MORNING REPORT

To:        All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:      Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:  Monday, June 29, 1998

                          *** NOTICE ***

Flags lowered to half staff in memory of ranger Joe Kolodski will remain at
half staff through today and will return to full staff on Tuesday morning.


98-309 - Great Smoky Mountains (NC/TN) - Follow-up on Death of Ranger

Superintendent Karen Wade and her staff have asked that the following be
shared with all of you:

"On behalf of all Great Smoky Mountains National Park employees, I want to
sincerely thank all of you for your support and genuine concern for us and
Joe's family.
"We have had the opportunity this week to appreciate, as never before, what
it means to be a part of the National Park Service family.  We are
overwhelmed by the outpouring of support received from so many who have
expressed their sympathies and provided us with acts of kindness.  There is
no way to adequately thank each and every person who has touched us this
"Some of you attended or sent employees to church services held in Bryson
City, North Carolina, [on Thursday].  We appreciate that gesture more than we
can say.  It was a moving and healing experience for all of us that I wish we
could have shared with the entire Service. 
"Family and community were very important to Joseph D. Kolodski.  The
solidarity that was exhibited during this horrific time has reinforced the
very values that Joe lived by."

                    [Additional pending reports tomorrow...]



The preparedness level has gone up one step.  Preparedness Level III goes
into effect when the following conditions are met: Two or more geographic
areas experiencing incidents requiring a major commitment of national
resources.  High number of fires becoming Class D and larger.  Additional
resources are being ordered and mobilized through NICC.  Type 1 teams are
committed in two or more areas, or 300 crews are committed nationally.


                                                     Thu      Sun    %   Est
State      Unit             Fire/Incident     IMT    6/25     6/28  Con  Con

FL   Merritt Island NWR     Merritt Island Cx --    4,300    4,300  100  CND
     Osceola NF             Oak Head          T1   19,500   20,120   80  6/29
     State                  Suwanee Cx        T1   15,364   16,416   99  7/5
                            Bunnel Cx         T2   36,000   20,456   70  NEC
                          * Bunnel-Volusia Cx T2        -   46,504   40  NEC
                          * Perry Cx          T2        -   20,400   94  6/29
                          * Orlando Cx        T1        -      UNK  UNK  NEC
                          * Withlacootchee    --        -    3,807  100  CND

State                       Horse Savannah    --      800      800  100  CND 

TX   State                  Paducah Cx        T2   14,483   14,485  100  CND 

CO   Arapaho-Roosevelt NF * Bear Track        T2        -      310   10  NEC 
     Southern Ute Agency  * Cherry Creek      --        -      205  100  CND

NM   Gila NF              * Leggett           T2        -      320   NR  NR
     Santa Fe NF          * Osa               T1        -    1,000  UNK  NEC

UT   Cedar City District  * Bulldog           --        -    5,300   25  7/1

AZ   Coronado NF          * Rim Tank          --        -      200   70  6/28

AK   Fort Greely            Carla Lake        T2   60,520   60,520   80  NEC

Heading Notes

Unit     Agency = BIA area; NF = national forest; RU = CA state resource
         or ranger unit; RD = state ranger district; District = BLM
         district; NWR = USFWS wildlife refuge
Fire     * = newly reported fire (on this report); Cx = complex
IMT      T1 = Type I; T2 = Type II; ST = State Team
% Con    Percent of fire contained; UNK = unknown
Est Con  Estimated containment date; NEC = no estimated date of
         containment; CND = fully contained; NR = no report


                    NPS    BIA      BLM     FWS    States   USFS     Total

Thursday, 6/25       0     12         5       0      161     28       206
Friday, 6/26         0     15         4       0      128     13       160
Saturday, 6/27       0      2         8       0       82     10       102
Sunday, 6/28         1     15         3       0       40     21        80


                  Crews     Engines    Helicopters    Airtankers   Overhead

Thursday, 6/25      57        196          39            19           675 @
Friday, 6/26        50        165          27             5           468 @
Saturday, 6/27      54        204          31            11           545 @
Sunday, 6/28        69        159          44            14           551 @#

@ Resource commitments were not reported on many fires in the South.
# Resource commitments were not reported on many fires in the Southwest.


Large fire activity increased yesterday in the Southwest, South and Rocky
Mountains.  There was only minimal activity elsewhere.

Very high to extreme fire indices were reported yesterday in units in
Florida, Georgia, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, and

NICC has posted a FIRE WEATHER WATCH for low relative humidity in northern

[NICC Incident Management Situation Report, 6/27-29]


No entries.


No entries.


No entries.


No entries.


Two calendars alternate in the Morning Report on Mondays - this one, which
contains training courses and workshops, and a second, which contains
meetings, conferences and events.  If you know of a conference, meeting,
workshop or training session with Servicewide interest and implications,
please send the information along.  

Entries are listed no earlier than FOUR months before the event, EXCEPT in
instances in which registration dates close much earlier.  Asterisks (*)
indicate new entries; pound signs (#) indicate revisions to entries that have
appeared previously.  Brevity in entries is appreciated.

7/13-17   Course:    ARPA Training Program (XP-ARPTP-808)
          Location:  Tacoma, W
          Details:   Hosted by DOD and the Army.  The course focuses on
                     both criminal investigation and archeology.  
          Closes:    Application closing date: June 24th.
          Contact:   Park training officer or regional employee
                     development officer.
          Phone/fax: --- ; ---
          E-mail:    ---
          Submitter: Wiley Golden, NPS/FLETC

7/14-17   Course:    Basic Environmental Crimes Investigations
          Location:  Little Rock, AR
          Details:   Open only to personnel in Arkansas.  Sponsored by the
                     Southern Environmental Enforcement Network.
          Closes:    Application closing date: Not provided.
          Contact:   Lana Burwell
          Phone/fax: 334-242-7399; ---
          E-mail:    ---
          Submitter: Einar Olsen, NCSO

8/3-7     Course:    Administration for First-Line Supervisors
          Location:  St. Paul, MN
          Details:   The course is designed to provide first-line
                     supervisors from all disciplines with full
                     performance level competencies in administrative
                     functions to assist them in their roles as
          Closes:    Application closing date: Not provided.
          Contact:   Thomas J. Ferranti
          Phone/fax: 907-257-2550; ---
          E-mail:    ---
          Submitter: Joyce Howe, STM

8/3-7*    CANCELED:  Fire Officer, Golden Gate NRA, CA
          Submitter: Harold Spencer, GOG

8/11-12   Course:    Critical Issues in History Education
          Location:  Mather TC, Harpers Ferry, WV
          Details:   The course provides an overview of issues in historic
                     site interpretation of history and memory,
                     commemoration, and historical methods and evidence.
          Closes:    Application closing date: Not provided.
          Contact:   Laura Feller
          Phone/fax: 202-343-9528; 202-343-1244
          E-mail:    ---
          Submitter: Joyce Howe, STM

8/16-21  Course:     Managerial Grid: Phase I and Instructor Preparation
          Location:  Knoxville, TN
          Details:   Phase I is a prerequisite for attending the IP
                     sessions.  Sponsored by ANPR.  Cost: $750, which
                     includes a one-year membership in ANPR; $600 for
                     current members.  Applications (purchase order,
                     SF-181, personal check or money order, etc.) should be
                     sent to ANPR, c/o Bill Wade, 5625 N. Wilmot Road,
                     Tucson, AZ.
          Closes:    Application closing date: July 10th.
          Contact:   Bill Wade
          Phone/fax: 520-615-9417; 520-615-9474
          E-mail:    Bill Wade at NP--MAR
          Submitter: Same

8/17-21   Course:    Environmental Crime Investigation Techniques
          Location:  Chattanooga, TN
          Details:   Open to personnel in Alabama, Florida, Georgia,
                     Kentucky, Mississippi, North and South Carolina, and
                     Tennessee.  Sponsored by the Southern Environmental
                     Enforcement Network.
          Closes:    Application closing date: Not provided.
          Contact:   Lana Burwell
          Phone/fax: 334-242-7399; ---
          E-mail:    ---
          Submitter: Einar Olsen, NCSO

8/18-19   Course:    The First Step to Behavior-Based Safety
          Location:  Mather TC, Harpers Ferry, WV
          Details:   The seminar will present principles that will assist
                     in reducing injuries in parks.
          Closes:    Application closing date: Not provided.
          Contact:   Mary Robinson
          Phone/fax: 304-535-6723; 304-535-6408
          E-mail:    ---
          Submitter: Joyce Howe, STM

8/31-9/4  Course:    Compass II: Universal Competencies and Orientation
          Location:  Albright TC, GRCA, AZ
          Details:   Offered Servicewide.  Refer to the Learning Place
                     bulletin board.
          Closes:    Application closing date: Not provided.
          Contact:   Betsy Haynes or Kevin Turner
          Phone/fax: Haynes: 540-721-2094, Cobb: 415-289-2366; ---
          E-mail:     ---
          Submitter: Betty Browning, HOAL

9/9-11    Course:    Principles of Access
          Location:  Lakewood, CO
          Details:   Training on the fundamentals of accessibility, laying
                     the foundation for understanding the characteristics
                     and needs of people with disabilities.
          Closes:    Application closing date: August 7th.
          Contact:   National Center on Accessibility
          Phone/fax: 765-349-9240; 765-342-6658
          Submitter: Joyce Howe, STM

9/14-18   Course:    Expanding Education in the National Parks: A Train
                     the Trainer Opportunity
          Location:  Lowell NHP, M
          Details:   The program will produce a cadre of trainers to
                     prepare and present the Module 270 curriculum to NPS
          Closes:    Application closing date: July 13th
          Contact:   Elizabeth Hoermann
          Phone/fax: 978-970-5030; ---
          E-mail:    Betty Hoermann at NP-LOWE
          Submitter: Joyce Howe, STM

9/16-18*  Course:    Fire Protection for Historic Structures and Museum
          Location:  Eastham, M
          Details:   The course will cover basic practices and new
                     technologies for integrating fire safety into park
          Closes:    Application closing date: July 17th.
          Contact:   Joe Mazzeo
          Phone/fax: 617-223-5221; ---
         E-mail:    Joe Mazzeo at NP-NARO
          Submitter: Joyce Howe, STM

9/16-18* Course:     Afterimages: Reformatting visual Materials in a
                     Digital World
          Location:  National Archives and Records Administration
                     Facility, College Park, MD
          Details:   How to reformat endangered visual materials to obtain
                     high quality photographic and/or digital copies.
          Closes:    Application closing date: August 14th for early
          Contact:   Ginny Hughes
          Phone/fax: 978-470-1010; 978-475-6021
          Submitter: Diane Vogt O'Connor, CSD/WASO

9/22-24*  Course:    Visitor Use Management for Managers: Special Park
          Location:  Mather TC, Harpers Ferry, WV
          Details:   Management level course on the legal
                     responsibilities, administrative aspects, and
                     management applications of special park uses and fee
          Closes:    Application closing date: August 6th.
          Contact:   Chuck Anibal
          Phone/fax: 304-535-6215; ---
          E-mail:    ---
          Submitter: Joyce Howe, STM

10/5-9*   Course:    Interagency Interpretive Competencies: Entry,
                     Developmental and Full Performance Levels (this is a
                     reannouncement with NEW dates and location for the
          Location:  Mather TC, Harpers Ferry, WV
          Details:   Cooperative effort by FWS and NPS to train
                     participants in knowledge, skills and abilities in
                     one interpretive competency.
          Closes:    Application closing date: July 20th
          Contact:   David Larsen
          Phone/fax: 304-535-6437; 304-535-6148
          E-mail:    David Larsen at NP-WASO
          Submitter: Joyce Howe, STM

10/13-18* Course:    Colorado Firefighters' Academy
          Location:  Tammaron Resort, Durango, CO
          Details:   A preliminary session, which will run from October
                     13th to the 15th, will provide training on S-205 and
                     arson investigation; there will also be one and two-day
                     special topic classes in large diameter hoses,
                     pump operations and technical rope work.  The main
                     fire academy class will follow from the 16th to the
          Closes:    Application closing date: Not provided.
          Contact:   Ann Johnston, San Juan Basin VoTech School
          Phone/fax: 970-565-8457; ---
          Submitter: Steve Budd-Jack, MEVE

10/20-22* Course:    Monitoring for Chiefs of Administration
          Location:  Mather Training Center, WV (plus employee duty
          Details:   The program pairs proteges with mentors who serve as
                     role models and provide insight and guidance on how
                     to enhance competitiveness for advancement into and
                     within the management realm.
          Closes:    Application closing date: July 31st.
          Contact:   Jan Gauthier
          Phone/fax: 304-535-6402; ---
          E-mail:    Jan Gauthier at NP-HFC1
          Submitter: Joyce Howe, STM

                          *  *  *  *  *

Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators.  Please address requests
pertaining to receipt of the Morning Report to your servicing hub

Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

                          --- ### ---