          42             6           184


                              1997: YTD         Ten Year Average: YTD

Number of fires                  39,980                49,901
Acres burned                  1,961,230             1,691,764


Firefighters continued to make substantial progress on large fires in Alaska
yesterday.  Initial attack increased substantially in northern California and
the Northwest.  Southern California reported one new large fire.  Containment
objectives were met on large fires in the Northwest.  Numerous western areas
continue to report high to extreme fire danger.

[NICC Incident Management Situation Report, 7/29]


Reports pending.


Ranger Activities Council Meeting - The executive summary of the first
meeting of the Servicewide Ranger Activities Council (RAC), which met in
Boston over three days from June 17th to the 19th, is now available for
dissemination.  To obtain a copy of the summary, address a cc:Mail message to
Dennis Burnett at NP-WASO-POPS and enter the phrase RACEXSUM on the subject
line.  No message needs to be included.  The computer will automatically
retrieve the document and send it to you.  [Tony Bonanno, SWSO]

GPRA Information - Questions and answers about GPRA are being posted on the
WASO Strategic Planning bulletin board.  It's evident that key pieces of
information on GPRA have not yet reached many areas.  Parks and offices can
keep current ont he GPRA process by checking this bulletin board.  [Heather
Huyck, WASO]


No submissions.


No submissions.

                                *  *  *  *  *

Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators.  Please address requests
pertaining to receipt of the Morning Report to your servicing hub

Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

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