MORNING REPORT

To:        All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:      Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:  Monday, June 8, 1998


98-218 - Glacier NP (MT) - Follow-up on Concession Employee Fatality

The 13-year-old female grizzly bear believed to have killed concession
employee C.D. was destroyed near No Name Lake on June 4th.  One of the
bear's two sub-adult young was also trapped.  Although the autopsy results
have not yet been received, growing circumstantial evidence indicates that
the bears killed C.D.  Results from DNA tests confirmed the bears' presence
at the scene.  Other new information included recent reports from hikers who
found C.D.'s pack on the Scenic Point trail on May 19th, a day or two after
C.D. was killed.  At the time they found the pack, the hikers saw human
footprints in the snow which appeared to head straight downhill to a point
directly above the location where C.D.'s body was later found.  The hikers
said they also saw signs in the snow which could have been tracks of a bear
running downhill.  The hikers took the pack with them, but left a coat which
they found inside hanging from the Scenic Point trailhead sign.  The hiker's
failure to report the information until recently cost the search and
investigation two days' effort and the loss of meaningful clues.  Rangers are
also investigating other reports from hikers who were in the approximate area
of the incident that Sunday and have only recently come forward with
information.  Glacier has reiterated its STRONG recommendation that people
not hike alone in the park.  [Amy Vanderbilt, PAO, GLAC, 6/5]

98-243 - Hovenweep NM (CO) - Follow-up on Search for Felons

NPS personnel continue to assist in the massive manhunt for the men involved
in several police shootings since May 29th.  On the afternoon of June 4th,
San Juan County (Utah) deputy Kelly Bradford was shot twice near the
community of Bluff, which is about 30 miles southwest of Hovenweep.  It's
estimated that the shooter was about 300 yards from the deputy and using a
scoped .308 caliber rifle.  Rangers Fred Patton, Glenn Sherril, Mike McGinnis
and Greg Lloyd, who were on guard at Hovenweep at the time, were immediately
dispatched to the scene by the incident command center, as they were the
nearest available enforcement personnel.  They arrived within 30 to 40
minutes of the shooting and were immediately assigned to road blocks and to
the evacuation of the community of Bluff.  Numerous city, state and federal
SWAT teams were flown to the new incident and began searching the area. 
Within a short period of time, they discovered the body of a man who was
subsequently identified as one of the suspects being sought in the earlier
shootings.  It appears that he died from a self-inflicted gunshot to the
head.  Pipe bombs were found on and adjacent to his body.  The hunt for the
other two men - J.M. and A.P. - continued through the weekend,
with the search area expanded down the San Juan River, which flows into Lake
Powell and Glen Canyon NRA.  Glen Canyon's aircraft and one of Canyonlands'
zodiacs were utilized to patrol the river corridor.  On Sunday evening, the
search was scaled back, but the investigation into the whereabouts of A.P.
and J.M. continues.  Rangers will continue to provide security at
Hovenweep, as that part of Utah is considered to be an area with high
potential for harboring the fugitives.  J.M. and A.P. have been charged
with the attempted murder of Hovenweep superintendent Art Hutchison.  Federal
arrest warrants have been issued for both men.  [Larry Van Slyke, CR,
Southeast Utah Group, 6/5 and 6/7]

98-266 - Petroglyph NM (NM) - Homicide

A local resident reported finding a body on the mesa top adjacent to the
escarpment near Boca Negra Canyon on the afternoon of June 3rd.  Park and
city rangers were dispatched to the scene and found the remains of a woman,
subsequently identified as C.T., an Albuquerque police sergeant from
Laguna Pueblo.  A crime scene perimeter was established and an investigation
begun.  It was determined that C.T. had been killed either the night before
or that morning, possibly by a gunshot to the head.  She was not on duty at
the time of her death.  Although the incident occurred inside the park's
boundary, it was on land that has not yet been acquired by the park.  The
case was accordingly turned over to Albuquerque police.  Local media coverage
has been extensive, and lead to the apprehension of the suspect and recovery
of C.T.'s missing vehicle.  Services for C.T. at the pueblo and at a
Baptist church in the city will be attended by NPS rangers.  [Stephen Fisher,
PETR, 6/5]

98-267 - Redwood N&SP (CA) - Phone Fraud

Approximately 24 international long distance phone calls totaling 700 minutes
were made by fraudulently using the park's phone system during the course of
one recent day.  A caller posing as a phone company representative checking
for problem lines, or "Paul from communications," regularly called the park's
main phone number, then asked the attendants to dial "extension 900,"
followed by the # symbol.  As three of the park's phone systems were down for
two days last week, the park phone attendants didn't think this was
suspicious, nor did they realize that by dialing the requested number they
were giving the incoming caller an outside line and the AT&T operator. 
According to AT&T, the original caller then gives the phone to another person
for a fee.  That person makes a long distance call, which is billed back to
the park.  On June 3rd, AT&T security contacted the park and advised that the
700 minutes of calls, estimated to have cost in excess of $2,500, had been
billed to the park's phone numbers.  Most of the calls were international
calls to African countries.  Exploitation of this scheme is evidently growing
rapidly throughout the country.  Parks with PBX, multi-line phone systems
should alert their phone operators, relief operators, dispatchers and
replacements of this scheme.  Dialing 800# may also provide an outside line
and a local operator.  Parks should consider asking their phone companies to
run security checks of their systems to ensure that all other features which
might be used for acquiring an outside line for fraudulent purposes are
properly set.  The park is currently working on this case with Secret Service
agents.  For more information on phone fraud and on education techniques for
your operators, call the AT&T Global Network Fraud Detection Center at
1-800-821-8235.  (Editor's Note: Messages have since been received indicating that
John Muir NHS and Sequoia-Kings Canyon NPs were also hit last week by people
employing the same method, though with less impact.  Action on this warning
should accordingly be taken ASAP).  [Bob Martin, CR, REDW, 6/4]

[Additional incidents still pending - will catch up as soon as feasible..]




                                                     Thu      Sun    %   Est
State      Unit             Fire/Incident     IMT    6/4      6/7   Con  Con

FL   Apalachicola NF        Holiday           T2    4,025    5,548   50  NR 
     FWS                  * Merritt Island    --        -    1,800   60  NR
     State                * Carter Clay       --        -      750    0  NR
                          * Georgetown #2     --        -      400   60  NR
                          * Geneva            --        -    1,800   65  NR
                          * Seminole Woods    --        -    1,700   90  NR
                          * Georgetown #1     --        -      350   90  NR
                          * Flager Estates    --        -      500   90  NR
                          * Fox Lake          --        -    1,800  100 CND

AK   Fort Greely            Carla Lake        T1   43,300   44,760   20  NEC 

Heading Notes

Heading Notes

Unit      Agency = BIA area; NF = national forest; RU = CA state resource
          or ranger unit; RD = state ranger district; District = BLM
          district; NWR = USFWS wildlife refuge
Fire      * = newly reported fire (on this report); Cx = complex
IMT       T1 = Type I; T2 = Type II; ST = State Team
% Con     Percent of fire contained
Est Con   Estimated containment date; NEC = no estimated date of
          containment; CND = fully contained; NR = no report


                    NPS    BIA      BLM     FWS    States   USFS     Total

Thursday, 6/4        4     11         2       0       96     14       127
Friday, 6//5         -      -         -       -        -      -         -*
Saturday, 6/6        -      -         -       -        -      -         -*
Sunday, 6/7          1      3         1       1       26      8        40


                  Crews     Engines    Helicopters    Airtankers   Overhead

Thursday, 6/4       27         40          18             0           429 
Friday, 6/5          -          -           -             -             -*
Saturday, 6/6        -          -           -             -             -*
Sunday, 6/7         28         58          17             2           408

NICC reports were not transmitted on cc:Mail on Saturday or Sunday.


Initial attack increased yesterday in the South, but there was little
activity elsewhere.  NICC mobilized a Type I incident management team and an
area command team to Florida.  Large fires continue to burn in Alaska,
Florida, Canada, Mexico and Central America.

High to extreme fire indices were reported in units in Texas, New Mexico,
Arizona, Utah, and New York.

NICC has posted a RED FLAG WARNING for strong winds near the Alaska Range.

[NICC Incident Management Situation Report, 6/8]


No entries.


No entries.


No entries.


No entries.


Two calendars alternate in the Morning Report on Mondays - this one, which
contains meetings, seminars, conferences and events, and a second, which
contains workshops and training courses.  If you know of a conference,
meeting, workshop or training session with Servicewide interest and
implications, please send the information along.  

Entries are listed no earlier than FOUR months before the event, EXCEPT in
instances in which registration dates close much earlier.  Asterisks indicate
new entries; brackets at end of entry indicate source of information. 
Brevity is appreciated.

6/24-27   Meeting:   Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation
                     Review Committee
          Location:  Downtown Portland Embassy Suites, Portland, OR
          Details:   The agenda for this meeting will include an update on
                     federal agency compliance with NAGPRA, the
                     disposition of culturally unidentifiable human
                     remains, and the status of implementation in the
                     Pacific Northwest.
          Contact:   Frank McManamon, Department Consulting Archeologist
          Phone/fax: 202-343-8161; ---
          E-mail:    FP McManamon at NP-WASO-DCA
          Submitter: Federal Register, Vol. 63, No. 72, page 18441

6/26-28   Event:     50th Anniversary of Theodore Roosevelt NP
          Location:  Theodore Roosevelt NP, ND
          Details:   The park is celebrating the addition of the North
                     Unit to the system in 1948.  The formal ceremony will
                     be at 5 p.m. on June 27th and will be followed by a
                     buffalo barbecue.  Park staff are inviting all former
                     THRO employees to join them for the celebration.
          Contact:   Noel Poe, superintendent, or Bruce Kaye, chief of
          Phone/fax: 701-623-4466; ---
          E-mail:    Noel Poe at NP-THRO, Bruce Kaye at NP-THRO
          Submitter: Noel Poe

6/29-7/2   Meeting:  30th Annual Meeting, Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage
          Location:  Great Falls, MT
          Details:   ---
          Contact:   Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation
          Phone/fax: 509-783-1207; ---
          E-mail:    ---
          Submitter: Sheila Lee, WASO

7/2-6     Meeting:   "Ecological Exchange Between Major Ecosystems,"
                     Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America
          Location:  Baltimore, MD
          Details:   ---
          Contact:   Fred Wagner
          Phone/fax: 801-797-2555; ---
          E-mail:    ---
          Submitter: Sheila Lee, WASO

7/16-19*  Meeting:  "The Invention of American Nationalism(s)," Annual
                     Meeting, Society for Historians of the Early American
          Location:  Harpers Ferry, WV
          Details:   The conference will include papers that reflect both
                     new approaches to political culture and the
                     traditional concerns that have made the character of
                     nationalism so essential to the study of the early
                     American republic.
          Contact:   Bruce Noble
          Phone/fax: 304-535-6223; ---
          E-mail:    ---
          Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA

Various   Seminars:  American History Summer Seminars
          Location:  The titles, dates and locations of relevant seminars
                     are as follows: "Lincoln," Gettysburg College, 7/5-11;
                     "The Origins and Nature of New World Slavery,"
                     Yale University, 7/6-17; "Passages to Freedom:
                     Abolition and the Underground Railroad," Amherst
                     College, 7/19-26; "Thomas Jefferson and the
                     Foundations of American Democracy," Monticello and
                     the University of Virginia, 7/19-25; "The Private and
                     Public George Washington," Brown University, 7/26-8/1
          Details:   As above
          Contact:   Sandra Weber and Laura Feller, WASO
          Phone/fax: Weber: 202-565-1057, Feller: 202-343-9285; ---
          E-mail:    Sandy Weber at NP-WASO-ITC-MIB, Laura Feller at NP-WASO-NRHE
          Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA

8/13-16   Meeting:   Pecos Conference
          Location:  Pecos NHP, NM
          Details:   The focus of this year's annual conference will be on
                     the archeological concepts of culture.  Short papers
                     are also solicited on archeological breakthroughs,
                     updates, unique discoveries, challenges and concerns. 
                     Abstracts of papers are due by June 1.
          Contact:   Judy Reed, Pecos NHP, PO Box 418, Pecos, NM 87552
          Phone/fax: --- ; ---
          E-mail:    Judy Reed at NP-PECO
          Submitter: Pecos NHP

8/19-29*  Meeting:   Northeast Bat Working Group Organizational Meeting
          Location:  Greene Hills Manor, Barree, PA
          Details:   The objectives are to establish bat conservation
                     goals throughout the eastern states and to identify
                     state and provincial working groups.
          Contact:   Jim Kennedy, North American Bat Conservation
          Phone/fax: 512-327-9721; 512-327-9724
          Submitter: Carol DiSalvo, IPM, WASO

9/16-19   Meeting:   Fourth National Conference on Battlefield
          Location:  Westin Francis Marion Hotel, Charleston, SC
          Details:   The conference will explore the tools and techniques
                     used to define historic battlefields and effective
                     methods of protecting battlefield land.
          Contact:   Hampton Tucker
          Phone/fax: 202-343-3580; ---
          E-mail:    Hampton Tucker at NP-WASO-HPS
          Submitter: Same

10/10-13* Meeting:   Third Biennial North American Water Trails
                     Conference/Chesapeake Water Trails Workshop
          Location:  National Conservation Training Center (NCTC),
                     Shepherdstown, WV
          Details:   Topics include access, stewardship, building
                     partnerships, and reducing conflicts.  There will be
                     a presentation by Parks Canada and field trips on
                     October 10th.
          Closes:    No closing date given, but registration will be
          Contact:   Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay
          Phone/fax: 717-236-8825; 717-236-9019
          Submitter: Don Briggs, RTCAP Potomac Field Office, PSO

10/13-16* Meeting:   Fifth Conference on Fossil Resources: Partners
                     Preserving Our Past, Planning Our Future
          Location:  Rapid City, SD
          Details:   Themes include education and outreach, science and
                     research on public and tribal lands, paleo resource
                     management, and partnerships.  A one-day field trip
                     is included in the registration cost of $150.
          Closes:    Early registration closing date: August 1st.
          Contact:   Rachel Benton, Badlands NP
          Phone/fax: 605-433-5261; 605-433-5404
          E-mail:    Rachel Benton at NP-BADL
          Submitter: Same

10/24*    Meeting:   25th Anniversary, Opening of Alcatraz
          Location:  Golden Gate NRA, CA
          Details:   Tentative plans are for a day-long celebration and
                     re-dedication on Saturday, October 24th.  An
                     overnight stay is included.  The park is attempting
                     to contact every NPS employee "who has ever done time
                     on the Rock."  Additional details to follow.
          Contact:   Jim MacDonald or John Cantwell
          Phone/fax: 415-705-1045; ---
          E-mail:    GOGA Alcatraz at NP-GOGA, or
          Submitter: John Cantwell, GOGA

                               *  *  *  *  *

Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators.  Please address requests
pertaining to receipt of the Morning Report to your servicing hub

Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

                               --- ### ---