98-361 - Suitland Parkway (MD) - Drug Arrests

Members of the Park Police narcotics and vice unit culminated a two-month
investigation with the arrest of three people for heroin possession and
distribution.  The primary target of the investigation used the parkway to
deliver heroin to several open air drug markets in the city, one of which was
adjacent to the Frederick Douglas Home.  Search warrants were obtained and
executed at two locations.  Recovered at one location were an ounce of raw
heroin, a quantity of marijuana, a pistol and heroin cutting material; seized
at the other location was a quantity of heroin bagged and ready for sale. 
Three vehicles, over $50,000 in cash, and paper assets were seized.  The
value of the drugs has been placed at $19,000.  All three of the people
arrested have been indicted and await trial.  [Henry Berberich, RLES, NCRO,

98-362 - Baltimore Washington Parkway (MD/DC) - Drug Arrests

A seven-month investigation into cocaine distribution by the USPP narcotics
and vice unit recently concluded with the arrest of five people.  The parkway
was used to bring cocaine into the city, often at speeds in excess of 100 mph
in order to avoid surveillance.  A Park Police undercover officer purchased
over $30,000 in crack cocaine during this investigation.  More than $14,500
in cash, two handguns and two vehicles were seized in the execution of two
search warrants.  A small child, exposed to his guardian's drug trafficking,
was removed from his residence and remanded to district social services. 
[Henry Berberich, RLES, NCRO, 6/25]

98-363 - Ozark NSR (MO) - Drug Arrests

A multi-agency task force conducted an operation to reduce drug and alcohol
use on the Lower Current River on June 27th.  The task force concentrated on
the nine-mile stretch of the river between Chilton Creek Landing and Van
Buren.  Over the course of the day, task force members made 51 arrests on 61
charges, including three felony and 40 misdemeanor drug charges and ten
charges of minors in possession of alcohol.  Participating in the task force
were the NPS, Forest Service and several state, county and city enforcement
agencies.  [D. Madrid, OZAR, 7/6]

98-364 - Organ Pipe Cactus NM (AZ) - Drug Seizure

On July 1st, a Border Patrol agent was working in Smuggler's Wash, an area of
the park on the international border known for extremely high drug
trafficking activity, when he intercepted several backpacking smugglers and
asked for backup.  Ranger Fred Moosman responded.  The smugglers had dropped
their loads, then fled into the surrounding brush.  Eight bales of marijuana
with a total weight of 300 pounds were seized.  The bales were covered with
camouflaged sacks and equipped with modified seatbelt carrying straps.  Drugs
continue to be smuggled north across the border despite high temperatures
reaching over 115 degrees.  Several other drug seizures have been made in the
park by other agencies over the past three months.  [Aniceto Olais, CR, ORPI,

98-365 - Lake Mead NRA (AZ/NV) - Probable Drowning

On the evening of July 4th, rangers Tom Valenta and Brian Cooperider checked
out a report of a person missing from a boat in the lower Boulder Basin. 
They contacted K.B., 17, of Henderson, Nevada.  She said that
she and C.S., 19, also of Henderson, had been riding together on a
PWC when they decided to stop and go for a swim.  They took off their life
jackets and dove into the lake.  The PWC began to drift away while they were
swimming; they attempted to reach it, but could not swim fast enough.  They
both headed for Promontory Point, becoming separated en route.  K.B.
heard C.S. call for help several times from behind her, but the calls
eventually stopped.  K.B. swam for an estimated hour and a half before
being rescued by a private vessel.  They searched for C.S. for about an
hour before summoning rangers.  A search was begun and continued through the
following morning.  No sign of him was found.  The search area will be
checked daily for the next week.  Water depths in the area range from 175 to
400 feet.  [Paul Crawford, SPR, Boulder Basin District, LAME, 7/6]

98-366 - Indian Dunes NL (IN) - Drowning

S.A., 33, of Chicago, was reported missing in the waters of Lake
Michigan north of the Beverly Shores Pavilion on the afternoon of July 1st. 
Although nearby guarded waters had been either closed or restricted to waist-
deep wading due to rip current conditions, S.A. had gone swimming with his
wife and four young children.  His wife and one young son began having
trouble in the water, and the current separated the boy from his mother.  She
was able to reach shore, and S.A. attempted to swim out and assist his son. 
A couple on the beach also entered the water and rescued the boy, but S.A.
disappeared under the water.  A search was begun which employed over 40
rescuers from numerous organizations, including the park.  His body was
recovered by a diver 100 yards from shore late that evening.  [Richard
Littlefield, CR, INDU, 7/2]

98-367 - Curecanti NRA (CO) - Probable Drowning

The park received a call from the local sheriff's office on June 28th,
reporting that a 17-year-old was missing after a tubing accident on the Lake
Fork of the Gunnison River.  N.E. and M.H., both of
Montrose, Colorado, were floating down the Lake Fork segment of the river in
an inner tube, but missed their intended pullout point.  As they approached
Railroad Falls, a class IV rapid, M.H. jumped off and grabbed a rock, but
was unable to hold onto the inner tube.  N.E. entered the falls while
sitting on the tube and was last seen off the tube, struggling in the water
and facing upstream.  M.H. immediately climbed up the river bank, but
couldn't find N.E..  M.H. and guides from a commercial river trip searched
the downstream area without success.  Park personnel and county divers and
volunteer SAR team members searched the river for several days, but could not
find him.  The search has been scaled back to shoreline and lake patrols to
the mouth of the river.  Neither N.E. nor M.H. was wearing a life jacket
at the time of the incident.  [Linda Alick, CR, CURE, 6/29]

98-368 - Rock Creek Park (DC) - Suicide

On the evening of July 5th, Park Police received a report that a person had
jumped from Cathedral Avenue onto Rock Creek Parkway about 100 feet below. 
The victim, who was in his mid-20s, was taken to George Washington Hospital,
where he was pronounced dead.  He had no identification and remains
unidentified.  Three witnesses saw the man jump.  [Henry Berberich, RLES,
NCRO, 7/7]

98-369 - Indiana Dunes NL (IN) - Suicide

A visitor found the body of H.L., 75, of Chesterton, Indiana, at
Lakeview Beach on the morning of June 29th.  He had a single gunshot wound in
his temple; a revolver which he owned was in his right hand.  He'd been
reported missing earlier that morning.  H.L. was despondent about his health,
and left personal papers with disposition instructions where his wife would
find them.  H.L.'s vehicle was found parked nearby.  A large, plastic drop
cloth covered the entire front seat, indicating that he had planned to commit
suicide in the car.  Criminal investigator Joe Wieszczyk led the
investigation.  [Richard Littlefield, CR, INDU, 7/2]

                       [Additional reports pending...]




                                                     Sun      Tue    %   Est
State      Unit             Fire/Incident     IMT    7/5      7/6   Con  Con

FL   Osceola NF             Oak Head          T1   20,370   20,370   95  7/14
     Merritt Island NWR     Merritt Island Cx --    4,987    4,987   80  NEC
     State                  Suwanee Cx        T1   16,376   16,376   99  7/15
                            Flagler/StJohn Cx T1   62,416   92,476   NR  NEC
                            Volusia Cx        T2  107,300  111,130   40  NEC
                            Orlando Cx        T1   69,555   79,983   53  7/20
                            Withlacoochee     T2    2,301    2,304   90  7/10
                            Jacksonville 2    T1   14,293   16,143   86  NEC
                          * Chipola Cx        --        -      500   NR  NR
                          * Perry Cx          T2        -   20,400   85  7/14

TX   State                  Valle De Oro      --      200    1,200  100  CND
                          * Flo               --        -    1,320  100  CND
                          * Red Town          --        -      200  100  CND
                          * Alcon             --        -       NR   NR  NR

AZ   Havasu NWR           * South Dike        --        -    3,000   75  7/7

OR   Siskiyou NF          * Madstone          T2        -      200   10  7/10

UT   Salt Lake District     Faust             --    6,545    6,549  100  CND

AK   Fort Greely            Carla Lake        T2   60,520   60,520   82  NEC
     Tongass NF             Mill              T2      155      276  100  CND  
     State                  Midway Lake       --      500      400   50  7/7

                                  Heading Notes

Unit        Agency = BIA area; NF = national forest; RU = CA state resource
            or ranger unit; RD = state ranger district; District = BLM
            district; NWR = USFWS wildlife refuge
Fire        * = newly reported fire (on this report); Cx = complex
IMT         T1 = Type I; T2 = Type II; ST = State Team
% Con       Percent of fire contained; UNK = unknown
Est Con     Estimated containment date; NEC = no estimated date of
            containment; CND = fully contained; NR = no report


                    NPS    BIA      BLM     FWS    States   USFS     Total

Saturday, 7/4        1      5        10       4      113     20       153
Sunday, 7/5          1     23        10       0      107     34       175
Monday, 7/6          2     16        10       1      228     17       224
Tuesday, 7/7         1      8        16       0      276     25       326


                  Crews     Engines    Helicopters    Airtankers   Overhead

Saturday, 7/4      143        449          55            15         1,366 @
Sunday, 7/5        134        381          62             4         1,214 @
Monday, 7/6        131        589          73             3         1,445 @
Tuesday, 7/7       181        583          77             2         1,445 @

@ Resource reports were not received from many fires in the South.


Large fires continued to burn in the South yesterday; new large fires were
reported in the Northwest.

Very high and extreme fire indices were reported in Florida, Georgia, Texas,
Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, Utah, California and Nevada.

No fire weather watches or warnings have been posted for today.

[NICC Incident Management Situation Report, 7/7-8]


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                                *  *  *  *  *

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Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

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