MORNING REPORT

To:         All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:       Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:   Tuesday, September 28, 1999


98-791 - Padre Island NS (TX) - Follow-up: Hazmat Investigation

In September, 1998, rangers received a tip that a contractor paid to remove
hazmat materials from the park several months previously had illegally placed
barrels containing the materials on the beach in order to make more money. 
Following a lengthy investigation, a federal grand jury last month indicted
Jon Short, 37, of Bartlett, Texas, on four counts of false/fraudulent claims
(18 USC 287) and one count of illegal management of used oil under the
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (42 USC 6928(d)(7)).  On September
23rd, Short pled guilty to one count of making a false/fraudulent claim and
restitution of $19,000.  Sentencing will be in December.  [Phil Young, SA,
IMSO, 9/23]

99-583 - National Capital Parks Central (DC) - Demonstration; Arrests

On September 4th, the Coalition to Stop Primate Experimentation conducted a
permitted demonstration in front of the Washington Monument.  During the
event, three members of the group climbed about 90 feet up the scaffolding
surrounding the monument, a secure area because of renovation work currently
underway.  They reached the scaffolding by climbing over a fence around the
site.  Several Park Police officers pursued them.  One member of the trio
tried to secure his neck to the scaffolding with a bicycle lock, but was
unsuccessful; the remaining pair handcuffed themselves to the framework and
attempted to attach a banner to the scaffolding.  All three resisted arrest
and put themselves and the officers in great danger.  The arrests were
nonetheless made without injury.  The three were charged with unlawful entry
and resisting arrest.  [Sgt. R. MacLean, USPP, NCR, 9/20]

                        [Several reports pending...]




                                                     Sun      Mon    %  Est
State      Unit              Fire/Incident   IMT     9/26     9/27  Con Con
CA    Shasta-Trinity NF      Big Bar Cx      T1/2  65,388   67,573   68 UNK 
      Los Padres NF          Kirk Cx         T1/2  43,170   46,190   25 UNK 
      N. Cal. District       Lake            --     1,800    2,400  100 CND 
      Coast Cascade Region   Canyon          ST     2,000    2,200  100 CND

WA    Spokane Agency         Two Rivers      T2     3,000    2,924  100 CND 
      Olympic NF             Oh Brother      --       203      203   70 9/29
      Okanagon NF            Rockview        --       330      330  100 CND 
      State                  Mallot          --     1,500    2,200   90 9/27

TN    Cherokee NF            Tellico Cx      --       109      175   10 9/28

NC    NC NF's                Thunderhole     --       100      100  100 CND 

ID    Nez Perce NF           Meadow Creek    --       100      100    0 NR
      Clearwater NF        * Potato          --         -      319    0 RBF

                                  Heading Notes

Unit        Agency or Area Office = BIA area; NF = national forest; RU = CA
            state resource or ranger unit; RD = state ranger district; FO =
            BLM field office; District = BLM district; NWR = USFWS wildlife
Fire        * = newly reported fire (on this report); Cx = complex 
IMT         T1 = Type I Team; T2 = Type II Team; T3 = Type III Team; ST =
            State Team; FUM = Fire Use Management Team
% Con       Percent of fire contained: UNK = unknown; NR = no report
Est Con     Estimated containment date: NEC = no estimated date of
            containment; CND = fully contained; UNK = unknown; NR = no
            report; RBF = resource benefit fire, no containment action being
            taken; LR = last report unless significant activity occurs


                    NPS    BIA      BLM     FWS    States   USFS     Total

Friday, 9/24         0      2         1       0      316     23       342
Saturday, 9/25       0     10         5       0      138     35       188
Sunday, 9/26         0      1         9       0      133     36       179
Monday, 9/27         0      2         0       1      482     23       508


                  Crews     Engines    Helicopters    Airtankers   Overhead

Friday, 9/24       240        309          71             0         1,610
Saturday, 9/25     256        456          74            15         1,382
Sunday, 9/26       320        455          79             8         1,995
Monday, 9/27       234        380          66             3         1,757


Initial attack was moderate in the South and California yesterday and limited

Very high to extreme fire indices were reported in California, Idaho, Oregon,
Washington, Nevada, Utah, Illinois, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Kentucky,
and Mississippi.

NICC has posted a RED FLAG WARNING for gusty north to east winds and low
humidity for most of California, and a RED FLAG WARNING for gusty northwest
winds and low humidity in interior southwestern Oregon.

[NICC Incident Management Situation Report, 9/28]


Entry pending.


Entry pending.


No entries.


Entry pending.


No entries.


The following activities will be taking place in Congress during coming weeks
on matters pertaining to the National Park Service or kindred agencies.  For
inquiries regarding legislation pertaining to the NPS, please contact the
main office at 202-208-5883/5656 and ask to be forwarded to the appropriate
legislative specialist.


Thursday, September 30

House Resources Subcommittee on National Parks and Public Lands (Hansen):
Hearing on:

o     H.R. 1864 (Hansen, UT), a bill to standardize the process for
      conducting public hearings for Federal agencies within the Department
      of the Interior. 
o     H.R. 1866 (Hansen, UT), a bill to provide a process for the public to
      appeal certain decisions made by the National Park Service and by the
      United States Fish and Wildlife Service. 
o     H.R. 2541 (Taylor, MS), a bill to adjust the boundaries of the Gulf
      Islands National Seashore to include Cat Island, Mississippi. 

The hearing will be held at 10 a.m. in 1324 Longworth.

Tuesday, October 12

House Resources Subcommittee on National Parks and Public Lands (Hansen):
Hearing on H.R. (not numbered yet), the Utah West Desert Wilderness Act.  The
hearing will be held at 10 a.m. in 1324 Longworth.

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on National Parks, Historic
Preservation, and Recreation (Thomas): Hearing on:

o     S. 167 (Moynihan, NY), a bill to extend the authorization for the Upper
      Delaware Citizens Advisory Council and to authorize construction and
      operation of a visitor center for the Upper Delaware Scenic and
      Recreational River, New York and Pennsylvania.
o     S. 1366 (Murkowski, AK), a bill to authorize the Secretary of the
      Interior to construct and operate a visitor center for the Upper
      Delaware Scenic and Recreation River on land owned by the New York
      State, and for other purposes. 
o     S. 311 (McCain, AZ), a bill to authorize the Disabled Veterans' LIFE
      Memorial Foundation to establish a memorial in the District of Columbia
      or its environs, and for other purposes.
o     S. 497 (Moynihan, NY), a bill to redesignate Great Kills Park in the
      Gateway National Recreation Area as "World War II Veterans Park at
      Great Kills."
o     H.R. 592 (Fossella, NY), a bill to redesignate Great Kills Park in
      Gateway National Recreation Area as "World War II Veterans Park at
      Great Kills" (see S. 497).
o     S. 919 (Dodd, CT), a bill to amend the Quinebaug and Shetucket Rivers
      Valley National Heritage Corridor Act of 1994 to expand the boundaries
      of the Corridor.
o     H.R. 1619 (Gejdenson, CT), a bill to amend the Quinebaug and Shetucket
      Rivers Valley National Heritage Corridor Act of 1994 to expand the
      boundaries of the corridor. 
o     S. 1569 (Kerry, MA), a bill to amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to
      designate segments of the Taunton River in the Commonwealth of
      Massachusetts for study for potential addition to the National Wild and
      Scenic Rivers System, and for other purposes. 

Wednesday, October 13

House Resources Committee (Young): Hearing on H.R. 2804 (Young, AK), a bill
to expand Alaska Native contracting of Federal land management functions and
activities and promote hiring of Alaska Natives by the Federal Government
within the State of Alaska, and for other purposes.  The hearing will be held
on 11 a.m. in 1324 Longworth.

Tuesday, October 19

House Resources Subcommittee on National Parks and Public Lands (Hansen):
Hearing on H.R. 2795, a bill to establish the Shivwits Plateau National
Conservation Area in Arizona.  The hearing will be held on 10 a.m. in 1324

Tuesday, October 26

House Resources Subcommittee on National Parks and Public Lands (Hansen):
Hearing on:

o     H.R. 1509 (Johnson, TX), a bill to authorize the Disabled Veterans'
      LIFE Memorial Foundation to establish a memorial in the District of
      Columbia or its environs to honor veterans who became disabled while
      serving in the Armed Forces of the United States. 
o     H.R. 2532 (Hefley, CO), a bill to provide for the establishment of
      national heritage areas. 

The hearing will be held on 10 a.m. in 1324 Longworth.  

Wednesday, October 27

House Resources Committee (Young): Hearing on H.R. (not numbered yet), the
University of Alaska Land Grant Act.  The hearing will be held on 11 a.m. in
1324 Longworth.  


The following bills either directly or indirectly pertaining to the NPS have
been introduced since the last Morning Report listing of new legislation
(September 22nd):

o     H.R. 2919 (Portman, OH), a bill to promote preservation and public
      awareness of the history of the Underground Railroad by providing
      financial assistance, to the Freedom Center in Cincinnati, Ohio. 
o     H.R. 2932 (Hansen, UT), a bill to authorize the Golden Spike/Crossroads
      of the West National Heritage Area. 
o     S. 1617 (DeWine, OH), a bill to promote preservation and public
      awareness of the history of the Underground Railroad by providing
      financial assistance, to the Freedom Center in Cincinnati, Ohio. 

The following bills have passed Congress and been signed into law: 

No new laws.

                                *  *  *  *  *

Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators.  Please address requests
pertaining to receipt of the Morning Report to your servicing hub

Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

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