MORNING REPORT

To:         All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:       Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:   Tuesday, September 14, 1999


99-543 - Southeast Region Areas - Follow-up: Hurricane Floyd

Parks in the potential path of Hurricane Floyd have largely completed
preparations for its arrival.  The current highest probability track would
take the storm almost directly over parks from Canaveral NS to Fort Frederica
NM, including FLETC in Glynco, Georgia:

o     Biscayne NP (FL) - The park was nearing completion of preparations as
      of noon yesterday.  Power at the park was about to be turned off, and
      the entire area was to be shut down by 4:30 p.m.  

o     Everglades NP (FL) - The park has completed preparations and is now
      closed.  The backcountry has been closed and a flight was made to
      assure that all boaters and backcountry users had left the area. 
      Contacts have been made with adjoining counties and with other Interior
      agencies in the area.  A shelter has been activated; most staff will
      move in this morning.  A 24-hour security detail has been established
      at the park boundary.

o     Canaveral NS (FL) - Park operations were shut down at noon yesterday. 
      The closure will remain in effect until the hurricane passes.  All park
      employees are being provided with a list of alternate points of contact
      (POC's) for the post-hurricane period, and have been asked to contact
      their POC's and report their location and situation.

o     Castillo de San Marcos NM/Fort Matanzas NM - Castillo de San Marcos
      closed to visitors at 2 p.m. yesterday; Fort Matanzas closed at noon. 
      Boats have been pulled and property has been moved off-site by U-Haul
      trucks.  All personnel were released at 6 p.m. yesterday evening.

o     FLETC (GA) - Evacuation of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
      in Glynco began at 8 a.m. this morning.  All 1700 students will be gone
      by noon today.  They are going to South Georgia College in Douglas,
      Georgia.  All FLETC staff will be released today, and the facility will
      be completely shutdown by 4 p.m.  FLETC will probably not reopen until
      Monday.  Most of the surrounding area is or will soon be under
      mandatory evacuation order, which will affect over a million people.

o     Cumberland Island NS (GA) - Most employees were released at close of
      business yesterday.  Park employees who live on the island and all
      visitors will come off the island on the 10 a.m. ferry this morning. 
      All island residents are being told of the ferry schedule and are being
      encouraged to leave.  Boats are being taken to the mainland or stream
      anchored this morning.  The few rangers and maintenance employees
      working today will be released when they are done, which should be
      before noon.  Evacuated employees are going to Okefenokee NWR.  

o     Fort Frederica NM (GA) - The hurricane plan is in effect, and the park
      has been closed.

[Ben Morgan, Liaison Officer, IMT, EVER, 9/13; Gary Bremen, IO, BISC, 9/13;
Ken Garvin, SERO, 9/13; Denis Davis, CUIS, 9/13; Chuck Dale, CR, CASA/FOMA,
9/13; Bob Panko, EVER, 9/14; Mike Tennant, FOFR, 9/13; Paul Henry, FLETC,

99-548 - Little River Canyon NRA (AL) - Rescue

On September 6th, M.M., 17, of Acworth, Georgia, was rapelling with
friends at Lynn Overlook.  As M.M. was leaning back to begin his rappel
down the 40-foot bluff, the anchor point failed, sending him plunging to the
bottom.  Rangers Dwight Dixon and Mike Clarke assisted local rescue teams in
stabilizing M.M., and employed a technical haul system to bring him to the
rim of the canyon.  M.M. suffered severe head injuries, a crushed pelvis,
and a broken femur.  He was flown by helicopter from the scene to a hospital
in Chattanooga, where he's currently in critical condition.  Preliminary
investigation revealed that the rope being used to rappel was not properly
attached to the anchor point and that non-locking carabiniers were being
used.  M.M. was not wearing a helmet at the time of the fall.  [Dwight
Dixon, CR, LIRI, 9/11]

99-549 - Gateway NRA (NY/NJ) - Pursuit; Rescue

Park Police officers saw an NYPD pursuit enter the Riis Park area about a
half hour after midnight on September 2nd.  The driver stopped his car along
the sea wall and jumped into Jamaica Bay, which is within the park.  The man
was wanted for attempted murder; he'd just slashed his wife's throat and was
holding his two children hostage when the pursuit began in Brooklyn.  NYPD
had asked that a harbor unit respond, but it was not expected to arrive for
another 25 minutes.  An NYPD helicopter was hovering overhead, and two rescue
divers jumped into the bay to rescue the man.  USPP sergeant Grant Arthur and
lieutenant Sumner Waite went to the nearby Coast Guard station and came back
with a rigid-hull inflatable boat.  They tried to get the man on board, but
he was combative and could not be lifted into the inflatable.  They were able
to maintain a hold on him until the city harbor unit arrived, as the rescue
divers were near exhaustion from the struggle.  The USPP officers then helped
get the man on the NYPD boat, which had only a single officer on board.  Once
on the vessel, a struggle ensued.  The USPP officers subdued the man and
transferred custody to NYPD.  The man's children were found safe and unharmed
in his vehicle.  [John Lauro, USPP, GATE, 9/2]

99-550 - Biscayne NP (FL) - Drug Interdiction

Customs agents attempted to intercept a vessel entering park waters from the
Bahamas during the early morning hours of August 31st.  Agents suspected that
the boat was carrying drugs.  A chase ensued, with the suspect vessel
striking the Customs vessel several times.  Both of the occupants of the boat
jumped overboard, and it continued traveling at a high rate of speed. 
Rangers were asked to help by stopping the boat while the agents searched for
the two men.  The rangers determined that it would be unsafe to attempt to
stop it due to its high rate of speed, rough sea conditions, and the fact
that it was circling over an environmentally sensitive and treacherous area
of shallow coral reefs, so they monitored it from a safe distance and
established a perimeter around it.  The vessel eventually slowed down to the
point where it could be safely boarded.  No drugs were found on board, but an
ion scan revealed that there had been cocaine in the vessel.  Rangers,
customs agents, and the Coast Guard conducted a large search of park waters
at first light in an effort to recover drugs or evidence that was dumped
overboard by the suspects during the chase.  A significant quantity of
marijuana was found, but evidence indicates that there may be another 750
kilos of cocaine still in the water.  [David Pharo, BISC, 9/6]

99-551 - Great Sand Dunes NM (CO) - Burglary

On August 19th, rangers received a report from a wilderness counselor for a
youth program for incarcerated juveniles that some of the kids in his group
had bragged about breaking into a house the previous evening.  Subsequent
investigation revealed that a high-powered rifle, jewelry and women's
underwear were taken from a park residence, and that three of the boys in the
group, camped in a Forest Service wilderness adjacent to the park, had
burglarized the unoccupied home.  Rangers placed the three into protective
custody (all the members of the group were already incarcerated), interviewed
them, and searched their packs, finding some of the stolen items.  The rifle
was found stashed under a nearby tree in the housing area.  The case is under
consideration for prosecution by the assistant U.S. attorney.  [Stuart
Schneider, CR, GRSA, 9/4]

99-552 - Glen Canyon NRA (UT/AZ) - Drowning

B.T., six, from Grand Junction, Colorado, arrived in the Bullfrog
South primitive area with members of her family at 4 p.m. on the afternoon of
September 8th.  While her grandparents and other family members were
unpacking and setting up camp, B.T. went down to the shoreline to play
with the family dog.  She was being watched by her uncle, who lost track of
her for about five minutes.  The family sought help from nearby campers, who
began a frantic search of the 12-foot-deep water.  The park received a 911
call at 4:27 p.m.  Rangers from the park and from the Utah Parks and
Recreation Department began a ground and water search and were assisted by
two ARAMARK divers.  The divers found the girl's body in 12 feet of water, 10
feet from shore.  Rangers Dave Walton, Dave Schifsky and Mike Mayer began
advanced life support measures.  She was pronounced dead en route to the
Bullfrog Clinic through a medical radio patch with Good Samaritan Hospital in
Phoenix.  The incident was investigated by the park and county sheriff's
office.  [Jim Houseman, CI, GLCA, 9/10]

99-553 - New River Gorge NR (WV) - Drowning

T.B., 34, of Kermit, West Virginia, drowned in the New River while
fishing near Sandstone on the afternoon of September 3rd.  T.B. was wading
out about 40 yards from the shore when he stepped into a hole that was about
12 feet deep.  Bystanders placed a 911 call, reporting that T.B. had been
underwater for about five minutes.  Rangers reached the scene about a half
hour later and managed the recovery operation, using divers from two
volunteer fire and rescue departments and boats equipped with fish finders. 
The divers recovered T.B.'s body.  He was not wearing a life jacket at the
time of the accident.  Rangers and state police are investigating.  [Rick
Brown, Protection Operations Leader, NERI, 9/4]

99-554 - New River Gorge NR (WV) - MVA with Fatalities

R.C., 36, of Missouri, was driving a tractor-trailer on the Sandstone
Mountain section of I-64 on the afternoon of September 6th when he lost
control of the rig on a steep downhill grade.  The truck hit one vehicle,
went another half-mile down the road, jackknifed, flipped and landed on top
of another vehicle.  The tractor-trailer and second vehicle continued to
slide, taking out about 300 yards of guardrail, then went off the road into
the park for about 400 yards and over an embankment.  J.Z., 25,
of Richmond, Virginia, the passenger in the vehicle, was killed immediately;
R.C. was taken to a hospital, but subsequently died.  M.Z., 30,
the driver of the vehicle, and a nine-year-old boy were taken to a local
hospital and are in critical condition.  Rangers assisted in the rescue,
emergency medical treatment, and evacuation of the four victims up the steep
slope.  State police are leading the investigation.  [Rick Brown, Protection
Operations Leader, NERI, 9/4]

99-555 - Blue Ridge Parkway (NC/VA) - MVA with Fatality

R.K., 70, of Jonesborough, Tennessee, was riding his motorcycle on
the parkway just after noon on September 8th when he struck a deer.  The
motorcycle went down, skidded about 50 feet to a ditch line, then went off a
retaining wall and dropped about 50 feet.  R.K. died at the scene.  An
investigation is underway.  The case is being handled by ranger Bob Palmer. 
[John Garrison, Protection Specialist, BLRI, 9/9]

99-556 - Blue Ridge Parkway (NC/VA) - MVA with Fatality

J.L.S., 71, of Staunton, Virginia, was riding his motorcycle on the
parkway at 9:15 p.m. on September 11th when he struck a deer.  Rangers and
local EMS responded to the accident.  J.L.S. was conscious at the scene, but
went into cardiac arrest while being transported and could not be
resuscitated.  Terry Morris is the case ranger.  [John Garrison, Protection
Specialist, BLRI, 9/13]




                                                     Sat      Mon    %  Est
State      Unit              Fire/Incident   IMT     9/11     9/13  Con Con
CA    Plumas NF              MHRD Cx          T1   34,821   44,421   85 9/14
      Shasta-Trinity NF      Big Bar Cx       T2   25,871   30,493   55 UNK 
      Klamath NF             Stein            T1      840      876   90 UNK
      Los Padres NF          Kirk Cx          T2      755    1,613    0 UNK 

NV    Winnemucca FO          Dead Horse       --    1,628    1,628  100 CND 
      Ely FO                 Schoolmarm       --      400      388  100 CND 
      Humboldt-Toiyabe NF  * Gully            --        -      225  100 CND

TX    State                  Morgan Creek     --      200      200    0 UNK

KY    Daniel Boone NF      * Mayberry More    --        -      150  100 CND

UT    Wasatch-Cache NF       Card Canyon      --      200      200  100 CND
      Salt Lake FO           Monument         --      500      500  100 CND

WA    State                  Easton           ST       71       71  100 CND 

OR    Winema NF            * Monteith Rock    T2        -      300    0 UNK

                                  Heading Notes

Unit        Agency or Area Office = BIA area; NF = national forest; RU = CA
            state resource or ranger unit; RD = state ranger district; FO =
            BLM field office; District = BLM district; NWR = USFWS wildlife
Fire        * = newly reported fire (on this report); Cx = complex 
IMT         T1 = Type I Team; T2 = Type II Team; T3 = Type III Team; ST =
            State Team; FUM = Fire Use Management Team
% Con       Percent of fire contained: UNK = unknown; NR = no report
Est Con     Estimated containment date: NEC = no estimated date of
            containment; CND = fully contained; UNK = unknown; NR = no
            report; RBF = resource benefit fire, no containment action being
            taken; LR = last report unless significant activity occurs


                    NPS    BIA      BLM     FWS    States   USFS     Total

Friday, 9/10         0      5        35       1      121     74       236
Saturday, 9/11       0      5        12       0       82     49       148
Sunday, 9/12         0      1         9       0       50     23        83
Monday, 9/13         2      1        26       1      556     32       618


                  Crews     Engines    Helicopters    Airtankers   Overhead

Friday, 9/10       377        557          98            13         1,803
Saturday, 9/11     338        502          85            11         1,495
Sunday, 9/12       851 @      395          99            10         1,548
Monday, 9/13       375        343         124            14         1,572

@ = It appears that there was double reporting of crews in Southern
    California on the NIFC report.


Initial attack increased in the South yesterday, but was minimal elsewhere.

Very high to extreme fire indices were reported in Oregon, Washington,
California, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, South Dakota, Indiana, Alabama, Georgia, and

[NICC Incident Management Situation Report, 9/13-14]


Report pending.


Concessions Regs - The due date for receipt of comments in response to the
proposed concessions regulations has been moved up to October 15th.  The
standard concession contract language was published for public comment in the
Federal Register on September 3rd.  Information on both can be found on the
concessions bulletin board.  [Wendy Mann, Concessions, WASO]


No entries.


Report pending.


Cape Hatteras NS - Bob Reynolds, superintendent of the Outer Banks Group, has
announced his retirement, ending 34 years of working and 55 years of living
in national parks.  The retirement ceremony will be held at a cookout on noon
on Monday, September 27th, at the Bodie Island maintenance shop.  All are
invited.  Please RSVP Polly Ballance at 252-473-2111 extension 148.  The park
will be giving him a book containing best wishes, remembrances, postcards and
letters.  Address these to the attention of Polly Ballance, NPS, Route 1, Box
675, Manteo, NC 27954.  Please help us make the book and cookout worthy of an
NPS legacy.  [Jeff Cobb, CAHA]

USS Arizona Memorial - The park is re-advertising its GS-11/12 supervisory
park ranger (chief ranger) position due to the removal of law enforcement
commission requirements.  The vacancy announcement (PISO-MPO-99-35) is listed
on USAJOBS and closed on October 4th.  Applicants who previously applied need
to reapply.  There is currently a 25% COLA in the area.  A video of staff,
facilities and the memorial is available on loan to interested applicants. 
Photos are available through cc:Mail or email.  For further information,
contact Kathy Billings via cc:Mail or at 808-422-2771 extension 114.  [Sandi
LeFevre, USAR]

                                *  *  *  *  *

Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators.  Please address requests
pertaining to receipt of the Morning Report to your servicing hub

Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

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