MORNING REPORT

To:        All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:      Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:  Monday, February 23, 1998

Broadcast: By 1000 ET


98-56 - Point Reyes NS (CA) - Follow-up on Winter Storm Impacts

Although many areas within the park are open, most trails are still closed
and Limantour Road will remain closed until at least Friday due to two major
slides that have undermined it.  The estimated cost to repair damage to the
road and trails has been placed at about $1 million.  All backcountry
campgrounds remained closed over the weekend, but will be reopened as soon as
possible.  Saw crews from Yosemite NP, Sequoia-Kings Canyon NP and Golden
Gate NRA have joined park crews in clearing trails of downed trees.  The
timing of the removal is important, as the northern spotted owl, an
endangered species, begins its nesting season in March and chainsaws could
disrupt the owls' nesting habits.  The park has the highest density of
northern spotted owls in the bird's range.  Elephant seals were severely
impacted by the recent storms.  Prior to the storms, the population numbered
nearly 700 seals, about 300 of them newborn pups.  The total colony is now
less than 150 animals, and there are fewer than 50 pups.  Strong surges in
the surf either batter the seals against the park's rocky cliffs or sweep
weaker animals out to sea.  Some seals are returning to park beaches for
shelter during breaks in the storms.  The beaches are being closed to dogs
until March 15th to provide the seals with safe haven during the pupping and
breeding season.  [John Dell'Osso, PORE, 2/21]

98-73 - Canyon de Chelly NM (AZ) - Car Clout Investigation

An investigation is underway into an increase in car clouts from visitor
vehicles parked in the White House overlook area.  The thieves are apparently
employing a "slim jim" (a tool used to open locked vehicles from outside), as
there's no evidence of forced entry in most of the thefts.  The remoteness of
the overlook and its proximity to local residences have hampered surveillance
efforts.  Visitors are being notified of the situation and advised to take
precautions.  [Tom Workman, CR, CACH, 2/21]


No entries.


No entries.


No entries.


No entries.


Two calendars alternate in the Morning Report on Mondays - this one, which
contains training courses and workshops, and a second, which contains
meetings, conferences and events.  If you know of a conference, meeting,
workshop or training session with Servicewide interest and implications,
please send the information along.  Entries are listed no earlier than FOUR
months before the event, EXCEPT in instances in which registration dates
close much earlier.  Asterisks indicate new entries; brackets at end of entry
indicate source of information.  Brevity is appreciated.

Various*    Course:    Bird-Banding 
            Location:  AZ, CA, CO, IN, PA, ME 
            Details:   The Institute for Bird Populations is offering seven-day
                       bird-banding classes in the above states this
                       summer.  Courses are designed for beginners, but
                       experienced banders will benefit as well.  Tuition
                       and materials are $520/person; room and board average
                       about $110. 
            Contact:   Institute for Bird Populations,
            Phone/fax: 415-663-2051; 415-6634-9482 
            Submitter: David Larson, CHIR 

3/2-3*      Course:    Advanced Critical Incident Stress Management Training 
            Location:  Phoenix, AZ 
            Details:   Additional techniques for employees who have been
                       serving in parks and local areas on critical incident
                       management teams.  Will include case studies and in
                       depth discussions with experienced practitioners. 
                       Nominations close on February 23rd. 
            Contact:   Park or regional employee development officer. 
            Phone/fax: --- ; --- 
            E-mail:    --- 
            Submitter: Wiley Golden, NPS/FLETC  

3/3-5*      Course:    Basic Peer Support Training 
            Location:  Phoenix, AZ 
            Details:   Peer counseling techniques.  Open to employees in ALL
                       fields.  Nominations close on February 23rd. 
            Contact:   Park or regional employee development officer. 
            Phone/fax: --- ; --- 
            E-mail:    --- 
            Submitter: Wiley Golden, NPS/FLETC  

3/9-11      Course:    Principles of Access 
            Location:  Martinsville, IN 
            Details:   Designed to introduce park and recreation
                       professionals to the fundamentals of accessibility
                       and to lay the foundation for understanding the
                       characteristics and needs of people with
            ontact:    National Center on Accessibility 
            Phone/fax: 765-349-9240; --- 
            Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA 

3/9-13      Course:    Workshop on Managing Visitor Use in Wilderness 
            Location:  Folsom, CA 
            Details:   Participants will analyze problems associated with
                       heavy recreational use in wilderness study areas and
                       examine a range of tools to address them. 
            Contact:   Greg Kroll, Arthur Carhart National Wilderness
                       Training Center 
            Phone/fax: 406-626-5208 x 14; 406-626-5395 
            E-mail:    Greg Kroll at NP-YELL 
            Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA 

3/10-13*    Course:    The Information Ecosystem: Managing the Life Cycle of
                       Information for Preservation and Access 
            Location:  College Park, MD 
            Details:   The course teaches managers how to create, manage,
                       adapt and reuse information in a project setting. 
                       CORRECTION on tuition from previous listing: NPS
                       staff may attend for $140; the full $285 cost is for
                       non-Park Service attendees.  
            Contact:   Gay Tracy, Northeast Document Conservation Center 
            Phone/fax: 978-470-1010; 978-475-6021 
            Submitter: Diane Vogt O'Connor, DCA/WASO 

3/15-20     Course:    Wilderness Stewardship Training, Southeast 
            Location:  Islamorda, FL 
            Details:   Course emphasis will be on coastal and wetland
                       wilderness issues. 
            Contact:   Greg Kroll 
            Phone/fax: 406-626-5208 x 14; 406-626-5395 
            E-mail:    Greg Kroll at NP-YELL 
            Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA 

3/9-20      Course:    Special Operations Training 
            Location:  Organ Pipe Cactus NM, AZ 
            Details:   Designed for personnel who are directly involved in
                       special law enforcement operations in parks,
                       including drugs, poaching, and ARPA and
                       paleontological violations.  Training will include
                       operations along the U.S. border.  Due to the
                       strenuous nature of the course, participants must
                       meet FLETC physical fitness standards.  Benefiting
            Contact:   Aniceto Olais, ORPI 
            Phone/fax: 520-387-7661 ext 7201; --- 
            E-mail:    Aniceto Olais at NP-SOAR 
            Submitter: Aniceto Olais 

3/16-20     Course:    Visitor Use Management for Managers  
            Location:  Shepherdstown, WV   
            Details:   This management level course is designed to provide
                       the participants with an understanding of legal
                       responsibilities, administrative aspects, and
                       management applications of outdoor recreation
                       planning, wilderness management, emergency
                       operations, land policy, and fee management. 
            Contact:   Learning Place bulletin board, or Charles Anibal 
            Phone/fax: 304-535-6215; --- 
            E-mail:    - 
            Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA 

3/17-26     Course:    Cultural Resources for Managers 
            Location:  Harpers Ferry, WV 
            Details:   This is a core course for superintendents and program
                       managers who have major cultural resource management
            Contact:   Tony Knapp 
            Phone/fax: 304-535-6178; --- 
            E-mail:    - 
            Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA 

3/26*       Course:    Priming the Pump 
            Location:  Lowell NHP, Lowell, MA 
            Details:   Eight-hour course for all employees designed to help
                       refocus their energies.  Included are sessions
                       designed to provide participants with opportunities
                       to examine and reconnect their values and goals with
                       those of the NPS mission through a variety of team-building exercises. 
            Contact:   Tess Shatzer 
            Phone/fax: 978-970-5025; 978-970-5030 
            E-mail:    Tess Shatzer at NP-LOWE 
            Submitter: Amy Glowacki, NAR 

3/30-4/3*   Course:    Compass II 
            Location:  Hawaii Volcanoes NP, HI
            Details:   The course provides six universal essential
                       competencies at the entry level - resource
                       stewardship, fundamental values, leadership, NPS
                       operations, communications skills, and problem-solving
                       skills.  Open to employees in PWR. 
            Contact:   Learning Place BB or Joni-Mae Makuakane-Jarrell 
            Phone/fax: 808-882-7218; 808-882-7210 
            E-mail:    Joni-Mae Makuakane-Jarrell at NP-KAHO 
            Submitter: Betty Browning, ATC 

4/14-15*    Course:    The First Step to Behavior-Based Safety 
            Location:  San Francisco, CA 
            Details:   Principles of behavior-based safety. 
            Contact:   Mary Robinson, Mather Training Center  
            Phone/fax: 304-535-6215; 304-535-6408 
            E-mail:    Mary Robinson at NP-HFC 
            Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA 

4/20-30     Course:    Advanced Principles of Administration 
            Location:  Albright TC, Grand Canyon, AZ 
            Details:   The course will provide chiefs of administration with
                       instruction and methods in the management of
                       administrative programs as a member of the park's
                       management team. 
            Contact:   Learning Place Bulletin Board, or Tom Ferrani 
            Phone/fax: 907-257-2550; --- 
            E-mail:    As above 
            Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA 

4/20-5/1    Course:    Historic Weapons Certification 
            Location:  Camp Gruber Training Site, Braggs, OK 
            Details:   The course meets the initial certification and
                       recertification needs of supervisors and interpreters
                       in NPS historic weapons firing programs. 
            Contact:   Rick Martin, Fort Smith NHS 
            Phone/fax: 501-783-3961; --- 
            E-mail:    FOSM Ranger Activities at NP-FOSM 
            Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA 

4/21-24*    Course:    Wilderness Land Ethic Curriculum and Leave No Trace
            Location:  Canon City, CO 
            Details:   The application deadline is March 1st.  tuition is
                       $200 plus meals and lodging.  Send SF 82 to Barb
                       Sumpter, USFS Regional Office, 740 Sims Street,
                       Lakewood, CO 80225. 
            Contact:   Kevin Moses, GRSA, or Ralph Swain 
            Phone/fax: 719-378-2312 x208 (Kevin), 303-275-5058 (Ralph) 
            E-mail:    Kevin Moses at NP-GRSA 
            Submitter: Kevin Moses 

4/27-5/1    Course:    Wilderness Planning Workshop 
            Location:  Parsons, WV 
            Details:   The workshop will present a forum for learning about
                       and discussing methods for developing programmatic
                       wilderness management direction. 
            Contact:   Greg Kroll, Arthur Carhart National Wilderness
                       Training Center 
            Phone/fax: 406-626-5208 x 14; 406-626-5395 
            E-mail:    Greg Kroll at NP-YELL 
            Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA 

4/27-28     Course:    Tax Incentives for Developing Historic Properties 
            Location:  Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco, CA 
            Details:   Use of historic preservation tax incentives to
                       develop historic properties.  Experienced developers,
                       bankers, NPS project reviewers, and IRS tax
                       specialists will introduce effective strategies for
                       historic property development.
            Contact:   Brooks Prueher, HPS, WASO 
            Phone/fax: 202-343-1185; --- 
            E-mail:    Brooks Prueher at NP-WASO-HPS, or 
            Submitter: Brooks Prueher 

5/4-8*      Course:    Interpretive Curriculum Coordinator/Certifier
            Location:  Mather Training Center, Harpers Ferry, WV 
            Details:   Servicewide training for interpreters for the dual
                       role of coordinator and certifier in support of the
                       interpretive development program. 
            Contact:   Dave Dahlen 
            Phone/fax: 304-535-6405; 304-535-6408 
            E-mail:    Dave Dahlen 
            Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA 

5/4-8*      Course:    Compass II 
            Location:  Lowell NHP, Lowell, MA 
            Details:   See Hawaii Volcanoes NP, 3/30. 
            Contact:   Amy Glowacki 
            Phone/fax: 978-459-1132; 978-459-1078 
            E-mail:    Amy Glowacki at NP-NAR 
            Submitter: Amy Glowacki, LOWE 

5/11-15     Course:    Fundamental Principles of Administration 
            Location:  Mather Training Center, Harpers Ferry, WV 
            Details:   Designed to provide training in essential
                       competencies for all functions of NPS administration
                       at the clerk/tech level. 
            Contact:   Peggy Woodward 
            Phone/fax: 304-535-6403; 304-535-6408 
            E-mail:    Peggy Woodward 
            Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA 

5/18-22*    Course:    The New Superintendent 
            Location:  Atlanta, GA 
            Details:   Course primarily for newly assigned first-time
                       superintendents at the GS-12 and GS-13 levels. 
                       Assistant/deputy superintendents and SO
                       superintendents may also apply.  Focus on NPS
                       organizational values, philosophy and concepts.  The
                       closing date for nominations is March 15th. 
            Contact:   Jim Bellamy 
            Phone/fax: 520-638-7983; --- 
            E-mail:    James Bellamy at NP-HOAL 
            Submitter: Jim Bellamy 

5/27-29*    Course:    Basic Environmental Investigations Training 
            Location:  Las Vegas, NV 
            Details:   --- 
            Contact:   Kathy Braase, Western States Project 
            Phone/fax: 602-542-8511; --- 
            E-mail:    --- 
            Submitter: Einar Olsen, NCRO 

                            *  *  *  *  *

Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators.  Please address requests
pertaining to receipt of the Morning Report to your servicing hub

Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

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