MORNING REPORT

To:         All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:       Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:   Monday, August 17, 1998


98-504 - Glacier NP (MT) - Rescue of Park Ranger-Naturalist

Kim Taylor, a 26-year-old seasonal ranger-naturalist at Glacier NP, was
injured in a fall on the west face of 9,553-foot Mount Gould at 1:45 p.m. on
the afternoon of August 11th.  The park received the report at 4:30 p.m. and
dispatched a rescue team of 13 park rangers to the mountain.  Eight of the
team members climbed to her location near the summit to provide emergency
medical care and assistance.  Taylor had fallen between 100 and 150 feet and
suffered a broken arm, multiple lacerations, and bruises.  Due to the
precarious and precipitous location, the park sought assistance from the air
rescue unit at Malmstrom AFB.  The helicopter arrived at the scene around 10
p.m., but was unable to lift her off the ledge due to nightfall and
inadequate light.  She was picked up the next day and transported to a
hospital in Kalispell.  Taylor is an experienced climber.  [Amy Vanderbilt,
PIO, GLAC, 8/12]

98-505 - Rocky Mountain NP (CO) - Multiple Rescues

The park reports three more rescues from late July and early August:

o     On July 31st, wilderness backcountry crew members came upon W.L.,
      66, of Denver, who was complaining of chest pain and shortness of
      breath.  A paramedic and litter team comprised of eight park employees
      responded to the area of The Loch Vale, which is at 10,300 feet.  W.L.
      was carried three and a half miles over slippery terrain during a
      lightning storm to a waiting ambulance.  The weather cleared long
      enough for a helicopter to land in the Bear Lake parking lot at dusk. 
      W.L. was flown to a Denver hospital, where he underwent quadruple
      bypass surgery and is doing well.  Patty McGlynn-Shaffer was IC.
o     While telemark skiing in the Mills Glacier area of Longs Peak on August
      1st, 43-year-old F.B. of Boulder slid 300 feet down the famous
      Lamb Slide at 13,000 feet, sustaining an ankle injury and contusions
      and lacerations to her head.  She was carried by a litter team to a
      landing zone; during a break in the afternoon's showers, she was picked
      up and evacuated by helicopter to a Boulder hospital.  Kurt Oliver was
o     Park dispatch received a cellular phone call on August 3rd reporting
      that 20-year-old Jacob Johnson had fallen just below the top of Mount
      Lady Washington, a 13,281-foot peak in the Longs Peak area, and
      sustained back injuries and various lacerations.  A technical team
      lowered and carried Johnson to two different landing zones before
      weather would permit a helicopter evacuation.  Eight park employees and
      22 Larimer County SAR personnel assisted in the rescue.  Kurt Oliver
      was IC.

The Lamb Slide noted in the second incident was named after Reverend Charles
Lamb, who slid down the chute in 1871.  Lamb later wrote of the fall: "An
eternity of thought, life and death, wife, and home concentrated in my mind
in those two seconds."  [Sharon Brubaker, Comm Center, ROMO, 8/14]

98-506 - Lake Mead NRA (AZ/NV) - Heat Exposure Fatality

Ranger Mike Blandford came upon a four-wheel-drive vehicle stuck up to its
axles in a dry wash about eight-tenths of a mile from Northshore Road on the
afternoon of August 13th.  The driver and sole occupant, D.R., 36,
had evidently died from dehydration.  The vehicle had been stuck in the sand
for several days, with air temperatures around 115 degrees.  D.R.
reportedly had a handicap to her right leg.  She was found in the driver's
seat with the door open.  This was the park's 29th fatality this year. 
[Dispatch, LAME, 8/14]

                       [Additional reports pending...]




                                                     Thu      Sun    %  Est
State      Unit             Fire/Incident     IMT    8/13     8/16  Con Con

WA   Wenatchee NF           North 25          --    6,700    7,600   80 NEC

OR   Umpqua NF              Clayton Cx        T2      242      280  100 CND
     Winema NF            * Gorge             T2        -      255   70 8/18
     Warm Springs Agency  * McCorkle          --        -    1,276  100 CND
     State                * Rieth-Barnhart    --        -   25,000  100 NEC

NV   Winnemucca District  * Keystone          T2        -   14,000   90 8/17
     Carson City District * Empire            --        -      400   50 NEC

CA   Mendocino NF           Soda              T2       75       60  100 CND
     N. Cal. District     * Demo              --        -      600  100 CND

MT   State                  Yellowstone Cty.  --      380      380  100 CND 
                          * Sweet Grass Cx    --        -      400   80 8/16
     Bitterroot NF        * Swift Creek       --        -      130   90 8/17

ID   Salmon-Challis NF      Main Salmon Cx    --    3,575    6,101    0 10/15
                            Jackass           --      600      760    0 10/15
                          * Cold Springs      --        -      110    0 NEC
                          * Sheepeater/
                             Bear Basin       T1        -      250    0 NEC
     Boise NF             * Loopsem Creek     T1        -      400    0 NEC
     Sawtooth NF            Goose Creek       --      275      275  100 CND
     S. Idaho District    * High Point 2      --        -      800  100 CND

UT   State                  Garn              --    1,750    1,750  100 CND

TX   State                * Happy Cx          --        -      400   90 8/16
                                  Heading Notes

Unit        Agency = BIA area; NF = national forest; RU = CA state resource
            or ranger unit; RD = state ranger district; District = BLM
            district; NWR = USFWS wildlife refuge
Fire        * = newly reported fire (on this report); Cx = complex
IMT         T1 = Type I; T2 = Type II; ST = State Team
% Con       Percent of fire contained; UNK = unknown
Est Con     Estimated containment date; NEC = no estimated date of
            containment; CND = fully contained; NR = no report


                    NPS    BIA      BLM     FWS    States   USFS     Total

Thursday, 8/13       6     12        26       4       80     65       193
Friday, 8/14         5     24        48       4       87     58       226
Saturday, 8/15       6      9        35       0       80     64       194
Sunday, 8/16         3      6        24       0       74     63       170


                  Crews     Engines    Helicopters    Airtankers   Overhead

Thursday, 8/13     126        388          80             6           598
Friday, 8/14        95        296          75             7           584
Saturday, 8/15     157        397         103            11           895
Sunday, 8/16        87        335          72            27           529


Fire activity increased in the Great Basin yesterday, but remained moderate

Very high and extreme fire indices were reported yesterday in Texas,
Minnesota, Michigan, Wyoming, Arizona, Montana, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Oregon
and California.

No fire watches or warnings have been posted for today.

[NICC Incident Management Situation Report, 8/15-17]


No entries.


No entries.


No entries.


No entries.


No entries.


Two calendars alternate in the Morning Report on Mondays - this one, which
contains meetings, seminars, conferences and events, and a second, which
contains workshops and training courses.  If you know of a conference,
meeting, workshop or training session with Servicewide interest and
implications, please send the information along.  

Entries are listed no earlier than FOUR months before the event, EXCEPT in
instances in which registration dates close much earlier.  Asterisks indicate
new entries; brackets at end of entry indicate source of information. 
Brevity is appreciated.

Dates:      8/31-9/6    
Meeting:    Society of American Archivists
Location:   Walt Disney World Dolphin Hotel, Orlando, FL
Details:    The conference will feature 68 sessions (nearly 100 hours) of
            sessions on many educational tracks.  See next week's calendar
            for pre-conference workshops.  Registration is $285 for non-
            members, and $235 for members before August 30th.
Closes:     N/A - but all registration after August 30th will be on site.
Contact:    Diane Vogt O'Connor 
Phone/fax:  --- ; ---
E-mail:     Diane Vogt O'Connor at NP-WASO-CSD
Submitter:  Same

Dates:      9/16-19     
Meeting:    Fourth National Conference on Battlefield Preservation
Location:   Westin Francis Marion Hotel, Charleston, SC
Details:    The conference will explore the tools and techniques used to
            define historic battlefields and effective methods of protecting
            battlefield land.
Contact:    Hampton Tucker
Phone/fax:  202-343-3580; ---
E-mail:     Hampton Tucker at NP-WASO-HPS
Submitter:  Same

Dates:      9/25-27 *
Meeting:    Sixth Annual National Tri-Science Combat Stress Conference
Location:   Andersonville NHS, GA
Details:    This year's conference will focus on prisoners of war.  Most of
            the conference will be held either at the park or at the Windsor
            Hotel in Americus.  Registration is $35.
Closes:     No registration closing date given. 
Contact:    Alan Marsh
Phone/fax:  912-924-0343 x 109; ---
E-mail:     ---
Submitter:  Fred Boyles, ANDE

Dates:      10/10-13    
Meeting:    Third Biennial North American Water Trails Conference/Chesapeake
            Water Trails Workshop
Location:   National Conservation Training Center, Shepherdstown, WV
Details:    Topics include access, stewardship, building partnerships, and
            reducing conflicts.  There will be a presentation by Parks Canada
            and field trips on October 10th.
Closes:     Not given, but registration will be limited.
Contact:    Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay
Phone/fax:  717-236-8825; 717-236-9019
Submitter:  Don Briggs, RTCAP Potomac Field Office, PSO

Dates:      10/15       
Meeting:    Call for Papers: "On the Frontiers of Conservation: Discovery,
            Reappraisal, and Innovation," Tenth Conference on Research and
            Resource Management in Parks and on Public Lands
Location:   Asheville, NC
Details:    The conference will not be held until March 22-26, 1999, but the
            deadline for papers is October 15th.  Abstracts are welcome on
            any topic related to research, resource management, and education
            in parks and protected areas, and from any field in cultural or
            natural resources.  There will be a management track to highlight
            case studies and practical applications, a track for research
            findings and policy discussions, and a regionally-focused
            Appalachian issues track.
Closes:     N/A
Contact:    George Wright Society
Phone/fax:  906-487-9722; 906-487-9405
E-mail:; gws99.html
Submitter:  Dave Harmon, GWS; Bob Krumenaker, SHEN

Dates:      10/24       
Event:      35th Anniversary, Horace Albright Training Center
Location:   Grand Canyon NP, AZ
Details:    An open house and evening program will take place on the 24th. 
            If you are a former training manager, instructor or student,
            please send along your tales, impressions, thoughts or memories
            regarding the center.
Contact:    Bob Karotko
Phone/fax:  520-638-7988; 520-638-2953
E-mail:     Bob Karotko at NP-HOAL
Submitter:  Same

Dates:      10/24       
Event:      25th Anniversary, Opening of Alcatraz
Location:   Golden Gate NRA, CA     
Details:    Tentative plans are for a day-long celebration and re-dedication
            on Saturday, October 24th.  An overnight stay is included.  The
            park is attempting to contact every NPS employee "who has ever
            done time on the Rock."  
Contact:    Jim MacDonald or John Cantwell
Phone/fax:  415-705-1045; ---
E-mail:     GOGA Alcatraz at NP-GOGA, or
Submitter:  John Cantwell, GOGA

Dates:      11/5-7 
Meeting:    Annual Woodland National Conference
Location:   Porter, Indiana
Details:    The theme of the annual conference is trade on southern Lake
            Michigan from 1634-1834.  The conference will bring together
            anthropologists, Native Americans, archeologists, historians and
            other subject matter experts on the 200 year period of Lake
            Michigan fur trading.
Closes:     Registration closing date: Not given
Contact:    Laura Gundrum, INDU
Phone/fax:  219-926-7561 x 232; 219-926-7561 x 537
Submitter:  Laura Gundrum, INDU

                                *  *  *  *  *

Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators.  Please address requests
pertaining to receipt of the Morning Report to your servicing hub

Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

                                 --- ### ---