MORNING REPORT

To:        All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:      Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:  Monday, May 18. 1998


98-208 - New River Gorge NR (WV) - Rescue

C.G., 20, of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, was scrambling at the top of a
waterfall on Marr Branch on the evening of May 16th when he slipped and fell
about 30 feet, landing face down in the shallow creek.  Although he was
initially either semi-conscious or unconscious, he eventually responded to
calls from his girlfriend, who told him to turn over and move to the shore. 
C.G. was able to crawl to the edge of the creek despite severe injuries. 
Once C.G. was out of the creek, his girlfriend scrambled up the steep
embankment and ran to get help.  Rangers, volunteer firefighters and an
ambulance company responded, stabilized C.G., and evacuated him up the near
vertical embankment.  He was admitted to a local hospital and treated for
bilateral fractures of both ankles, severe lacerations to his head, a
concussion, and multiple contusions on his arms and wrists.  C.G. will be
undergoing ankle surgery sometime this week.  [Rick Brown, Protection Unit
Leader, NERI, 5/17]

98-209 - Grand Canyon NP (AZ) - Search

On April 26th, employees at the El Tovar Hotel reported suspicious
circumstances surrounding a guest who had failed to check out as scheduled. 
A.G., 42, of Ontario, Canada, checked into his room on April 21st
and had a reservation for six nights.  When he didn't check out on time,
maids entered his room and found what appeared to be all his personal
property still inside.  Investigation revealed that he had neither returned
home nor contacted friends or family.  Although A.G. was not described as
suicidal or depressed, he had previously tried to commit suicide.  An air and
ground search of areas below the rim was begun, but no sign of him was found. 
Several friends subsequently received postcards, postmarked April 23rd, in
which A.G. described meeting a man who offered to take him on private
hikes.  Despite intensive interviews, investigators have not located anyone
who has seen or heard from A.G. since he checked into the hotel.  Search
operations have been suspended; the investigation is open but inactive,
pending development of new leads.  [David Brennan, IC, GRCA, 5/16]

98-210 - Grand Canyon NP (AZ) - Attempted Suicide

On the morning of April 26th, rangers responded to a report of a man down on
the Rim Trail west of the Bright Angel trailhead.  They found 33-year-old
J.F., a French national, lying unconscious very close to the
canyon rim.  Rangers provided advanced life support treatment and transported
J.F. to the park clinic; he was then transferred to Flagstaff Medical
Center.  J.F. had ingested a large amount of valium.  A suicide note was
found in his pocket.  He will be held for psychiatric evaluation after
completing medical treatment.  [David Brennan, DR, South Rim District, GRCA,




                                                     Thu      Sun    %   Est
State      Unit             Fire/Incident     IMT    5/13     5/17  Con  Con

NM   Carson NF              Cedro Canyon      --      420      445   95  5/15
     State                  Beard             T2    1,750    4,200  100  CND

FL   Florida NFs            Apalachicola Cx   --      496      498  100  CND 

CO   Pike-San Isabel NF   * Turkey            T2        -      500   NR  5/18

MI   Hiawatha NF          * Camp Faunce       --        -    1,400   10  5/18

TX   State                * Cibola Creek      --        -   58,000   50  NEC

Heading Notes

Unit      Agency = BIA area; NF = national forest; RU = CA state resource
          or ranger unit; RD = state ranger district; District = BLM
          district; NWR = USFWS wildlife refuge
Fire      * = newly reported fire (on this report); Cx = complex
IMT       T1 = Type I; T2 = Type II; ST = State Team
% Con     Percent of fire contained
Est Con   Estimated containment date; NEC = no estimated date of
          containment; CND = fully contained; NR = no report


                    NPS    BIA      BLM     FWS    States   USFS     Total

Thursday, 5/14       1      3         0       0       29      5        38
Friday, 5/15         -      -         -       -        -      -         -
Saturday, 5/16       0      1         0       0        7      2        10
Sunday, 5/17         0      1         0       0        6     12        19


                  Crews     Engines    Helicopters    Airtankers   Overhead

Thursday, 5/14       7          3           1             0             3 #
Friday, 5/15         -          -           -             -             -
Saturday, 5/16      15         10           4             3            64 ##
Sunday, 5/17        30         57           9             6           136

All numbers reflect partial reports (none from the South or Southwest)
All numbers reflect partial reports (none from the South)


Only minor initial attack activity was reported yesterday.  Very high and
extreme fire indices are being reported in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and

[NICC Incident Management Situation Report, 5/18]


No entries.


No entries.


No entries.


No entries.


Two calendars alternate in the Morning Report on Mondays - this one, which
contains training courses and workshops, and a second, which contains
meetings, conferences and events.  If you know of a conference, meeting,
workshop or training session with Servicewide interest and implications,
please send the information along.  

Entries are listed no earlier than FOUR months before the event, EXCEPT in
instances in which registration dates close much earlier.  Asterisks (*)
indicate new entries; pound signs (#) indicate revisions to entries that have
appeared previously.  Brevity in entries is appreciated.

5/25-29   Course:    Structure Fire Pump Operator
          Location:  Golden Gate NRA, CA
          Details:   ---
          Contact:   Hal Spencer
          Phone/fax: 415-561-5133; ---
          E-mail:    ---
          Submitter: Jim Farrel, NPS/NIFC

5/26-27   Course:    Origins and Nature of New World Slavery
          Location:  Mather TC, Harpers Ferry, WV
          Details:   Examination of the meaning of racial slavery as it
                     developed in the Western Hemisphere in general and
                     the United States in particular.
          Contact:   Marie Tyler McGraw
          Phone/fax: 202-343-5380 ; 202-343-1244
          E-mail:    Marie Tyler McGraw at NP-WASO-NRHE
          Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA

5/27-29   Course:    Basic Environmental Investigations Training
          Location:  Las Vegas, NV
          Details:   ---
          Contact:   Kathy Braase, Western States Project
          Phone/fax: 602-542-8511; ---
          E-mail:    ---
          Submitter: Einar Olsen, NCRO

5/27-29   Course:    Developing and Working with Friends Groups
          Location:  Shepherdstown, WV
          Details:   Workshop for NPS and FWS employees interested in
                     creating or energizing a friends group.
          Contact:   Sue Waldron, NPS Partnership Office
          Phone/fax: --- ; 202-273-0426
          E-mail:    Sue Waldron at NP-WASO-MIB
          Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA

5/28-29   Course:    Passages to Freedom
          Location:  Mather TC, Harpers Ferry, WV
          Details:   Exploration of the history of the American anti-
                     slavery movement.
          Contact:   Marie Tyler McGraw
          Phone/fax: 202-343-5380 ; 202-343-1244
          E-mail:    Marie Tyler McGraw at NP-WASO-NRHE
          Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA

6/1-5     Course:    Masonry Preservation Skills Workshop
          Location:  Carl Sandburg NHS, Flat Rock, NC
          Details:   Craft skills, treatment techniques, materials
                     selection and application.  Participants will
                     participate in a historic preservation project. 
                     Application deadline: May 18th.
          Contact:   Christian Bookter, BLRI
          Phone/fax: 828-298-6262; 828-298-0402
          E-mail:    Christian Bookter at NP-BLRI
          Submitter: Same

6/1-26    Course:    Tribal Communities and Spiritual Traditions (Newberry
          Location:  Chicago, IL
          Details:   Participants will examine themes pertaining to four
                     North American Indian communities.
          Contact:   Marie Tyler-McGraw
          Phone/fax: 202-343-5380; ---
          E-mail: ---
          Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA

6/2-4     Course:    Budget Process for NPS Managers
          Location:  Mather Training Center, Harpers Ferry, WV
          Details:   Managerial aspects of the NPS budget process.
          Contact:   Mimi Woodward of Jan Gauthier
          Phone/fax: 804-224-1743 (Woodward), 304-535-6215 (Gauthier)
          E-mail:    ---
          Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA

6/8-12    Course:    Firefighter Level I
          Location:  Yosemite NP, CA
          Details:   ---
          Contact:   Deron Mills
          Phone/fax: 209-372-0327; ---
          E-mail:    ---
          Submitter: Jim Farrel, NPS/NIFC

6/8-13    Course:    Compass II: Universal Competencies and Orientation
          Location:  Redwood N&SP, CA
          Details:   Offered regionwide.  Refer to the Learning Place
                     bulletin board.
          Contact:   Scot McElveen, or Denise Cobb
          Phone/fax: McElveen: 760-786-3245, Cobb: 702-293-8978; ---
          E-mail:    ---
          Submitter: Betty Browning, HOAL

6/15-19   Course:    Preservation Skills Workshop
          Location:  Grey Towers NHL, Milford, PA
          Details:   Hands-on workshop for developmental and full-
                     performance maintenance employees involved in the
                     preservation of historic structures.
          Contact:   Dorothy Printup, Historic Preservation Training
          Phone/fax: 301-663-8206; 301-663-8032
          E-mail:    Dorothy Printup at NP-HPTC-1
          Submitter: Same

6/22-25*  Course:    Bike Patrol
          Location:  Gateway NRA, NY
          Details:   The course will qualify rangers and USPP officers in
                     practical and patrol cycling skills.  The first three
                     days will focus on law enforcement, the fourth will
                     be general in nature.  Nomination forms should be
                     requested from Marisol Soto via cc:Mail at NP-GATE.
          Contact:   Jose Rosario
          Phone/fax: 718-354-4615; ---
          E-mail:    Jose Rosario at NP-GATE
          Submitter: Same

6/22-26   Course:    Compass II: Universal Competencies and Orientation
          Location:  Mather TC, WV, and Albright TC, GRCA
          Details:   Open to all employees and partners.  Refer to the
                     Learning Place bulletin board.
          Contact:   STMA: Dianne White or Laurie Heupel
                     HOAL: Theresa Griggs or Alisa Lynch
          Phone/fax: White: 505-785-2232 x 321, Heupel: 919-728-2250
                     Griggs: 415-556-0505, Lynch: 915-477-2251 x 196
          E-mail:    ---
          Submitter: Betty Browning, HOAL

6/22-26   Course:    Expanding Education in the National Parks: A Train
                     the Trainers Opportunity
          Location:  Lowell NHP, Lowell, MA
          Details:   The course focuses on knowledge and skills needed to
                     prepare for the benchmark competency for "Preparing
                     and Presenting an Effective Education Program." 
                     Trainers will be able to present Module 270
                     curriculum to NPS staff.
          Contact:   Elizabeth Hoermann, Lowell NHP
          Phone/fax: 978-970-5021; 978-970-5030
          E-mail:    Betty Hoermann at NP-LOWE
          Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA

7/14-17   Course:    Basic Environmental Crimes Investigations
          Location:  Little Rock, AR
          Details:   Open only to personnel in Arkansas.  Sponsored by the
                     Southern Environmental Enforcement Network.
          Contact:   Lana Burwell
          Phone/fax: 334-242-7399; ---
          E-mail:    ---
          Submitter: Einar Olsen, NCSO

8/3-7*    Course:    Administration for First-Line Supervisors
          Location:  St. Paul, MN
          Details:   The course is designed to provide first-line
                     supervisors from all disciplines with full
                     performance level competencies in administrative
                     functions to assist them in their roles as
          Contact:   Thomas J. Ferranti
          Phone/fax: 907-257-2550; ---
          E-mail:    ---
          Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA

8/3-7     Course:   Fire Officer
          Location:  Golden Gate NRA, CA
          Details:   ---
          Contact:   Hal Spencer
          Phone/fax: 415-561-5133; ---
          E-mail:    ---
          Submitter: Jim Farrel, NPS/NIFC

8/17-21   Course:    Environmental Crime Investigation Techniques
          Location:  Chattanooga, TN
          Details:   Open to personnel in Alabama, Florida, Georgia,
                     Kentucky, Mississippi, North and South Carolina, and
                     Tennessee.  Sponsored by the Southern Environmental
                     Enforcement Network.
          Contact:   Lana Burwell
          Phone/fax: 334-242-7399; ---
          E-mail:    ---
          Submitter: Einar Olsen, NCSO

8/31-9/4* Course:    Compass II: Universal Competencies and Orientation
          Location:  Albright TC, GRCA, AZ
          Details:   Offered Servicewide.  Refer to the Learning Place
                     bulletin board.
          Contact:   Betsy Haynes or Kevin Turner
          Phone/fax: Haynes: 540-721-2094, Cobb: 415-289-2366; ---
          E-mail:    ---
          Submitter: Betty Browning, HOAL

                           *  *  *  *  *

Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators.  Please address requests
pertaining to receipt of the Morning Report to your servicing hub

Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

                             --- ### ---