MORNING REPORT

To:        All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:      Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:  Tuesday, April 14, 1998

Broadcast: By 1000 ET


97-630 - New River Gorge NR (WV) - Follow-up on Assault and Firearms Arrest

On March 2nd, J.G. of Princewick, West Virginia, was sentenced to two-
and-a-half years in prison and three years' probation and fined $3,000
following his conviction on charges of being a felon in possession of a
firearm.  The conviction stemmed from an incident that occurred in the park
in June, 1996, in which J.G. rode his horse into a campsite at Sandstone
Falls, fired two shots from a revolver, then pistol-whipped a 17-year-old
male.  Subsequent investigation revealed that J.G. was a felon who had been
convicted in the early 80s for armed robbery in Oklahoma and for assault on a
federal officer in Texas.  J.G. fled to Alabama in 1996 after rangers and
county deputies served a search warrant on his residence and found loaded
weapons and drug paraphernalia.  J.G. was indicted on assault and firearms
charges by a grand jury in March, 1997.  When he returned to West Virginia to
conduct some family business in October, he was arrested by rangers at his
residence.  Loaded weapons were found in his home at that time.  [Chris
Schrader, CI, NERI, 4/3]

98-136 - Canyonlands NP (UT) - Search and Rescue

On April 9th, S.G., 19, of Provo, Utah, became lost while hiking on
the Neck Spring Trail with 94 other members of a high school concert band
visiting the park.  A search was begun that night and continued into the
following day, and included ground searchers, dog teams from several
agencies, and helicopters.  Personnel from both Canyonlands NP and Arches NP
participated in the search.  S.G. was found at 4 p.m. on the 10th at a
backcountry campsite six miles from the point where she'd last been seen. 
She had crossed the main park road and headed out on a trail which was
clearly signed as different from the trail on which she'd been hiking.  When
interviewed, S.G. said that she went out on the trail to find the occupants
of a car parked at the trailhead to see if she could get a ride back to the
parking lot where her group was gathering.  Colin Smith was the incident
commander.  [Steve Swanke, CANY, 4/13]


No entries.


Resources Damage Cost Recovery - NCSO Ranger Services has developed guidance
for NCR parks on recovering and retaining funds collected from parties
responsible for resources damage in parks.  The Omnibus Parks and Public
Lands Management Act (P.L. 104-333, Stat. 4093) significantly expanded the
definition of "park system resource," thereby providing parks with broad
authority to address most situations involving damage to park resources. 
This authority can be found at 16 USC 19jj, as amended.  The new guidance has
been endorsed by the solicitor's office, and can be obtained from Einar Olsen
at NP-NCRO-FIN.  [Einar Olsen, RCR, NCSO]


No entries.


No entries.


Two calendars alternate in the Morning Report on Mondays - this one, which
contains meetings, seminars, conferences and events, and a second, which
contains workshops and training courses.  If you know of a conference,
meeting, workshop or training session with Servicewide interest and
implications, please send the information along.  Entries are listed no
earlier than FOUR months before the event, EXCEPT in instances in which
registration dates close much earlier.  Asterisks indicate new entries;
brackets at end of entry indicate source of information.  Brevity is

4/18-25     Meeting:   NPCA's March for Parks
            Location:  ---
            Details:   The annual event brackets Earth Day, April 22nd.
            Contact:   March for Parks
            Phone/fax: 800-628-7275 x 236; ---
            Submitter: Sheila Lee, WASO

4/19-24     Meeting:   Eleventh International Conference on Bear Research
                       and Management
            Location:  Gatlinburg, TN
            Details:   The International Association for Bear Research and
                       Management, a non-profit organization open to
                       professional biologists, wildlife managers and others
                       interested in the conservation of bear species
                       worldwide, holds a triennial international conference
                       on all aspects of bear biology, ecology and
            Contact:   Dr. Michael Pelton, University of Tennessee
            Phone/fax: 423-974-7126; ---
            E-mail:    ---
            Submitter: Bill Stiver, GRSM

4/23-25     Meeting:   Guadalupe Mountain Symposium: Celebrating 25 Years of
                       Cultural and Natural Resource Stewardship in
                       Guadalupe Mountains NP
            Location:  Pecos River Village and Conference Center, Carlsbad,
                       NM, and GUMO
            Details:   Two-day forum of oral presentations and poster
                       displays followed by a day of field trips focusing on
                       past and current research and resource management
                       contributions to the park, including presentations on
                       archeology, ethnography, history, historic
                       preservation, air and water quality, sociology, fire
                       ecology, geology, paleontology, plant and wildlife
                       ecology.  Registration is $60 by April 6th; includes
                       receptions, lunches, dinner, proceedings.   
            Contact:   Ann Watson (registration); Fred Armstrong (program);
                       Jan Wobbenhorst (chair)
            Phone/fax: 915-828-3251 x101 (Ann), x132 (Fred), x102 (Jan)
            E-mail:    Each is on cc:Mail by name.
            Submitter: Fred Armstrong, GUMO

4/27-28     Meeting:   National Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Council Annual
                       Planning Meeting
            Location:  Bismarck, ND
            Details:   ---
            Contact:   ---
            Phone/fax: 913-684-2749
            E-mail:    ---
            Submitter: Sheila Lee, WASO

4/29-5/3    Meeting:   "Rivers: The Future Frontier," Biennial Conference,
                       River Management Society (in conjunction with NRPA)
            Location:  Captain Cook Hotel, Anchorage, AK
            Details:   Topics will include wild and scenic river management,
                       river science, power boats, commercial trail
                       management, watersheds management, river restoration,
                       river education, river use education, and
                       citizen/public participation.  Also workshops on
                       grant writing, the "Leave No Trace" program, and
                       other related topics.  Celebration of the 30th
                       anniversary of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act. 
                       Registration is $195 before March 30th, $225
            Contact:   Logistics, LLC
            Phone/fax: 907-276-6060; 907-276-6061
            Submitter: Jack Mosby, ARO

5/3-6       Meeting:   National Conference on Environmental Decision- Making
            Location:  Knoxville, TN
            Details:   ---
            Contact:   National Center for Environmental Decision-making
                       Research, University of Tennessee Conference Center
            Phone/fax: 423-974-0280; ---
            Submitter: Sheila Lee, WASO

5/5-7       Meeting:   Southern Arizona Research and Resource Management
            Location:  InnSuites Hotel, Tucson, AZ
            Details:   Over 50 papers will be presented in nine sessions;
                       topics include wildlife management, physical
                       sciences, interpretation, fire, vegetation, and
                       historical preservation.  A draft list of papers and
                       authors is available from Lee Benson (see address
                       below) by entering the word Conference in the subject
                       line.  $60 (registration by April 1st).
            Contact:   Kathy Hiett for registration, Lee Benson for
            Phone/fax: Hiett: 520-670-6896 ext 3, Benson: 602-640-5250 ext
                       236; ---
            E-mail:    Lee Benson at NP-SOAR, Kathy Hiett at NP-WACC
            Submitter: Lee Benson, SOAR

5/9-16      Event:     Seventh Annual National River Cleanup Week
            Location:  ---
            Details:   ---
            Contact:   America Outdoors
            Phone/fax: 423-558-3595; ---
            E-mail:    Via web site:
            Submitter: Sheila Lee, WASO

5/11-23*    Meeting:   "Making a Place for Nature, Seeking Our Place in
                       Nature," Yellowstone National Park and Montana State
                       University 125th Anniversary Symposium
            Location:  Montana State University, Bozeman, MT
            Details:   A series of seven scientific conferences and
                       workshops pertaining to the park's place in global
                       and local ecosystems, information sharing, research
                       and related topics.  Registration is $275 for all
                       conferences or $150 per individual conference, and
                       due by April 27th.
            Contact:   Carolyn Manley, Montana State University, and Marsha
                       Karle, Yellowstone NP
            Phone/fax: Manley: 406-994-5145; 406-994-5122
                       Karle: 307-344-2015; 307-344-2014
            E-mail:, or Marsha Karle at NP-
                       YELL.  Web pages:, and
            Submitter: Marsha Karle, YELL

5/15-17     Meeting:   Personal Wellness and Fitness Seminar
            Location:  Albright TC, Grand Canyon NP, AZ
            Details:   Seminar for individuals with interest in changing
                       their diet, health and lifestyle for the rest of
                       their lives.  Participants will receive individual
                       fitness plans customized to their needs.  This is NOT
                       a health and fitness coordinators' training class. 
            Contact:   Marty McCaslin for seminar, Ann Johnson for lodging
            Phone/fax: McCaslin: 520-638-7831, Johnson: 520-638-7891; ---
            E-mail:    Marty McCaslin at NP-GRCA
            Submitter: SAR Coordinator, GRCA

5/18-22     Meeting:   DOI 1998 Safety and Occupational Health Seminar
            Location:  BLM National Training Center, Phoenix, AZ
            Details:   ---
            Contact:   USGS Office of Safety Management
            Phone/fax: 703-648-7556; ---
            E-mail:    Via Web site -
            Submitter: Maureen Foster, WASO

6/6         Event:     National Trails Day
            Location:  ---
            Details:   ---
            Contact:   American Hiking Society
            Phone/fax: 301-565-6704; ---
            E-mail:    ---
            Submitter: Sheila Lee, WASO

6/29-7/2    Meeting:   30th Annual Meeting, Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage
            Location:  Great Falls, MT
            Details:   ---
            Contact:   Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation
            Phone/fax: 509-783-1207; ---
            E-mail:    ---
            Submitter: Sheila Lee, WASO

7/2-6       Meeting:   "Ecological Exchange Between Major Ecosystems,"
                       Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America
            Location:  Baltimore, MD
            Details:   ---
            Contact:   Fred Wagner
            Phone/fax: 801-797-2555; ---
            E-mail:    ---
            Submitter: Sheila Lee, WASO

Various     Seminars:  American History Summer Seminars
            Location:  The titles, dates and locations of relevant seminars
                       are as follows: "Lincoln," Gettysburg College, 7/5-
                       11; "The Origins and Nature of New World Slavery,"
                       Yale University, 7/6-17; "Passages to Freedom:
                       Abolition and the Underground Railroad," Amherst
                       College, 7/19-26; "Thomas Jefferson and the
                       Foundations of American Democracy," Monticello and
                       the University of Virginia, 7/19-25; "The Private and
                       Public George Washington," Brown University, 7/26-8/1
            Details:   As above
            Contact:   Sandra Weber and Laura Feller, WASO
            Phone/fax: Weber: 202-565-1057, Feller: 202-343-9285; ---
            E-mail:    Sandy Weber at NP-WASO-ITC-MIB, Laura Feller at NP-WASO-NRHE
            Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA

8/13-16*    Meeting:   Pecos Conference
            Location:  Pecos NHP, NM
            Details:   The focus of this year's annual conference will be on
                       the archeological concepts of culture.  Short papers
                       are also solicited on archeological breakthroughs,
                       updates, unique discoveries, challenges and concerns. 
                       Abstracts of papers are due by June 1.
            Contact:   Judy Reed, Pecos NHP, PO Box 418, Pecos, NM 87552
            Phone/fax: --- ; ---
            E-mail:    Judy Reed at NP-PECO
            Submitter: Pecos NHP

                        *  *  *  *  *

Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators.  Please address requests
pertaining to receipt of the Morning Report to your servicing hub

Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

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