MORNING REPORT

To:         All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:       Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:   Tuesday, November 17, 1998


98-612 - Gulf Islands NS (MS/FL) - Follow-up: Hurricane Georges

Significant improvements have been made to the facilities located on Ship and
Horn Islands.  Work crews of carpenters, electricians and other skilled
tradesmen have made substantial progress in repairing structures on both
islands.  Most of the interior work has been completed on the structures at
Ship Island, which include the ranger station complex, visitor use
facilities, and the site of historic Fort Massachusetts.  Paneling is still
being done in the buildings, one of the last interior projects to be
undertaken by incident personnel.  Workers have removed all the damaged
boardwalk sections that ran the full width of Ship Island.  Plywood decking
was added to the boat dock as a temporary catwalk.  A spike camp has been set
up on Horn Island and the number of people working there has been increased
to nine.  The creation of the camp and the increase in personnel will greatly
improve and speed up operations, especially by saving time in transporting
workers to and from the island every day.  A crew has been tasked with
constructing a temporary pier, which will permit easier off-loading of
supplies and materials.  Repairs to the boat hoist are also being made, which
will permit the resident ranger to store his boat overnight once the
facilities are restored and before the Corps of Engineers completes the final
repairs to the dock.   Workers are still in the process of putting in the
subfloor and finishing up the drywall at the three-unit facility.  Once that
is complete, they will begin installing paneling.  Thirty people are
currently assigned to the incident; agencies represented include the NPS,
Forest Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, and Minnesota State Department of
Natural Resources.  Gordon Wissinger's incident management team assumed
responsibility for the incident on November 8th, relieving Bob Panko's team,
which had served a 21-day period.  [Nancy Gray, IO, IMT, GUIS, 11/13] 

98-706 - Organ Pipe Cactus (AZ) - Armed Assault

Two armed, masked men in their early 20s ambushed a park visitor driving east
on South Puerto Blanco Drive around 2 p.m. on November 12th.  They ran out of
the desert towards the passing vehicle and pointed handguns at the driver, a
47-year-old visitor from Greenville, Maine.  The visitor sped off and
reported that he heard one shot fired.  The incident occurred at a point
where the drive is only 100 yards from the border with Mexico, and is a major
point for illegal entry into the U.S. from that country.  Rangers, Border
Patrol agents, county deputies and Mexican officials are cooperating in the
investigation.  [Karl Pearson, ACR, ORPI, 11/13]

                       [Additional reports pending...]


No entries.


No entries.


No entries.


No entries.


No entries.


Two calendars alternate in the Morning Report on Mondays - this one, which
contains training courses and workshops, and a second, which contains
meetings, conferences and events.  If you know of a conference, meeting,
workshop or training session with Servicewide interest and implications,
please send the information along.  

Entries are listed no earlier than FOUR months before the event, EXCEPT in
instances in which registration dates close much earlier.  Asterisks (*)
indicate new entries; pound signs (#) indicate revisions to entries that have
appeared previously.  Brevity in entries is appreciated.

Dates:      December 4 - 7 # (closing date extended)
Course:     NASAR's Managing for the Lost Person Incident 
Location:   Holiday Inn, Tucson, AZ
Details:    The course provides a thorough and up-to-date introduction to
            land search management.  Topics include predicting lost person
            behavior, establishing the search area, setting search priorities
            and measuring coverage, allocating SAR resources and managing
            searcher stress.  Offered prior to the ANPR/ANPME joint
            conference (December 8 - 12).  Send SF-182 (the vendor is ANPR,
            PO Box 108, Larned, KS 67550), purchase order or personal check
            made out to ANPR to Lisa Eckert, Box 102, Denali Park, AK 99755.
            First-come, first-served; electronic confirmations will be
            accepted to hold a place for up to five days while the SF-182 is
            prepared and mailed.  Cost: $260 for current NASAR member, $280
            for new NASAR member.  Call hotel for reservations at 800-448-
            8276 or 520-624-8711.
Closes:     The application closing date has been extended: Applications
            should now be mailed by November 30th.
Contact:    Lisa Eckert or Rick Mossman 
Phone/fax:  Mossman: 307-543-2559; ---
E-mail:     Lisa Eckert at NP-DENA, Rick Mossman at NP-YELL
Submitter:  Lisa Eckert

Dates:      December 4 - 7 *
Course:     The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
Location:   Holiday Inn, Tucson, AZ
Details:    This training teaches participants seven distinct habits that
            lead to increased personal and organizational effectiveness.  The
            principles can be applied at the personal, interpersonal,
            managerial, and organizational areas of life.  Send SF-182 (the
            vendor is ANPR, PO Box 108, Larned, KS 67550), purchase order or
            personal check made out to ANPR to Lisa Eckert, Box 102, Denali
            Park, AK 99755. First-come, first-served; electronic
            confirmations will be accepted to hold a place for up to five
            days while the SF-182 is prepared and mailed.  Cost: $335 for
            current ANPR/ANPME members, $380 for non-members.  Call hotel for
            reservations at 800-448-8276 or 520-624-8711.
Closes:     Application closing date: November 30th.
Contact:    Joe Arnold
Phone/fax:  970-586-1399; ---
E-mail:     Joe Arnold at NP-ROMO
Submitter:  Lisa Eckert

Dates:      December 6 - 7 *
Course:     Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and Public Health - The Field
Location:   Holiday Inn, Tucson, AZ
Details:    This course will provide the basics of IPM and public health-
            related issues and will investigate the unique pest management
            situations NPS field employees and residents encounter.  Disease
            vectors, structural and nuisance pests, personal protection, and
            best management strategies will be addressed during lecture and
            in the hands-on lab session.  Send SF-182 (the vendor is ANPR, PO
            Box 108, Larned, KS 67550), purchase order or personal check made
            out to ANPR to Lisa Eckert, Box 102, Denali Park, AK 99755.
            First-come, first-served; electronic confirmations will be
            accepted to hold a place for up to five days while the SF-182 is
            prepared and mailed.  Cost: $60 for ANPR/ANPME members, $85 for
            others.  Registration information as in above entry on NASAR
Closes:     Application closing date: November 30th.
Contact:    Carol DiSalvo
Phone/fax:  202-219-8936; ---
E-mail:     Carol DiSalvo at NP-WASO-ENV/POL
Submitter:  Lisa Eckert

Dates:      December 7 - 11 *
Course:     Archeological Resources Protection Training (XP-ARPTP-902)
Location:   Phoenix, AZ
Details:    ARPA crime scene investigation.
Closes:     Application closing date: November 20th.
Contact:    Regional employee development officer, or Learning Place bulletin 
            board, for applications; FLETC for further info.
Phone/fax:  912-267-2245; 912-267-3188
Submitter:  Wiley Golden, FLETC

Dates:      January 11 - 15 *
Course:     GPRA 303: Administrative Support for GPRA
Location:   National Capital Training Center, Washington D.C.
Details:    This Servicewide course will emphasize use of the PMDS
            (Performance Management Data System) for entering and tracking
            performance information and the relationship of PMDS to PMIS,
            OFS, and the AFSII crosswalk for tracking dollars to GPRA Goals. 
            For those employees entering data in PMDS and AFSII.  Benefitting
            account for travel and per diem; no tuition.
Closes:     Application closing date: December 1st.
Contact:    Regional employee development officer for forms; course
            coordinators are Michael Brown and Eileen Peterson, WASO, and
            Cindy Nielsen, Albright TC.
Phone/fax:  Nielsen: 435-259-1173; ---
E-mail:     ---
Submitter:  Cindy Nielsen

Dates:      January 12 - 14
Course:     Wilderness Curriculum and Leave No Trace Workshop
Location:   San Diego, CA
Details:    The workshop will prepare participants to train the public in
            Leave No Trace techniques.  It will include instruction on
            teaching lessons from kindergarten to eighth grade, organizing
            teacher workshops, and working within the public school system.
Closes:     Application closing date: November 13th.
Contact:    Greg Kroll, Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center
Phone/fax:  406-626-5208 x14; 406-626-5395
E-mail:     Greg Kroll at NP-YELL
Submitter:  Joyce Howe, STMA

Dates:      January 17 - 24 *
Course:     Wilderness First Responder
Location:   Great Smoky Mountains Institute, Townsend, TN
Details:    Intensive 72-hour course meets Tennessee DOT standards and will
            qualify for National Registry exam.
Closes:     Application closing date: No closing date announced. 
Contact:    Wanda DeWaard
Phone/fax:  423-448-6709; ---
Submitter:  Bob Wightman, GRSM

Dates:      January 25 - 29 *
Course:     GPRA 202: Preserve Park Natural Resources 
Location:   Denver, CO
Details:    This Servicewide course will emphasize the implementation, data
            collection and technical issues of the goals in goal category I
            of the NPS strategic plan.  It will supply technical guidance, 
            analyze current goals and recommend possible revisions. 
            Benefitting account for travel and per diem; no tuition.
Closes:     Application closing date: December 1st.
Contact:    Regional employee development officer for forms; course
            coordinators are Rick Harris and Heather Huyck, WASO Strategic
            Planning, and Cindy Nielsen, Albright TC.
Phone/fax:  Nielsen: 435-259-1173; ---
E-mail:     ---
Submitter:  Cindy Nielsen

Dates:      January 25 - 29 *
Course:     Administration for First-Line Supervisors
Location:   San Diego, CA
Details:    The course is designed to provide first-line supervisors in all
            disciplines with developmental and full performance level
            competencies in supervision, management and leadership in
            administrative functions.
Closes:     Application closing date: November 20th.
Contact:    Jan Gauthier, Mather Training Center
Phone/fax:  304-535-6402; ---
E-mail:     ---
Submitter:  Joyce Howe, STMA

Dates:      January 26 - 28
Course:     Wilderness Arid Lands Restoration Training
Location:   Las Vegas, NV
Details:    The course is designed to provide both classroom instruction and
            field exposure to restoration techniques and knowledge in an arid
Closes:     Application closing date: December 4th.
Contact:    Greg Kroll, Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center
Phone/fax:  406-626-5208 x14; 406-626-5395
E-mail:     Greg Kroll at NP-YELL
Submitter:  Joyce Howe, STMA

Dates:      January 26 - 29 *
Course:     Firearms Instructor Refresher Training (XP-FIRTP-901)
Location:   San Luis Obispo, CA
Details:    The course will provide active firearms instructors with current
            information on firearm methodology, policies and procedures. 
            Participants are being sought from PWR, AR, IMR and upper MWR.
Closes:     Application closing date: December 14th.
Contact:    Regional employee development officer, or Learning Place bulletin 
            board, for applications; FLETC for further info.
Phone/fax:  912-267-2245; 912-267-3188
Submitter:  Wiley Golden, FLETC

Dates:      February 8 - 12 *
Course:     GPRA 202: Ensure Organizational Effectiveness
Location:   Denver, CO
Details:    This Servicewide course will emphasize implementation, data
            collection, and technical issues of the goals in goal category
            IV.  It will supply technical guidance, analyze current goals and
            recommend possible revisions.  Benefitting account for travel and
            per diem; no tuition.
Closes:     Application closing date: December 7th.
Contact:    Regional employee development officer for forms; course
            coordinators are Rick Harris and Eileen Peterson, WASO, and Cindy
            Nielsen, Albright TC.
Phone/fax:  Nielsen: 435-259-1173; ---
E-mail:     ---
Submitter:  Cindy Nielsen

Dates:      February 16 - 19 *
Course:     Basic Peer Support Training (902)
Location:   Phoenix, AZ
Details:    Basic training in providing peer support to help fellow employees
            deal with "normal reactions to abnormal events."  Participants
            are being sought from PWR, IMR, AR, and upper MWR.
Closes:     Application closing date: January 12th.
Contact:    Regional employee development officer, or Learning Place bulletin 
            board, for applications; Pat Buccello for details on course.
Phone/fax:  Buccello: 435-772-0180; ---
E-mail:     Pat Buccello at NP-DEN1
Submitter:  Wiley Golden, FLETC

Dates:      February 22 - 16 *
Course:     GPRA 202: Preserve Park Cultural Resources 
Location:   National Capital Training Center, Washington D.C.
Details:    This Servicewide course will emphasize implementation. data
            collection, and technical issues of the goals in goal category I
            of the NPS strategic plan.  It will supply technical guidance,
            analyze current goals and recommend possible revisions. 
            Benefitting account for travel and per diem; no tuition.
Closes:     Application closing date: December 15th.
Contact:    Regional employee development officer for forms; course
            coordinators are Heather Huyck and Rick Harris, WASO Strategic
            Planning, and Cindy Nielsen, Albright TC.
Phone/fax:  Nielsen: 435-259-1173; ---
E-mail:     ---
Submitter:  Cindy Nielsen

Dates:      March 1 - 5 *
Course:     Fundamental Principles of Administration 
Location:   Albuquerque, NM
Details:    This course provides administrative clerks/technicians at the
            GS-5 to GS-7 level with developmental and full performance level
            competencies in administrative functions.
Closes:     Application closing date: December 11th.
Contact:    Peggy Woodward, Stephen T. Mather Training Center 
Phone/fax:  304-535-6403; 304-535-6408
E-mail:     ---
Submitter:  Joyce Howe, STMA

Dates:      March 2 - 5 *
Course:     Basic Peer Support Training (902)
Location:   Nashville, TN, or Jacksonville, FL (to be determined)
Details:    Basic training in providing peer support to help fellow employees
            deal with "normal reactions to abnormal events."  Participants
            are being sought from SER, NCR, NER and lower MWR.
Closes:     Application closing date: January 28th.
Contact:    Regional employee development officer, or Learning Place bulletin 
            board, for applications; Pat Buccello for details on course.
Phone/fax:  Buccello: 435-772-0180; ---
E-mail:     Pat Buccello at NP-DEN1
Submitter:  Wiley Golden, FLETC

Dates:      March 2 - 4 *
Course:     Advanced Critical Incident Stress Management Workshop
Location:   Nashville, TN
Details:    One day will focus on participant debriefing, facilitated by a
            mental health professional; two days will be spent establishing a
            mentor program with the basic peer support class.
Closes:     Application closing date: January 28th.
Contact:    Regional employee development officer, or Learning Place bulletin 
            board, for applications; Pat Buccello for details on course.
Phone/fax:  Buccello: 435-772-0180; ---
E-mail:     Pat Buccello at NP-DEN1
Submitter:  Wiley Golden, FLETC

                                *  *  *  *  *

Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators.  Please address requests
pertaining to receipt of the Morning Report to your servicing hub

Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

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