MORNING REPORT

To:        All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:      Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:  Thursday, June 11, 1998


98-282 - Denali NP (AK) - Climbing Accident; Probable Fatality

C.H., 21, of Seattle, Washington, an assistant guide for Rainier
Mountaineering, Inc., fell while descending from the 16,800-foot level of
Mount McKinley late on the morning of June 6th.  C.H. was part of a guided
group returning from an ascent on the summit and was the last member of a
rope team descending the west buttress route.  A client in front of him
stumbled, tried to stand up, then stumbled again.  C.H. unclipped and
moved to assist him, but slipped and fell on the icy 40% slope.  Fixed lines
have been set and numerous attempts have been made to locate C.H.'s body,
but only his ice axe has been found.  The mountain continues to be buffeted
by snow, wind and generally poor weather, which has severely hampered search
efforts.  [Ken Kehrer, DENA, 6/10]

98-283 - Appalachian NST (GA-ME) - Rape Arrest

On June 3rd, a lone female backpacker was assaulted and raped while hiking on
the Appalachian Trail in the Michaux State Forest, a state reservation in
Pennsylvania.  The NPS and Appalachian Trail Conference assisted the
Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) in their investigation.  On Monday, June 8th,
a PSP trooper spotted a man fitting the description of the suspect riding his
bicycle on a state highway about 25 miles north of the scene of the assault
and near the Appalachian Trail.  The man - subsequently identified as T.B.,
33, no known address - fled into the nearby woods, but was captured
after a two-day search.  T.B. was held on outstanding warrants for theft,
and has since been charged with the rape and placed in jail on a $150,000
bond.  T.B. apparently used a bike to travel back roads paralleling the
trail.  Although the Appalachian Trail is a national scenic trail, the case
will be prosecuted through the state court system.  Cooperation with PSP and
other state agencies has been particularly good since a trailwide law
enforcement conference sponsored by the NPS last November.  [Robert Gray, CR,
ANST, 6/10]




                                                     Tue      Wed    %   Est
State      Unit             Fire/Incident     IMT    6/9      6/10  Con  Con

FL   Apalachicola NF        Holiday           T2    5,915    6,000   50  NR 
     Merritt Island NWR     St. Johns 1       --      280      500   80  6/11
     State                  Georgetown #2     --      711      711   90  6/10
                            Geneva            --    2,000    2,000   70  6/9
                            Fox Command       --    1,000    1,000   95  6/9

AK   Fort Greely            Carla Lake        T1   56,460   57,060   20  NEC

Heading Notes

Unit      Agency = BIA area; NF = national forest; RU = CA state resource
          or ranger unit; RD = state ranger district; District = BLM
          district; NWR = USFWS wildlife refuge
Fire      * = newly reported fire (on this report); Cx = complex
IMT       T1 = Type I; T2 = Type II; ST = State Team
% Con     Percent of fire contained
Est Con   Estimated containment date; NEC = no estimated date of
          containment; CND = fully contained; NR = no report


                    NPS    BIA      BLM     FWS    States   USFS     Total

Sunday, 6/7          1      3         1       1       26      8        40
Monday, 6/8          1      3         2       7      140     18       171
Tuesday, 6/9         0     21         3       1       88      8       121
Wednesday, 6/10      0     36         2       0       43      6        87


                  Crews     Engines    Helicopters    Airtankers   Overhead

Sunday, 6/7         28         58          17             2           408
Monday, 6/8         30         75          21             1           505
Tuesday, 6/9        47         81          18             3           403
Wednesday, 6/10     44         62          18             2           401


Fire activity increased in the Southwest yesterday, but there was little
activity elsewhere.  

Very high to extreme fire indices were reported in units in Texas, New
Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Florida, and New York.

No red flag watches or warnings have been posted for today.  

[NICC Incident Management Situation Report, 6/11]


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Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

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