MORNING REPORT

To:         All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:       Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:   Friday, August 27, 1999


99-459 - Redwood N&SP (CA) - Follow-up: Homicide

The identity of the murder victim found in the Lost Man Creek area of the
park on August 15th has been established.  He was D.S., 43, of
Euclid, Ohio.  D.S., a postal worker in Cleveland, was bludgeoned and died
of head injuries.  D.S. arrived in Seattle by plane on August 9th, where
he rented a black Isuzu Trooper sport utility vehicle (license plate 816 KFL)
and headed off on a vacation in the Northwest.  Investigators haven't yet
been able to determine his exact route.  Neither the Isuzu nor D.S.'s
camping equipment and personal belongings have yet been found.  National
parks and cooperating agencies in the Northwest are asked to check their
campground reservation lists, visitor center registers, radio logs, and
similar documents for the period from August 9th to the 15th to determine if
D.S. may have visited their area or park.  If you have any relevant
information, contact chief ranger Bob Martin at 707-464-6101 extension 5050. 
Rangers have stepped up patrols and are working with county investigators,
who are leading the investigation into D.S.'s death.  [Bob Martin, CR,
REDW, 8/24]

99-517 - New River Gorge NR (WV) - Assault with Deadly Weapon

West Virginia State Police troopers responded to a report of shots fired in
the New Camp area adjacent to the park's boundary just before midnight on
August 18th.  Troopers found that six bail bondsmen dressed in camouflage
clothing had attempted to stop a vehicle on the Kaymore road.  The vehicle
matched the description of one thought to be driven by R.M.,
wanted for jumping bail on a misdemeanor DUI charge.  The vehicle sped by the
bail bondsmen's roadblock, and, according to the bail bondsmen, someone
inside fired a shot.  They returned fire, attempting to shoot out the tires. 
After taking statements, the troopers released the bail bondsmen and
attempted to contact witnesses.  Shots were then heard coming from the
Kaymore trailhead parking area within the park.  The troopers responded and
found that the bail bondsmen had found the suspect vehicle and tried to stop
it a second time.  When the vehicle refused to stop, they again shot at it,
striking it several times in the trunk and rear window.    Further
investigation revealed that the suspect vehicle was operated by D.M. and
B.M., brothers of R.M.  The suspect, R.M., was not in the area.  The
second shooting incident occurred within 150 feet of a private
campground located adjacent to the park boundary.  No one was injured in
either of the shootings.  On August 20th, troopers arrested three bail
bondsmen - L.D.M., E.J.R. and F.H.B. - on charges of wanton
endangerment.  A joint state police/NPS investigation is underway.
Additional federal charges may be filed in the incident. [Rick Brown,
Protection Operations Leader, NERI, 8/22]

99-518 - Gates of the Arctic NP&P (AK) - Downed Aircraft; Rescue

The park received a call from the Rescue Coordination Center (RCC) in
Anchorage regarding an ELT signal in the park on the afternoon of August
21st.  Searchers were unable to find the signal's source at the reported
location during the first day of the search.  On the second day, the signal
appeared again, and seasonal pilot Buster Points and ranger Al Smith were
sent to the scene in the park's Supercub.  Points employed the plane's
directional finder to locate the wreck, which was about five-and-a-half miles
west of the reported ELT signal.  The plane had crashed into the side of a
mountain at an altitude of around 5,000 feet in a small valley 15 miles west
of Atigun Pass in the Brooks Range.  Closer inspection led to the discovery
of two survivors about two miles away from the wreckage.  A message was
dropped to them to check on their situation.  The two men - D.K. and C.K.
of Anchorage - indicated that they did not need food or medical
attention.  A helicopter picked them up.  The K. had been sheep hunting
in the Itkillick Preserve area of the park.  While en route to Bettles, they
lost their way, made a wrong turn, and crashed into the mountain in poor
visibility.  Neither was injured, and they had adequate survival gear and
food to last several days.  They could have been rescued a day earlier if
they hadn't turned their ELT on and off.  The park is working with NTSB and
the FAA on the accident investigation and the removal of the wreckage.  [Jeff
Mow, CR, GAAR, 8/24]

99-519 - Great Smoky Mountains NP (NC/TN) - Domestic Dispute; Assault

Shortly after 7 p.m. on August 24th, rangers were notified that two women
were in the Sugarlands Visitor Center restroom, hiding from two men who had
assaulted them with baseball bats.  Ranger Helen McNutt requested an
ambulance and passed on suspect and vehicle descriptions to other rangers. 
The two men - A.E.L. and his son A.C.L. - were under
arrest within 30 minutes.  One of the woman was airlifted to University of
Tennessee Hospital; the other refused treatment.  All four are from Cherokee,
North Carolina, and are known to each other.  They were apparently traveling
in two vehicles, headed back to Cherokee, when the assault occurred.  The
L.S were charged with assault and are currently on bond.  Alcohol was a
contributing factor.  [Jason Houck, CR, GRSM, 8/26]



Fire summaries in the Morning Report this summer have until now been posted a
day late for a variety of reasons.  Due to the increased fire activity, they
will now be posted on the same day as they are received.


The preparedness level has gone up one step.  Preparedness Level IV goes into
effect when the following conditions are met: Two or more geographic areas
experiencing incidents requiring Type I teams.  Competition exists for
resources between geographic areas.  450 crews or nine Type I teams committed


                                                     Tue      Thu    %  Est
State      Unit              Fire/Incident   IMT     8/24     8/26  Con Con
CA    Yosemite NP            South Park Cx   FUM      482      482    0 UNK
                             North Park Cx   FUM    5,280    5,280    0 UNK
      Stanislaus NF          Pilot            T1    1,100    3,320   50 UNK
      Angeles NF           * Shinn            --        -      600   66 UNK
      Lassen-Modoc RU        Willow           ST    4,000    5,300   30 UNK
                             L-M Lightning Cx --      400      400  100 CND
      Butte RU               Butte Cx         ST    3,500   12,165  UNK UNK
      Tehama Glen RU         Tehama Glen Cx   --   10,500   12,000   40 UNK
      Shasta Trinity RU      Shasta-Trin. Cx  ST    1,275    1,275   16 UNK
      Modoc NF               Yellow-Pine Cx   T2    6,000   17,684   25 UNK
      Plumas NF              MHRD Cx          T1      500    2,866   10 UNK
                             FRRD Cx          T1      900    3,210   20 UNK
      Shasta-Trinity NF      High Cx          T1      550    8,000    5 UNK
                             Big Bar Cx       T2      125    2,500  UNK UNK
      N. Cal.District      * Wimer            --        -      533   85 8/27
                           * Annie            --        -      640   85 8/26

NV    Winnemucca FO          Dido Cx          T2   16,250   16,250  100 CND 
                           * Pass Creek       T2        -    7,400   90 8/27
      Carson City District   Fish Cx          T2   18,000   36,000   10 8/29
                             Red Rock         T2    4,500    6,500  100 CND 
                           * Sutro            T2        -    2,000   40 8/28
      Elko FO              * Boulder          --        -      700  100 CND
      Battle Mountain FO   * Rail Springs     --        -    1,000   90 8/27

OR    Prineville District    Buck Creek       --    1,100    1,700  100 CND 
      Sheldon-Hart NWR       Badger           T2    5,000   30,000   30 8/27
      State                * Placeder Gulch   --        -      675    0 UNK
      Colville Agency      * Soap Lake Mtn.   --        -      350   50 8/26
                           * Timm Bros. Ranch --        -    2,000  100 CND 
      Burns District       * Elliot Ridge     --        -      129  100 CND 

TX    State                * Topeka           --        -    1,500   80 8/27

FL    State                * Tuggle Springs   --        -      580  UNK UNK

OK    State                  Springtown       --      700      700  100 CND

ID    Lower Snake District   West Shoofly     --    2,000    2,500  100 CND 
      Upper Snake District * Cow Creek        --        -      457  100 CND

UT    Cedar City FO        * Leamington       --        -      480  100 CND 

MT    State                * Stephens Hill    --        -      200  100 CND 
      Rocky Boy Agency     * Shirley's        --        -    1,200  100 CND 

                                  Heading Notes

Unit        Agency or Area Office = BIA area; NF = national forest; RU = CA
            state resource or ranger unit; RD = state ranger district; FO =
            BLM field office; District = BLM district; NWR = USFWS wildlife
Fire        * = newly reported fire (on this report); Cx = complex 
IMT         T1 = Type I Team; T2 = Type II Team; T3 = Type III Team; ST =
            State Team; FUM = Fire Use Management Team
% Con       Percent of fire contained: UNK = unknown; NR = no report
Est Con     Estimated containment date: NEC = no estimated date of
            containment; CND = fully contained; UNK = unknown; NR = no
            report; LR = last report unless significant activity occurs


Yosemite NP - Holding actions are being taken on the Lost Bear Fire to
contain its northeast spread and are being considered on the northwest flank
of the Eleanor Fire.  The park may be looking for resources for these
actions, but they are not readily available due to fires elsewhere in

Joshua Tree NP - The park had six starts from lightning strikes on Wednesday
night.  All were contained.  The predicted high for Thursday was 108 degrees.

Lava Beds NM - The Yellow Fire, part of the Yellow Pine Complex, has burned
into the park, but less than a half acre had burned at the time of the

Badlands NP - Blacklining continues on the 5,000-acre Big Buffalo Fire (a
prescribed fire), which is burning along the park's north boundary.  

Zion NP - The Firepit Fire burned 15 acres on Wednesday before being


                    NPS    BIA      BLM     FWS    States   USFS     Total

Monday, 8/23         9      9        87       0      354    263       722
Tuesday, 8/24        3      5        72       2      367    150       599
Wednesday, 8/25      1     13        48       1      159     74       296
Thursday, 8/26       1     10        15       0      135     89       250


                  Crews     Engines    Helicopters    Airtankers   Overhead

Monday, 8/23       222        479          78            16           791
Tuesday, 8/24      304        672          94            14         1,086
Wednesday, 8/25    346        663         104            23         1,011
Thursday, 8/26     415        739         119            14         1,289


NIFC declared national preparedness level IV yesterday.  Military liaison has
been requested; identification of Canadian resources is underway.

Large fires continued to burn Wednesday and Thursday in the Great Basin and
California as hot and dry weather conditions continued.  New large fires were
reported yesterday in California, the Great Basin and the South.  Initial
attack activity was moderate in most areas.  Mobilization from NICC was high,
and there has been competition for air tankers, lead planes, type I and II
helicopters, and type I crews.

Very high to extreme fire indices were reported in Oregon, Washington,
California, Montana, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, Wyoming, Arkansas, Oklahoma and

NIFC has posted FIRE WEATHER WATCHES for dry lightning in BLM's Vale and
Lower Snake River Districts, for dry lightning in southern and southeastern
Montana, and for dry lightning in BLM's Burns District, Malheur National
Forest south of the Strawberry Mountains, and from the Ochoco Mountains

[NICC Incident Management Situation Report, 8/26-27; Mike Warren, NPS FPMC, 


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Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators.  Please address requests
pertaining to receipt of the Morning Report to your servicing hub

Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

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