The calendar appears every other Monday as an addendum to the Morning Report.
Entries are listed no earlier than FOUR months before the event, EXCEPT in
instances in which registration dates close much earlier.  Asterisks (*)
indicate new entries; pound signs (#) indicate revisions to entries that have
appeared previously.  Brevity in entries is appreciated.

Please note that information on fire training can be found on the multi-agency
fire training schedule posted at


Dates: Winter, Spring and Summer *

Course: Three Land Management Training Programs: LMTP-003, LMTP-005,

Location: FLETC, Glynco, GA

Details: The three courses begin, respectively, in February, May and
September of 2000.  Regional offices have asked that the general
dates be posted in advance, as nominations MUST go through region
for approval and prioritization.  Each course is now announced on
the Learning Place bulletin board, with nomination forms

Contact: Regional employee development specialists; FLETC for further

Phone/fax: 912-267-2245; 912-267-3188


Submitter: Tom Cherry, FLETC

Dates: September 20 - 23 

Conference: EPA Region 3 Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention

Location: Washington Hilton Hotel, Washington, DC

Details: Over 45 different hazmat workshops and training sessions, over 65
presenters.  Registration is $95, includes reception and banquet.
Registration is available on line at website.

Closes: ---

Contact: Al Brown, EPA (or conference hotline, 877-804-CEPP)

Phone/fax: 215-814-3302; ---

E-mail:, or

Submitter: Same

Dates: September 28 - 30 

Course: Mental Preparation for Armed Confrontation; Advanced Vehicle Stop

Location: West Yellowstone Conference Hotel, West Yellowstone, MT

Details: Training on these two subjects.  Instructed by Jim Crotty,
retired ATF SA and FLETC instructor for both Customs and ATF and
nationally-recognized authority on "use of force" situations. 
Seventy-five slots are open for NPS participants.  No tuition. 
Special rates have been established at the hotel (406-646-7365).

Closes: ---

Contact: Chris Hansen, YELL

Phone/fax: 307-344-2125; ---

E-mail: ---

Submitter: Dave Tyroler, YELL

Dates: September 30 

Conference: Call for proposals for The Third National Conference on Women and
Historic Preservation

Location: Mount Vernon College, Washington, DC 

Details: The conference will be held May 19-21, 2000.  

Closes: Call for proposals for presentations on any aspect of women and
historic preservation, particularly on those that address "the
intersections of gender, race, class, ethnicity and sexuality in
the context of historic preservation or which provide an
international basis for comparison."

Contact: Gail Dubrow, Preservation Planning and Design Program, University

Phone/fax: 206-685-4170; ---

E-mail:, or

Submitter: Vivien Rose, WORI

Dates: October 11 - 13 

Conference: "Exotic Organisms in Greater Yellowstone: Native Biodiversity
Under Siege"

Location: Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone NP, WY

Details: Features sessions on mountain goats, non-native fishes, mud
snails and plants.  Fifth in a series of science conferences
about the ecosystem.

Closes: On-site registration; prices go up after September 10th

Contact: Reservations Department, AmFac, attention Tami Whittlesey

Phone/fax: 307-344-7456; ---

E-mail: (Attn: Tami)

Submitter: Sue Consolo-Murphy, YELL

Dates: October 13 - 16 *

Meeting: "Virtual History: Keeping History Accessible and Accurate," Joint
Annual Meeting, Mountain-Plains Museums Association and New
Mexico Association of Museums

Location: Santa Fe, NM

Details: Presentations and sessions on museum issues of interest to the
general public, interpreters, curators, historians, archivists,
and others on a wide variety of topics, including technology, use
of volunteers, collections care, and appraisals.  There will be
two off-site workshops, 30 concurrent sessions, and seven half-day
and full-day trips to local museums and historical sites.

Closes: ---

Contact: Jan Postler, Coordinator, MPMA

Phone/fax: 970-259-7866; 970-259-7867


Submitter: Matthew Wilson, Curator, IMDE-CNR

Dates: October 15 - 19 

Course: 1999 National Interpreters Workshop

Location: Syracuse, NY

Details: This annual workshop offers myriad training opportunities to
interpreters to assist them in their professional development and
meet the needs of NPS interpretation.

Closes: September 24th 

Contact: National Association for Interpreters

Phone/fax: 888-900-8283; ---

E-mail: ---

Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA

Dates: October 18 - 22 *

Course: Archeological Resources Protection Training (XP-ARPTP-002)

Location: Fort Lewis, WA

Details: Basic ARPA training.

Closes: September 24th

Contact: Regional employee development specialists; FLETC for further

Phone/fax: 912-267-2245; 912-267-3188


Submitter: Wiley Golden, FLETC

Dates: October 25 - 28 

Workshop: "The Resource, The Visitor, and Risk," NPS Cave and Karst
Integrated Management Workshop

Location: Mammoth Cave NP, KY

Details: Servicewide workshop on the management of cave and karst
resources, visitor services/interpretation, and risk.

Closes: October 1st

Contact: Mike Adams

Phone/fax: 270-758-2254; 270-758-2349

E-mail: On cc:Mail by name

Submitter: Ron Kerbo

Dates: October 25 - 28 

Meeting: "Crossing Divides," Annual Meeting and Exposition, Geological
Society of America

Location: Denver, CO

Details: Focus on the cross-disciplinary nature of the geosciences,
encouraging a scientific program that crosses divides among the
various disciplines of science, education and society.  $255 for
non-members, $210 for members - but NPS interpreters can register
at the K-12 professional rate of $25.

Closes: September 17th

Contact: Bruce Heise or Jim Wood

Phone/fax: Heise: 303-969-2017, Wood: 303-969-2149; ---


Submitter: Jim Wood, GRD

Dates: October 25 - 29 

Course: The Chief Ranger

Location: Mather Training Center, Harpers Ferry, WV

Details: The second edition of this leadership course focuses on strategic
thinking necessary as a member of a management team. 
Participants will understand the roles and responsibilities of a
chief ranger in resource-based division, park and service
management programs.  Selection criteria is weighted toward chief
rangers with less than two years' experience and those
anticipating becoming chief rangers in their next career move.

Closes: ---

Contact: Brion Fitzgerald, GETT, or Joe Evans, ROMO

Phone/fax: Fitzgerald: 717-334-1124 x 434, Evans: 970-586-1218; ---

E-mail: On cc:Mail by name

Submitter: Same

Dates: October 25 - 29 

Course: Introduction to Park Program Management, Instructor Workshop

Location: Albright Training Center, Grand Canyon, AZ

Details: Attendees will be trained to instruct "Introduction to Park
Program Management," which will be held within each regional

Closes: September 13th

Contact: Jan Gauthier

Phone/fax: 304-535-6401; 304-535-6408

E-mail: ---

Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA

Dates: October 30 

Seminar: "Cold War Thaw - 1959," Fourth Annual Eisenhower Seminar

Location: Gettysburg NMP, PA

Details: Commemorates the 40th anniversary of the historic meeting between
President Eisenhower and Premier Kruschev at Camp David and
Eisenhower's Gettysburg farm.  General Andrew Goodpaster,
Eisenhower's adviser on foreign affairs, will be among the
speakers.  $35.

Closes: ---

Contact: EISE

Phone/fax: 717-338-9114; ---

E-mail: On cc:Mail by name

Submitter: Jim Roach, EISE

Dates: October 31 - November 5 

Course: Managerial Grid: Phase I and Instructor Preparation

Location: Pensacola, FL

Details: Phase I is a prerequisite for attending the IP sessions. 
Sponsored by ANPR.  Cost: $750, which includes a one-year
membership in ANPR; $600 for current members.  Send applications
(purchase order, SF-181, personal check or money order, etc.) to
ANPR, c/o Bill Wade, 5625 N. Wilmot Road, Tucson, AZ.

Closes: September 24th

Contact: Bill Wade

Phone/fax: 520-615-9417; 520-615-9474

E-mail: Bill Wade at NP-SAGU or

Submitter: Same

Dates: November 1 - 5 *

Course: Archeological Resources Protection Training (XP-ARPTP-002)

Location: Fort Hood, TX

Details: Basic ARPA training.

Closes: October 6th

Contact: Regional employee development specialists; FLETC for further

Phone/fax: 912-267-2245; 912-267-3188


Submitter: Wiley Golden, FLETC

Dates: November 1 - 5 *

Meeting: DOI/USDA Radio Workshop

Location: Marriott Hotel Southeast, Denver, CO

Details: Bi-annual radio workshop, focusing on policy and technology
relating to the narrowband radio transition, allocation of
spectrum, GAO and Departmental requirements for site and spectrum
resource sharing, and communications provision alternatives to
government-owned land mobile radio systems.  There will also be
vendors and exhibitors displaying state of the art wireless
technology and manufacturer seminars on servicing equipment. 
There will be a modest registration fee; pre-registration is

Closes: ---

Contact: Frank Weed, NPS Radio Coordinator, WASO

Phone/fax: 303-969-2084; 303-987-6784

E-mail: On cc:Mail by name.

Submitter: Same.

Dates: November 2 - 4 *

Course: Budget Process for NPS Managers

Location: Santa Monica Mountains NRA, CA

Details: The course deals primarily with the managerial rather than the
technical aspects of the NPS budget process, and is intended for
those with overall budget management responsibilities - not
budget practitioners actually formulating and executing budgets.

Closes: October 1st

Contact: Jan Gauthier

Phone/fax: 304-535-6215; ---

E-mail: On cc:Mail by name.

Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA

Dates: November 2 - 4 *

Workshop: 1999 Intermountain Regional Chief Rangers Workshop

Location: Park City, UT

Details: The conference will provide opportunities for IMR chief rangers
and their key staff members to share information and develop
strategies for managing pertinent issues in the ranger
profession, including exploration of the definition and
applicability of resource-based rangers and learning new skills
to support that effort.

Closes: September 17th

Contact: Steve Robinson, CR, CEBR

Phone/fax: 435-586-9451; ---

E-mail: On cc:Mail by name.

Submitter: Same.

Dates: November 2 - 5 *

Meeting: Eleventh Annual Meeting, Federal Preservation Forum (FPF)

Location: Valley Forge NHP, King of Prussia, PA

Details: Topics will include: Training Archeologists, Cultural Resource
Working Group on Metadata Standards, Paleontology, and GIS
Applications in Cultural Resources.  A training session on 36 CFR
Part 800 changes has been tentatively scheduled for November 5th. 
For lodging and registration info, see the FPF web site:

Closes: ---

Contact: David Banks, WASO-HPS

Phone/fax: 202-343-9518; ---

E-mail: On cc:Mail by name.

Submitter: Anne Vawser, MWAC.

Dates: November 4 - 6 

Meeting: International Foundation for Cultural Property Protection (IFCPP)

Location: Denver, CO

Details: This first annual IFCPP conference will present general sessions
on the protection of cultural resources, including physical
security and fire protection, emergency/disaster preparedness,
and related issues.  Two professional certification training
courses will be offered - certified institutional protection
specialist (CIPS) and manager (CIPM).  There will also be vendors
and exhibitors showing state of the art protection technology.

Closes: ---

Contact: Rob Layne, IFCPP conference coordinator

Phone/fax: 303-322-9667 or 800-257-6717; ---

E-mail:, or www.

Submitter: Matt Wilson

Dates: November 5 - 7 

Symposium: International Technical Rescue Symposium

Location: Marriott Hotel, Fort Collins, CO

Details: Sharing of news and insights on advances in equipment, technical
problems and issues of mutual concern, including techniques,
medical considerations, analysis of high-angle accidents,
helicopter rescue developments, and "SAR screw-ups."  Followed by
NPS SAR meeting (see below).

Closes: ---

Contact: Sherry Cox, Pigeon Mountain Industries, Inc.

Phone/fax: 706-764-1437; 706-764-1531


Submitter: Ken Phillips, GRCA

Dates: November 7 - 9 

Meeting: NPS SAR Meeting

Location: Marriott Hotel, Fort Collins, CO

Details: Follow-up on NPS SAR meeting held in Long Beach, California, in
1997.  Working meeting focusing on completion of a draft of an
NPS SAR reference manual, the exchange of professional ideas, and
discussion of NPS SAR issues.  Those planning on attending are
encouraged to contact Ken Phillips ASAP.

Closes: ---

Contact: Ken Phillips, SAR Coordinator, GRCA

Phone/fax: --- ; ---

E-mail: On cc:Mail by name

Submitter: Ken Phillips, GRCA

Dates: November 15 - 19 *

Course: Supervision: An Introduction

Location: Atlanta, GA

Details: The course is designed for newly-appointed supervisors and those
who need to refresh their supervisory skills.

Closes: September 17th

Contact: Rhonda Miller, USFWS, National Conservation Training Center

Phone/fax: 304-876-7437; 304-876-7202


Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA

Dates: November 15 - 19 

Course: Workshop on Managing Visitor Use in Wilderness

Location: Salt Lake City, UT

Details: The course will employ lectures, studies and breakout sessions to
analyze problems associated with increasing recreational use in
wilderness and wilderness study areas and examine a range of
tools for addressing these issues.

Closes: September 24th

Contact: Greg Kroll

Phone/fax: 406-243-4612; 406-243-4717

E-mail: On cc:Mail by name

Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA

Dates: November 29 - December 2 

Meeting: 1999 Congress on Recreation and Resource Capacity

Location: Snowmass Village, Aspen, CO

Details: The congress will focus on recreation and resource capacities on
public lands and waters.

Closes: ---

Contact: Susan Scott Lundquist

Phone/fax: 970-491-4865; ---

E-mail:, or

Submitter: Susan Scott Lundquist

Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.