MORNING REPORT

To:         All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:       Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:   Monday, July 20, 1998


98-309 - Great Smoky Mountains (NC/TN) - Follow-up on Shooting of Ranger

In early July, a federal grand jury indicted J.L., Sr., 47, for
the murder of ranger Joe Kolodski.  J.L. was charged with murder of
Kolodski while he was performing his official duties; murder of Kolodski
while Kolodski was assisting ranger Anthony Welch, who was performing
official duties; attempted murder of Welch; and assault with intent to do
bodily harm to a park visitor.  On July 9th, a federal judge ordered a
psychological exam of J.L. to determine if he is competent to stand trial. 
Attorney general Janet Reno is not expected to decide if she will seek the
death penalty until the evaluation is completed.  The case continues to draw
extensive media attention, particularly regarding the possibility of the
death penalty.  Additional details have also been provided about the
investigation.  As was noted in previous reports, J.L. was apprehended on
the day of the murder as he came out of the woods and onto a remote dirt road
on the Cherokee reservation.  He was captured - unarmed and without
resistance - by two Cherokee game wardens.  Rangers were able to backtrack
J.L. to the crime scene.  Additional evidence was found while establishing
his trail.  J.L.'s escape route was from the high elevation crime scene
down a steep and densely wooded drainage to the base of the mountain.  A
significant amount of evidence was recovered during the investigation and is
currently being evaluated by the FBI laboratory.  A 7.62 bolt-action rifle
was recovered which is believed to be the murder weapon.  The FBI continues
to serve as the primary investigatory agency; extensive assistance is being
provided by Great Smoky Mountains NP rangers.  J.L. refused to make a
statement after being arrrested and has made no comments to date.  Both Great
Smoky Mountains NP and Blue Ridge Parkway are still being supported by
rangers detailed to the area.  Kolodski's wife and children are being
supported by the NPS family and local friends as they attempt to cope with
the tragedy.  Cards and/or donations may be sent to the family in care of
Friends of the Great Smoky Mountains NP, 130 West Bruce Street, Suite #1,
Sevierville, TN 37862.  Additional follow-up reports will appear in the
Morning Report as the case progresses.  [John Mattox, CI, GRSM, 7/17]

                       [Additional reports pending...]




                                                     Thu      Sun    %   Est
State      Unit             Fire/Incident     IMT    7/16     7/19  Con  Con

FL   State                  Suwanee Cx        T1   36,508   36,508   99  NEC 
                            Jacksonville 2    T2   16,163   16,860   90  NEC
                            Flagler/StJohn Cx T1   94,656   94,656   90  7/20

GA   Okefenokee NWR         Honey Scrub Cx    T1    7,094    7,099   50  8/1 

TX   State                * No Name           --        -      225  UNK  NEC
                          * Spade             --        -    1,100  UNK  NEC

NV   Carson City District * Sand              --        -    7,000   40  7/21
     Ely District         * Eldridge          --        -      700  UNK  NEC
                          * Union Cx          T2        -    7,860   75  7/20

MT   Custer NF            * Parkside          T2        -      133   50  7/20

OR   Burns District       * Fifteen Cent      --        -      650   90  7/20

UT   Moab District        * Hovenweep         --        -    1,500   10  7/21
     State                * George            --        -    8,000   60  NEC

NM   State                * Fresques          --        -      320    0  NEC

AZ   Phoenix District     * McCarrin          --        -      220    0  NEC
     Tonto NF             * Granite           --        -      100   70  7/20

CO   Craig District       * Peekaboo          --        -      140    0  NEC
                                  Heading Notes

Unit        Agency = BIA area; NF = national forest; RU = CA state resource
            or ranger unit; RD = state ranger district; District = BLM
            district; NWR = USFWS wildlife refuge
Fire        * = newly reported fire (on this report); Cx = complex
IMT         T1 = Type I; T2 = Type II; ST = State Team
% Con       Percent of fire contained; UNK = unknown
Est Con     Estimated containment date; NEC = no estimated date of
            containment; CND = fully contained; NR = no report


                    NPS    BIA      BLM     FWS    States   USFS     Total

Thursday, 7/16       0      9         4       0      115     13       141
Friday, 7/17         1      2        17       1       66     42       129
Saturday, 7/18       1     10        24       0       53     45       133
Sunday, 7/19         1     16        35       4       79     74       209


                  Crews     Engines    Helicopters    Airtankers   Overhead

Thursday, 7/16      66        378          81             9         1,239
Friday, 7/17        82        387          86            10         1,044
Saturday, 7/18      53        299          59             2           813
Sunday, 7/19        76        369          91             9           832


Fire activity increased yesterday in the Southwest, Rockies and the Great
Basin; initial attack continued in Texas because of extreme fire indices and
widespread thunderstorms.  

Very high and extreme fire indices were reported in Florida, Georgia, Texas,
New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming, California, and

NICC has posted a FIRE WEATHER WATCH for today for dry thunderstorms and very
hot and dry conditions in central and eastern Wyoming.

[NICC Incident Management Situation Report, 7/18-20]


No entries.


No entries.


No entries.


No entries.


Two calendars alternate in the Morning Report on Mondays - this one, which
contains meetings, seminars, conferences and events, and a second, which
contains workshops and training courses.  If you know of a conference,
meeting, workshop or training session with Servicewide interest and
implications, please send the information along.  

Entries are listed no earlier than FOUR months before the event, EXCEPT in
instances in which registration dates close much earlier.  Asterisks indicate
new entries; brackets at end of entry indicate source of information. 
Brevity is appreciated.

7/29-30     Seminar:    Available Options for Wood Protection
            Location:   Denver Service Center, CO
            Details:    Options for protecting wood from pests and associated
                        environmental and human risks.
            Contact:    Carol DiSalvo or Ken Franc
            Phone/fax:  DiSalvo: 202-219-8936, Franc: 303-969-2165; ---
            E-mail:     Carol DiSalvo at NP-WASO-ENV/POL, Ken Franc at NP-
            Submitter:  Carol DiSalvo

8/13-16     Meeting:    Pecos Conference
            Location:   Pecos NHP, NM
            Details:    The focus of this year's annual conference will be on
                        the archeological concepts of culture.  Short papers
                        are also solicited on archeological breakthroughs,
                        updates, unique discoveries, challenges and concerns.
            Contact:    Judy Reed, Pecos NHP, PO Box 418, Pecos, NM 87552
            Phone/fax:  --- ; ---
            E-mail:     Judy Reed at NP-PECO
            Submitter:  Pecos NHP

8/19-29     Meeting:    Northeast Bat Working Group Organizational Meeting
            Location:   Greene Hills Manor, Barree, PA
            Details:    The objectives are to establish bat conservation
                        goals throughout the eastern states and to identify
                        state and provincial working groups.
            Contact:    Jim Kennedy, North American Bat Conservation
            Phone/fax:  512-327-9721; 512-327-9724
            Submitter:  Carol DiSalvo, IPM, WASO

8/20-22     Meeting:    "Stuff of Women's History: Using Artifacts,
                        Landscapes and Built Environment to Research and
                        Teach about Women's History in the Classroom"
            Location:   Seneca Falls, NY
            Details:    This conference, which features a series of lectures,
                        slide shows, workshops and sessions, is co-sponsored
                        by Women's Rights NHP.  NPS training credit will be
                        arranged.  Registration is $35; travel and per diem
                        are benefitting account.
            Closes:     Registration closing date: Not specified.
            Contact:    John Dichtl, Organization of American Historians
            Phone/fax:  812-855-7345; ---
            E-mail:, or
            Submitter:  Vivien Rose, WORI

8/31-9/6*   Meeting:    Society of American Archivists
            Location:   Walt Disney World Dolphin Hotel, Orlando, FL
            Details:    The conference will feature 68 sessions (nearly 100
                        hours) of sessions on many educational tracks.  See
                        next week's calendar for pre-conference workshops. 
                        Registration is $285 for non-members, and $235 for
                        members before August 30th.
            Closes:     N/A - but all registration after August 30th will be
                        on site.
            Contact:    Diane Vogt O'Connor for particulars; the hotel (407-
                        934-4000) for reservations (must be before August
            Phone/fax:  --- ; ---
            E-mail:     Diane Vogt O'Connor at NP-WASO-CSD
            Submitter:  Same

9/16-19     Meeting:    Fourth National Conference on Battlefield
            Location:   Westin Francis Marion Hotel, Charleston, SC
            Details:    The conference will explore the tools and techniques
                        used to define historic battlefields and effective
                        methods of protecting battlefield land.
            Contact:    Hampton Tucker
            Phone/fax:  202-343-3580; ---
            E-mail:     Hampton Tucker at NP-WASO-HPS
            Submitter:  Same

10/10-13    Meeting:    Third Biennial North American Water Trails
                        Conference/Chesapeake Water Trails Workshop
            Location:   National Conservation Training Center (NCTC),
                        Shepherdstown, WV
            Details:    Topics include access, stewardship, building
                        partnerships, and reducing conflicts.  There will be
                        a presentation by Parks Canada and field trips on
                        October 10th.
            Closes:     Not given, but registration will be limited.
            Contact:    Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay
            Phone/fax:  717-236-8825; 717-236-9019
            Submitter:  Don Briggs, RTCAP Potomac Field Office, PSO

10/13-16    Meeting:    Fifth Conference on Fossil Resources: Partners
                        Preserving Our Past, Planning Our Future
            Location:   Rapid City, SD
            Details:    Themes include education and outreach, science and
                        research on public and tribal lands, paleo resource
                        management, and partnerships.  A field trip is
                        included in the registration cost of $150.
            Closes:     Early registration closing date: August 1st.
            Contact:    Rachel Benton, Badlands NP
            Phone/fax:  605-433-5261; 605-433-5404
            E-mail:     Rachel Benton at NP-BADL
            Submitter:  Same

10/15       Meeting:    Call for Papers: "On the Frontiers of Conservation:
                        Discovery, Reappraisal, and Innovation," Tenth
                        Conference on Research and Resource Management in
                        Parks and on Public Lands
            Location:   Asheville, NC
            Details:    The conference will not be held until March 22-26,
                        1999, but the deadline for papers is October 15th. 
                        Abstracts are welcome on any topic related to
                        research, resource management, and education in parks
                        and protected areas, and from any field in cultural
                        or natural resources.  There will be a management
                        track to highlight case studies and practical
                        applications, a track for research findings and
                        policy discussions, and a regionally-focused
                        Appalachian issues track.
            Closes:     N/A
            Contact:    George Wright Society
            Phone/fax:  906-487-9722; 906-487-9405
            E-mail:; gws99.html
            Submitter:  Dave Harmon, GWS; Bob Krumenaker, SHEN

10/24*      Event:      35th Anniversary, Horace Albright Training Center
            Location:   Grand Canyon NP, AZ
            Details:    An open house and evening program will take place on
                        the 24th.  If you are a former training manager,
                        instructor or student, please send along your tales,
                        impressions, thoughts or memories regarding the
            Contact:    Bob Karotko
            Phone/fax:  520-638-7988; 520-638-2953
            E-mail:     Bob Karotko at NP-HOAL
            Submitter:  Same

10/24       Event:      25th Anniversary, Opening of Alcatraz
            Location:   Golden Gate NRA, CA     
            Details:    Tentative plans are for a day-long celebration and
                        re-dedication on Saturday, October 24th.  An
                        overnight stay is included.  The park is attempting
                        to contact every NPS employee "who has ever done time
                        on the Rock."  
            Contact:    Jim MacDonald or John Cantwell
            Phone/fax:  415-705-1045; ---
            E-mail:     GOGA Alcatraz at NP-GOGA, or
            Submitter:  John Cantwell, GOGA

                                *  *  *  *  *

Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators.  Please address requests
pertaining to receipt of the Morning Report to your servicing hub

Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

                                 --- ### ---