MORNING REPORT

To:   All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From: Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date: Tuesday, September 8, 1998


98-243 - Glen Canyon NRA (AZ/UT) - Follow-up: Search for Felons

On August 31st, park visitors reported seeing two men in the park who matched
the descriptions of M.P. and J.M., wanted for the murder of a
police officer and assaults on other officers and the superintendent of
Hovenweep NM.  The visitors had beached their personal watercraft at the
shoreline in a rugged, remote area in Desha Canyon where the shore borders
Navajo lands.  The site is several miles from any regular roads.  The
visitors were walking up the canyon when they saw the men watching them from
behind bushes about 60 feet uphill and 100 feet away.  They were carrying a
five gallon water jug and long objects covered by rain gear that may have
been rifles.  There were no boats in the vicinity.  The canyon is not
frequented by backpackers, nor did the men have any backpacking equipment
with them.  The visitors waved to the men, but decided to leave the area when
neither waved back.  They then reported the incident to rangers at the
Dangling Rope marina, providing accurate descriptions of the men.  This
information, along with prior evidence indicating that M.P. and J.M. had
food and ammo caches at Lake Powell, was relayed to the FBI command post in
Cortez, Colorado, and to Navajo tribal police.  Navajo police tactical teams
began land-based operations in the area; rangers set up perimeters with
patrol vessels to protect visitors who might be entering the area.  A special
event team with all-risk management overhead was also brought in to assure
visitor safety over the holiday weekend.  The IC at the time of the report
was Joe Sumner; Chris Pergiel was operations chief.  Additional information
will follow.  [David Sandbakken, LES, GLCA, 9/4]

98-559 - George Washington Memorial Parkway (VA) - Follow-up: Drowning

The report on the August 29th drowning that appeared in the September 3rd
Morning Report stated that the victim had entered from C&O Canal.  The
incident actually occurred on the Virginia side of the park in the Great
Falls unit of the parkway.  C&O has not had a drowning since 1993.  [Henry
Berberich, RLES, NCSO, 9/4]

                       [Additional reports pending...]


The fire summary is not available today, as no fire reports have been
received from NIFC since last Friday.  


No entries.


No entries.


No entries.


No entries.


No entries.


Two calendars alternate in the Morning Report on Mondays - this one, which
contains meetings, seminars, conferences and events, and a second, which
contains workshops and training courses.  If you know of a conference,
meeting, workshop or training session with Servicewide interest and
implications, please send the information along.  

Entries are listed no earlier than FOUR months before the event, EXCEPT in
instances in which registration dates close much earlier.  Asterisks indicate
new entries; brackets at end of entry indicate source of information. 
Brevity is appreciated.

Dates:      September 16 - 19
Meeting:    Fourth National Conference on Battlefield Preservation
Location:   Westin Francis Marion Hotel, Charleston, SC 
Details:    The conference will explore the tools and techniques used to
            define historic battlefields and effective methods of protecting
            battlefield land. 
Contact:    Hampton Tucker 
Phone/fax:  202-343-3580; --- 
E-mail:     Hampton Tucker at NP-WASO-HPS 
Submitter:  Same 

Dates:      September 22 - 26 *
Meeting:    "Excellence in Wildlife Stewardship Through Science and
            Education," Annual Conference, The Wildlife Society 
Location:   Buffalo, NY 
Details:    --- 
Closes:     Not given.
Contact     The Wildlife Society 
Phone/fax:  301-897-9770; --- 
Submitter:  Kathy Jope, PNRO 

Dates:      September 23 - 25 *
Meeting:    Karst Processes and the Global Carbon Cycle 
Location:   Mammoth Cave, KY 
Details     --- 
Closes:     Registration closing date: Not given.
Contact:    Chris Groves 
Phone/fax:  502-745-5974; --- 
Submitter:  Kathy Jope, PNRO 

Dates:      September 25 - 27 
Meeting:    Sixth Annual National Tri-Science Combat Stress Conference 
Location:   Andersonville NHS, GA 
Details:    This year's conference will focus on prisoners of war.  Most of
            the conference will be held either at the park or at the Windsor
            Hotel in Americus.  Registration is $35. 
Closes:     No registration closing date given. 
Contact:    Alan Marsh 
Phone/fax:  912-924-0343 x 109; --- 
E-mail:     --- 
Submitter:  Fred Boyles, ANDE 

Dates:      September 28 - 30 *
Meeting:    "Making Connections," International Conference of the Society for
            Ecological Restoration 
Location:   Austin, TX 
Details:    $150 for members, $225 for non-members. 
Closes:     Registration closing date: Not given.
Contact:    Society for Ecological Restoration 
Phone/fax:  608-262-9547; ---
Submitter:  Kathy Jope, PNRO 

Dates:      October 10 - 13
Meeting:    Third Biennial North American Water Trails Conference/Chesapeake
            Water Trails Workshop 
Location:   National Conservation Training Center, Shepherdstown, WV 
Details:    Topics include access, stewardship, building partnerships, and
            reducing conflicts.  There will be a presentation by Parks Canada
            and field trips on October 10th. 
Closes:     Not given, but registration will be limited. 
Contact:    Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay 
Phone/fax:  717-236-8825; 717-236-9019 
Submitter:  Don Briggs, RTCAP Potomac Field Office, PSO 

Dates:      October 13 - 16 *
Meeting:    Seventh Annual Watchable Wildlife Conference 
Location:   Albuquerque, NM 
Details:    $199 
Closes:     Registration closing date: Not given.
Contact:    Diana Trujillo 
Phone/fax:  505-248-6821; --- 
Submitter:  Kathy Jope, PNRO 

Dates:      October 15
Meeting:    Call for Papers: "On the Frontiers of Conservation: Discovery,
            Reappraisal, and Innovation," Tenth Conference on Research and
            Resource Management in Parks and on Public Lands 
Location:   Asheville, NC 
Details:    The conference will not be held until March 22-26, 1999, but the
            deadline for papers is October 15th.  Abstracts are welcome on
            any topic related to research, resource management, and education
            in parks and protected areas, and from any field in cultural or
            natural resources.  There will be a management track to highlight
            case studies and practical applications, a track for research
            findings and policy discussions, and a regionally-focused
            Appalachian issues track. 
Closes:     N/A
Contact:    George Wright Society 
Phone/fax:  906-487-9722; 906-487-9405 
E-mail:; gws99.html 
Submitter:  Dave Harmon, GWS; Bob Krumenaker, SHEN 

Dates:      October 24
Event:      35th Anniversary, Horace Albright Training Center 
Location:   Grand Canyon NP, AZ 
Details:    An open house and evening program will take place on the 24th. 
            If you are a former training manager, instructor or student,
            please send along your tales, impressions, thoughts or memories
            regarding the center. 
Contact:    Bob Karotko 
Phone/fax:  520-638-7988; 520-638-2953 
E-mail:     Bob Karotko at NP-HOAL 
Submitter:  Same 

Dates:      October 24
Event:      25th Anniversary, Opening of Alcatraz 
Location:   Golden Gate NRA, CA
Details:    Tentative plans are for a day-long celebration and re-dedication
            on Saturday, October 24th.  An overnight stay is included.  The
            park is attempting to contact every NPS employee "who has ever
            done time on the Rock."   
Contact:    Jim MacDonald or John Cantwell 
Phone/fax:  415-705-1045; --- 
E-mail:     GOGA Alcatraz at NP-GOGA, or 
Submitter:  John Cantwell, GOGA 

Dates:      November 5 - 7 
Meeting:    Annual Woodland National Conference 
Location:   Porter, Indiana 
Details:    The theme of the annual conference is trade on southern Lake
            Michigan from 1634-1834.  The conference will bring together
            anthropologists, Native Americans, archeologists, historians and
            other subject matter experts on the 200 year period of Lake
            Michigan fur trading. 
Closes:     Registration closing date: Not given.
Contact:    Laura Gundrum, INDU 
Phone/fax:  219-926-7561 x 232; 219-926-7561 x 537 
Submitter:  Laura Gundrum, INDU 

Dates:      November 16 - 19*
Meeting:    NPS Leadership Seminar 
Location:   Mather Training Center, Harpers Ferry, WV 
Details:    Essentially the same as the leadership seminars of the past two
            years, but 32 hours long.  Offered to all employees who did not
            attend the earlier seminar.  Tuition is $500 - $300 for
            Benchmarks, which will be covered by an NPF grant for small parks
            with operating budgets of less than $600,000. 
Closes:     Registration closing date: October 7th.
Contact:    Susan Cook, Homestead NMA 
Phone/fax:  402-223-3514; 402-223-4231 
E-mail:     HOME Administration (Susan Cook) at NP-HOME 
Submitter:  Jim Bellamy 

Dates:      December 7 - 9 *
Meeting:    School for Scanning: Issues of Preservation and Access for Paper-Based Collections 
Location:   Le Petit Theatre du Vieux Carre, New Orleans, LA 
Details:    Conference on digital technology, equipping participants to
            select applicable technology and make critical decisions in the
            management of digital projects.  $255 until October 15th; $325
Closes:     Registration closing date: Early registration runs through
            October 15th, late registration through November 18th. 
Contact:    Ginny Hughes 
Phone/fax:  978-470-1010; 9780475-6021 
Submitter:  Diane Vogt O'Connor, CSD/WASO 

Dates:      December 8 - 12 *
Meeting:    Association of National Park Rangers' Rendezvous XXIII 
Location:   Holiday Inn City Center Hotel, Tucson, AZ 
Details:    Invited keynote speakers include Director Stanton, Assistant
            Secretary Barry and Senator McCain.  Panels and workshops will be
            held on current NPS issues of interest to all employees.  
            Pre-registration information will be sent to all members in the near
            future.  Hotel reservations can be made by calling 520-624-8711. 
Contact:    Bill Wade 
Phone/fax:  520-615-9417; --- 
Submitter:  Same 

                                *  *  *  *  *

Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators.  Please address requests
pertaining to receipt of the Morning Report to your servicing hub

Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

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