MORNING REPORT

To:        All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:      Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:  Thursday, April 23, 1998


98-155 - Harpers Ferry NHP/Appalachian Trail (WV) - Special Event

President Clinton and vice president Gore visited the park yesterday to
celebrate Earth Day and worked on a section of the Appalachian Trail, which
passes through the park, with members of the Potomac Appalachian Trail Club. 
They helped revegetate a heavily used section of the trail near Jefferson
Rock, a famous landmark, and also assisted in resetting stone steps installed
several years ago by volunteer trail crews.  The visit provided a forum for
highlighting volunteerism on the trail and in other national parks and for
presenting the administration's upcoming agenda on park and environmental
matters.  Director Stanton and other dignitaries also spoke.  The event was
managed by park staff and the Secret Service; assistance was provided by
rangers from a number of nearby parks and officers from the Park Police and
West Virginia State Police.  [Robert Gray, CR, ANST, 4/22] 

98-156 - Arches NP (UT) - Assist to Agency

On April 2nd, G.C., 19, of Spokane, Washington, was hiking and free-
climbing in a narrow, steep, walled box canyon on BLM land near the park when
she lost her footing, slid down a steep slickrock slope, and dropped
vertically into a narrow crack.  G.C. sustained multiple traumatic injuries,
including a broken back, a severely angulated ankle fracture, and head
injuries.  The county SAR team asked the park for assistance, and rangers
Galen and Wendy Howell responded.  Galen Howell and five other rescuers were
lowered by helicopter onto a narrow ledge near the accident scene.  G.C. was
stabilized, moved to a landing zone, then airlifted to a local hospital. 
Many of the people involved in the rescue had recently taken or instructed at
a 32-hour, high-angle technical rescue course sponsored by the NPS.  [Jim
Webster, CR, ARCH, 4/20]


No entries.


Wilderness Program Update - Training sessions were recently held for the
staffs at Point Reyes NS and Hawaii Volcanoes NP, as these parks are
beginning to start wilderness planning processes.  Wilderness guidelines
(#41) are nearly complete and will be evaluated for final release after the
next meeting of the National Wilderness Steering Committee in Washington this
month.  Extensive work has gone into the development of the agenda for this
meeting, including proposals that will form the substance of the wilderness
program over the next year.  [Wes Henry, RAD/WASO]


No entries.


No entries.

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Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

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