MORNING REPORT

To:        All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:      Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:  Monday, March 23, 1998

Broadcast: By 1000 ET


98-13 - Rock Creek Park (DC) - Follow-up on Burglary Arrest

In early January, Park Police officers arrested M.J. for breaking
into the auto shop at the Brentwood maintenance facility.  Following his
arrest, M.J. confessed to previous burglaries at Brentwood and to other
break-ins in the neighborhood.  On March 12th, he pled guilty to burglary and
felony property destruction charges in superior court.  He will be sentenced
on April 23rd.  [Bill Lynch, RLES, NCRO, 3/20]

98-69 - Cape Lookout (NC) - Follow-up on Search for Boat Sinking Victims

A visitor reported the discovery of a body a mile and a half north of Alger
Willis Fishing Camps on the morning of March 21st.  Supervisory park ranger
Jim Zahradka responded and found the body in the surf line.  The victim was
clothed in a gray and burgundy sweatshirt, dark jeans and socks.  There was
no wallet in his pants.  Concession employees helped load the body into the
park boat.  Efforts to identify the victim are underway.  It's likely that he
is one of the three crew members still missing from the commercial fishing
vessel "Josephine," which sank south of Cape Lookout on February 17th.  [Jim
Zahradka, SPR, CALO, 3/22]

98-110 - New River Gorge NR (WV) - Train Derailment

A freight train traveling east through the gorge was derailed by a rock/mud
slide about a half mile west of Fayette Station around 10 a.m. on March 20th. 
The train consisted of an engine and 135 cars, most of which contained coal. 
The engine came around a sharp curve and ran head-on into a pile of rock and
mud from a slide caused by the water-saturated ground.  The engine left the
track, plunged down the steep embankment, flipped on its side, and came to
rest about 15 yards from the river's edge.  Neither of the two engineers on
board was hurt, and only about 50 gallons of engine oil spilled on the river
bank.  No diesel fuel or other contaminants were spilled.  Several cars also
derailed but did not leave the track grade.  The engine oil spill was
contained before it reached the river.  CSX, the company which owns the
train, began the process of moving the wreck on the 20th.  All units were
removed and the track was reopened to normal traffic yesterday afternoon. 
[Rick Brown, Protection Unit Leader, 3/22]

98-111 - National Capital Parks Central (DC) - Armed Robbery Arrest

On September 25, 1997, a jewelry salesman was cut off in rush hour traffic
near the Jefferson Memorial and robbed at gun point of over $200,000 worth of
pearl and gemstone jewelry.  An intensive investigation was conducted by Park
Police detectives which resulted on February 18th in the issuance of an
arrest warrant for M.M., a Columbian national residing in Brooklyn,
New York.  USPP officers from Washington and New York arrested M.M. nine
days later at JFK Airport as he disembarked from a flight from Los Angeles. 
He was subsequently extradited to Washington, where he will appear in court. 
Other suspects in the case are still being sought.  It's believed that M.M.
and the remaining suspects are members of a group that has committed at least
one other similar robbery in New Jersey.  The investigation continues.  [Bill
Lynch, RLES, NCRO, 3/20]

                        [Additional reports pending...]


No entries.


No entries.


"Supreme Court Decision in T-shirt Litigation," signed on March 16th by the
associate director, park operations and education, and sent to the
directorate, field directorate, Washington office division chiefs and
superintendents.  The full text follows:

"On February 23, 1998, the United States Supreme Court denied the T-shirt
litigant/vendors' appeal in 'Friends of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial v.
Stanton.'  The Solicitor's Office believes that this denial effectively
concludes the longstanding litigation and will provide important judicial
support for the National Park Service's ability to protect the National Park
System from the impacts caused by unregulated sales.

"The special sales regulation for the National Capital Region was challenged
in nine separate lawsuits with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of
Columbia Circuit twice upholding the sales regulation as constitutional. 
Friends of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial v. Kennedy, 116 F.3d 495 (D.C. Cir.
1997), ISKCON of Potomac v. Kennedy, 61 F.3d 949 (D.C. Cir. 1995).  The
decisions in these cases confirm the National Park Service's ability to
effectively control sales activities on the National Mall and elsewhere in
the National Park System.  The Appellate and Supreme Court decisions should
provide significant judicial support in defending the constitutionality of
the National Park Service's sales regulation elsewhere and to prevent a
recurrence of the problems caused by sales in the rest of the National Park

"Further, the National Park Service's Special Directive 95-11 continues to
detail the proper scope and interpretation of 36 CFR 2.52, the National Park
Service's general regulation on the sale of printed matter.  In accord with
Special Directive 95-11, 'printed matter' is limited to message-bearing
textual printed material such as books, pamphlets, magazines and leaflets. 
Other forms of merchandise, including posters, coffee mugs, audio or
videotapes, T-shirts, hats, shorts and other clothing articles, may not be
sold under this regulation.

"As indicated earlier, all National Park Service responses to requests to
sell prohibited items such as T-shirts should continue to be coordinated
through Regional Solicitors and the WASO Solicitor's Office.  The Department
of Justice will continue to coordinate any litigation regarding 36 CFR 2.52
and Special Directive 95-11.

"Any questions should be directed to Dennis Burnett, WASO Ranger Activities
Division, at 202/208-4874."


No entries.


Two calendars alternate in the Morning Report on Mondays - this one, which
contains training courses and workshops, and a second, which contains
meetings, conferences and events.  If you know of a conference, meeting,
workshop or training session with Servicewide interest and implications,
please send the information along.  Entries are listed no earlier than FOUR
months before the event, EXCEPT in instances in which registration dates
close much earlier.  Asterisks indicate new entries; brackets at end of entry
indicate source of information.  Brevity is appreciated.

3/30-4/3     Course:    Firefighter Level I (Train the Trainer)
             Location:  Golden Gate NRA, CA
             Details:   ---
             Contact:   Hal Spencer
             Phone/fax: 415-561-5133; ---
             E-mail:    ---
             Submitter: Jim Farrel, NPS/NIFC

3/30-4/3     Course:    Compass II
             Location:  Hawaii Volcanoes NP, HI
             Details:   The course provides six universal essential
                        competencies at the entry level - resource
                        stewardship, fundamental values, leadership, NPS
                        operations, communications skills, and problem-
                        solving skills.  Open to employees in PWR.
             Contact:   Learning Place BB or Joni-Mae Makuakane-Jarrell
             Phone/fax: 808-882-7218; 808-882-7210
             E-mail:    Joni-Mae Makuakane-Jarrell at NP-KAHO
             Submitter: Betty Browning, ATC

4/14-15      Course:    The First Step to Behavior-Based Safety
             Location:  San Francisco, CA
             Details:   Principles of behavior-based safety.
             Contact:   Mary Robinson, Mather Training Center 
             Phone/fax: 304-535-6215; 304-535-6408
             E-mail:    Mary Robinson at NP-HFC
             Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA

4/20-30      Course:    Advanced Principles of Administration
             Location:  Albright TC, Grand Canyon, AZ
             Details:   The course will provide chiefs of administration with
                        instruction and methods in the management of
                        administrative programs as a member of the park's
                        management team.
             Contact:   Learning Place Bulletin Board, or Tom Ferrani
             Phone/fax: 907-257-2550; ---
             E-mail:    As above
             Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA

4/20-24      Course:    Museum Basics: Preservation, Maintenance and
             Location:  Vancouver, WA
             Details:   Entry level course.  Provides staff with collateral
                        or full-time museum responsibilities with basic
                        knowledge and skills necessary to being and maintain
                        a park museum collection.
             Contact:   Tony Knapp
             Phone/fax: 304-535-6178; 304-535-6408
             E-mail:    Tony Knapp
             Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA

4/20-5/1     Course:    Historic Weapons Certification
             Location:  Camp Gruber Training Site, Braggs, OK
             Details:   The course meets the initial certification and
                        recertification needs of supervisors and interpreters
                        in NPS historic weapons firing programs.
             Contact:   Rick Martin, Fort Smith NHS
             Phone/fax: 501-783-3961; ---
             E-mail:    FOSM Ranger Activities at NP-FOSM
             Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA

4/24-26*     Course:    Basic Water Rescue Preparedness (Moving Water Rescue)
             Location:  Delaware Water Gap Ramada Inn, PA
             Details:   NASAR course for the water accident first responder. 
                        Emphasis on pre-planning and rescue safety.  Topics
                        include planning, self-rescue, shore-based rescue,
                        throw bags, basic line systems, and hypothermia. 
                        $185.  Deadline for applications is MARCH 31st.
             Contact:   Deborah Girard or Ed Clark
             Phone/fax: 610-296-0386; ---
             E-mail:    ---
             Submitter: Deborah Girard, DEWA

4/27-5/1     Course:    Pump Operator
             Location:  Glen Canyon NRA, UT
             Details:   ---
             Contact:   Hal Spencer
             Phone/fax: 415-561-5133; ---
             E-mail:    ---
             Submitter: Jim Farrel, NPS/NIFC

4/27-5/1     Course:    Wilderness Planning Workshop
             Location:  Parsons, WV
             Details:   The workshop will present a forum for learning about
                        and discussing methods for developing programmatic
                        wilderness management direction.
             Contact:   Greg Kroll, Arthur Carhart National Wilderness
                        Training Center
             Phone/fax: 406-626-5208 x 14; 406-626-5395
             E-mail:    Greg Kroll at NP-YELL
             Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA

4/27-28      Course:    Tax Incentives for Developing Historic Properties
             Location:  Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco, CA
             Details:   Use of historic preservation tax incentives to
                        develop historic properties.  Experienced developers,
                        bankers, NPS project reviewers, and IRS tax
                        specialists will introduce effective strategies for
                        historic property development.
             Contact:   Brooks Prueher, HPS, WASO
             Phone/fax: 202-343-1185; ---
             E-mail:    Brooks Prueher at NP-WASO-HPS, or
             Submitter: Brooks Prueher

5/4-8        Course:    Interpretive Curriculum Coordinator/Certifier
             Location:  Mather Training Center, Harpers Ferry, WV
             Details:   Servicewide training for interpreters for the dual
                        role of coordinator and certifier in support of the
                        interpretive development program.
             Contact:   Dave Dahlen
             Phone/fax: 304-535-6405; 304-535-6408
             E-mail:    Dave Dahlen
             Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA

5/4-8        Course:    Compass II
             Location:  Lowell NHP, Lowell, MA
             Details:   See Hawaii Volcanoes NP, 3/30.
             Contact:   Amy Glowacki
             Phone/fax: 978-459-1132; 978-459-1078
             E-mail:    Amy Glowacki at NP-NAR
             Submitter: Amy Glowacki, LOWE

5/11-15*     Course:    Compass II
             Location:  Anacostia Park, Washington, DC
             Details:   See Hawaii Volcanoes NP, 3/30.
             Contact:   Learning Place BB or Dan Winings or Charles
             Phone/fax: 202-722-1339, 415-561-4111; ---
             E-mail:    Dan Winings at NP-ROCR; Charles Schultheis at NP-GOGA
             Submitter: Ann Johnson, Albright TC

5/11-15      Course:    Fundamental Principles of Administration
             Location:  Mather Training Center, Harpers Ferry, WV
             Details:   Designed to provide training in essential
                        competencies for all functions of NPS administration
                        at the clerk/tech level.
             Contact:   Peggy Woodward
             Phone/fax: 304-535-6403; 304-535-6408
             E-mail:    Peggy Woodward
             Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA

5/17-20      Course:    "Desegregating The American Mind for the 21st
                        Century" and "Race Relations in the Work Force" -
                        Symposium, Panel Discussion and Training Session
             Location:  Brown vs. Board of Education NHS, Topeka, KS
             Details:   The annual symposium will commemorate the Supreme
                        Court's decision of 1954 ending segregation in public
                        schools.  It will be followed by a panel discussion
                        on diversity and race relations, and by a training
                        session on the same topic.
             Contact:   H. Tyrone Brandyburg
             Phone/fax: 785-354-4273; 785-354-7213
             E-mail:    Tyrone Brandyburg at NP-MWR
             Submitter: Sherie Maddox, MWRO

5/25-29      Course:    Pump Operator
             Location:  Golden Gate NRA, CA
             Details:   ---
             Contact:   Pete Dalton
             Phone/fax: 520-608-6301; ---
             E-mail:    ---
             Submitter: Jim Farrel, NPS/NIFC

5/27-29      Course:    Basic Environmental Investigations Training
             Location:  Las Vegas, NV
             Details:   ---
             Contact:   Kathy Braase, Western States Project
             Phone/fax: 602-542-8511; ---
             E-mail:    ---
             Submitter: Einar Olsen, NCRO

6/1-26*      Course:    Tribal Communities and Spiritual Traditions (Newberry
             Location:  Chicago, IL
             Details:   Participants will examine themes pertaining to four
                        North American Indian communities.
             Contact:   Marie Tyler-McGraw
             Phone/fax: 202-343-5380; ---
             E-mail:    202-343-1244
             Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA

6/2-4        Course:    Budget Process for NPS Managers
             Location:  Mather Training Center, Harpers Ferry, WV
             Details:   Managerial aspects of the NPS budget process.
             Contact:   Mimi Woodward of Jan Gauthier
             Phone/fax: 804-224-1743 (Woodward), 304-535-6215 (Gauthier)
             E-mail:     ---
             Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA

6/8-12       Course:    Firefighter Level I
             Location:  Yosemite NP, CA
             Details:   ---
             Contact:   Deron Mills
             Phone/fax: 209-372-0327; ---
             E-mail:     ---
             Submitter: Jim Farrel, NPS/NIFC

                              *  *  *  *  *

Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators.  Please address requests
pertaining to receipt of the Morning Report to your servicing hub

Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

                              --- ### ---