THIRD QUARTER, FY98: APRIL 1 - JUNE 30, 1998

August 8, 1998                                                           98-01

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.0   Associate Director, Park Operations and Education
2.0   Concessions
3.0   Interpretation
4.0   Facilities Management
5.0   Harpers Ferry Center
6.0   Job Corps
7.0   Risk Management
8.0   Public Health Service
9.0   Appalachian Trail
10.0  Ranger Activities
11.0  Calendar



      This is the first edition of a new quarterly summary of what's going on
      in Park Operations and Education.  It is being sent to the readers of
      the Morning Report to assure the widest possible dissemination among
      those of you who do the field work of the National Park Service.

      Although there are many sources of information on actions going on here
      in WASO in the divisions within park operations, including both bulletin
      boards and electronic newsletters, field folks still frequently ask me
      about what's going on in Washington.  I suspect that's because all of
      you are hard pressed and often don't have the time to read much beyond
      your own professional specialties.  But everything in operations is
      interrelated, and it's often important for a ranger to know what's going
      on in facility management or for a safety specialist to be up to speed
      on activities in public health.

      The solution seems to be a comprehensive, concise summary of on-going
      actions.  This quarterly status report is meant to achieve that end. 
      Since the division chiefs all have to prepare these reports for me every
      three months, it makes sense to extract the core information and pass it
      on to you.  Yes, there's a lot of info, but you'll only be seeing it
      four times a year.  If it strikes you as too much or insufficiently
      relevant to your work, you're free to pitch it.  I think you'll find it
      worth your while, though, to at least scan each issue quickly.

      It's no secret that downsizing has dramatically increased workloads and
      stress levels everywhere in the NPS.  As a former superintendent, I both
      understand and sympathize with the problems you face - more work, fewer
      people, radically (at times) different ways of doing business.  But I
      also ask you to be sensitive to the fact that this is also a reality in
      the regions, in the support offices, and in Washington.  WASO operations
      has suffered a staffing cut of over 50% in the last five years; at the
      same time, Congress and the Administration are asking us to do much more
      and you are seeking more support.  This situation has proved very
      challenging for my staff.  I ask that you keep this in mind and
      understand why you can't always get through on the phone or get quick
      answers to questions.

      If you have any ideas on how to make this report work better for you,
      please send them on to Bill Halainen, who is editing this publication. 
      Subsequent editions will be leaner than this first transmittal, as we're
      still trying to sort out what to put out, so have erred on the side of

      In case nobody's told you lately, you're all doing a pretty outstanding
      job in keeping the parks up and running, meeting the high standards
      we've set for ourselves over the years, protecting often irreplaceable
      resources, and serving the ever-growing visiting public.  

      Maureen Finnerty
      Associate Director
      Park Operations and Education


2.1   Director's Orders: A draft of DO #48 went to the policy office and
      solicitor for formal review in March.  

2.2   Legislation: Participated in development of the section on concessions
      in the omnibus parks legislation that is currently before Congress.

2.3   Concessions Contracting: Activities for the quarter include:

      o     Completed the draft manual, revised contract language, and sale/
            transfer procedures, which are to be disseminated for comment in
            the late summer or fall.
      o     Continued efforts to reduce the contracting backlog; considerable
            progress has been made.
      o     Held a meeting with parks and SO concessions offices on the
            National Park Concessions, Inc., renewal process.  NPCI operates
            concessions at MEVE, BLRI, ISRO, BIBE and OLYM.  The master
            contract is currently managed by WASO; when it expires in about
            four years, five or more separate contracts will be issued, to be
            managed by the parks.  A project timetable and responsibilities
            were established.

2.4   Financial Programs: Activities for the quarter include:

      o     Revised the fee determination system for review by the team and by
            Arthur Anderson consulting firm.
      o     Continued work on revisions to the annual financial report. 
            Formulation of a new draft report is underway.
      o     Completed an initial estimate of concession improvement needs and
            funding.  A field survey will take place in September.
      o     Completed portions of a financial procedures manual.  A complete
            draft will be ready for review pending completion of work on the
            annual financial report and fees.

2.5   Operational Programs: Activities for the quarter include:

      o     Continued work on revisions to the basic evaluation program
            manual.  Public review of the basic program and several revised
            standards will occur in the late summer or fall.
      o     Continued work on revisions to the rate approval program, which
            are now largely completed.  They will be out for review in the
            late summer or fall.
      o     Tested the revised risk management program in the field.  An
            analysis of results is underway.
      o     Met with a private sector committee on a review and update of NPS
            handicraft policies and procedures.  A meeting is to be held with
            the Indian Arts and Crafts Board.  Revisions to the program are
            being drafted for inclusion in the operations manual.
      o     Met with NPS minority contracting staff and a contractor on
            creation of a minority hiring program.

2.6   Business and Commercial Park Uses: Activities for the quarter include:

      o     Reviewed the 1997 incidental business permit program.  A report
            with recommendations on the program is forthcoming.
      o     Continued the on-going meetings of a concession-cooperating
            association committee to explore cooperative efforts and ways of
            reducing friction.  Representatives from the NPS and National Park
            Hospitality Association participated on panels at the CNPCA annual
            meeting in March.

2.7   Concession Information Systems: Activities for the quarter include:

      o     Developed new contracting, finance and operations databases.  Some
            data is now available.

2.8   Concession Careers: Activities for the quarter include:

      o     Began implementing recommendations made by the concession careers
            task force.  A report was circulated to the field in March; a
            presentation to the director is pending.
      o     Developed a draft concession training strategy, now under
            consideration by Employee Development.

2.9   Concession Environmental Program: Activities for the quarter include:

      o     Participated with Facility Management and Interpretation on joint
            environment initiatives and April workshop and participated in the
            DOI/DOE energy workshop in June.
      o     Drafted environmental standards for concessioner evaluations;
            arranged concessioner representation in April and June workshops.


3.1   Director's Orders: DO #32 has been completed and signed by Director
      Stanton.  The resource manual for this DO has been finished and will be
      sent to an editor for review.

3.2   Interpretation: Activities for the quarter included the following:

      o     Conducted a workshop on "Connecting People to Parks in the 21st
            Century," which focused on ways in which interpretation and
            education could evolve to best meet the missions of resource
            preservation and visitor enjoyment in the coming century.  Ideas
            and suggestions from the session are now being compiled and will
            be used to create a five-year work plan for interpretation and
            education.  Major areas of interest were the NPS image, the
            messages the service is delivering to the public, the NPS as an
            agent of change in society, the demand for inter-disciplinary
            thinking and work, the importance of the audience, the need for a
            competent interpretive work force, and program evaluation.  The
            plan will be disseminated for wide review.
      o     Participated in interpretive leadership workshops in SER, IMR and
            MWR, focusing on interpretive development program, comprehensive
            interpretive plans, and media programs.
      o     Participated in the NPS historians workshop and gave a
            presentation on interpretive competencies and curriculum and ways
            in which historians and interpreters can better assist each other.
      o     Held an interpretive curriculum coordinators/certifiers workshop
            which reviewed and updated the current curriculum and
            certification process and trained 25 new certifiers.
      o     Held a historic weapons certification course in Oklahoma, training
            50 employees.
      o     Worked on comprehensive interpretive plans for three parks.

3.3   ParkNet Support: Activities for the quarter included the following:

      o     Trained 27 NPS staff and cooperators form the Pacific Island
            cluster on development of home pages.
      o     Conducted an assessment of use of ParkNet, which revealed:

            *     that there are an average of 757,085 hits daily;
            *     that there are an average of 951,191 hits on weekend days;
            *     that there were 1,065,522 hits on the peak day so far (May
                  6th); and
            *     that the ten most accessed web pages on the net are 1) the
                  NPS place on the web's main page, 2) Alcatraz, 3) Yosemite
                  NP, 4) the "Visit Your National Parks" page, 5) Hawaii
                  Volcanoes NP, 6) Great Smoky Mountains NP, 7) Rocky Mountain
                  NP, 8) Korean War Veterans' Memorial, 9) Yosemite NP
                  camping, and 10) the special resource study for the
                  Underground Railroad.
      o     Converted Future Projects data to the Project Management
            Information System (PMIS).

3.4   Servicewide Education: Activities for the quarter include:

      o     Drafted an environmental leadership strategy for Park Operations
            and Education.  The work group consisted of representatives from
            Facility Management, Concessions and Interpretation.  The next
            task will be to expand the document to include all NPS divisions
            and offices.
      o     Participated in the annual National Science Teachers Association
            meeting; presented a full-day teacher workshop and tour, a seminar
            and an exhibit for the 10,000 teachers who attended.
      o     Forwarded the draft script for a CD-ROM on fire management and
            education to a review group.  Production should begin later this
      o     Completed the 1997 "Parks as Classrooms" report and will transmit
            to the field in August.
      o     Toni Dufficy from Everglades NP has begun a one-year detail at
            NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center; goals of the detail are to
            improve science literacy and to promote increased communication
            and sharing of resources between NASA and the NPS.  She can be
            reached via the Internet at Toni_Dufficy@nps.gov.

3.5   Cooperating Associations: Activities for the quarter include:

      o     Completed the annual cooperating association report for 1997,
            which revealed that gross sales for the 64 associations was $89
            million and that donations to the service for interpretation,
            education and research totaled $19 million.


4.1   Director's Orders: The division is responsible for revising eight
      guidelines and converting them to DOs.  Their status, as of early July,
      was as follows.  The name of the person responsible for the DO appears
      in parentheses.

      o     DO #15, Telecommunications (Frank Weed): Target completion date of
            December, 1998.  
      o     DO #36, Park Housing (Donna Compton): Completed in June. 
            Currently out for field review.  Signature by director anticipated
            in September.
      o     DO #40, Dam Safety (Charles Karpowicz): Scheduled for completion
            this summer.
      o     DO #52, Traffic Signs (Mark Hartsoe): Due in December.
      o     DO #55, Hazard/Solid Waste Management (Shawn Norton): Due in
      o     DO #65, Blasting (Jim McCarthy): Scheduled for completion this
      o     DO #68, Special Populations (Dave Park): Due in December.
      o     DO #81: Maintenance Management (Tim Harvey): Due in December.

4.2   Accessibility Management: Activities for the quarter included the

      o     Worked with U.S. Architectural and Transportation Barriers
            Compliance Board to develop standards for outdoor recreation. 
            Staff served on two working groups that reviewed the final draft
            of the proposed rules; attended a meeting of the regulatory-
            negotiating committee to work on standards for picnic areas,
            camping areas and trails; and convened a meeting of 40 NPS, BLM,
            BOR and FWS design professionals to review and comment on
      o     Met with regional, DSC and HFC accessibility coordinators to
            develop means for assessing the status of access issues in the NPS
            and develop plans for dealing with them.
      o     Assisted in presenting a universal design course via video
            conference to 50 NPS architects and designers.
      o     Worked to resolve disability rights complaints filed against the
            NPS at five parks.
      o     Provided consultation to numerous parks, offices and NPS
            organizations on access issues.

4.3   Dams: Activities for the quarter included the following:    

      o     Completed NPS dam safety implementation plan and delivered to
            Bureau of Reclamation.
      o     Initiated or completed corrective action on 14 structures; to
            date, corrective actions have been completed at 160 dams, and
            another 143 have been deactivated.
      o     Requested $1 million in line item construction funding for dams
            for FY99 ($2 million received in FY98).
      o     Provided professional engineering evaluations of NPS structures in
            parks and design and construction services for needed repairs or