The calendar appears every other Monday as an addendum to the Morning Report.
Entries are listed no earlier than FOUR months before the event, EXCEPT in
instances in which registration dates close much earlier.  Asterisks (*)
indicate new entries; pound signs (#) indicate revisions to entries that have
appeared previously.  Brevity in entries is appreciated.

Please note that information on fire training can be found on the multi-
agency fire training schedule posted at


Dates:      FY 2000 
Course:     Essential Competencies in Interpretation
Location:   Clusters and/or regions
Details:    This matching funds program provides Servicewide funding support
            for curriculum-based developmental opportunities in
Closes:     Requests for matching funds must be submitted to the training
            manager for interpretation at least two months prior to the
            intended training.
Contact:    Dave Dahlen, Training Manager for Interpretation
Phone/fax:  304-535-6215; 304-535-6408
E-mail:     On cc:Mail by name.
Submitter:  Joyce Howe, STMA

Dates:      FY 2000 
Course:     Risk Management (Occupational Health and Safety) Scholarship Fund
Location:   Various
Details:    The program will provide up to $600 for participants to apply
            toward the tuition of risk management training.
Closes:     December 3rd
Contact:    Mary Robinson
Phone/fax:  304-535-6732; 304-535-6408
E-mail:     On cc:Mail by name.
Submitter:  Joyce Howe, STMA

Dates:      November 1 - 5 
Course:     Waterfowl Law Enforcement Training
Location:   Assateague Island NS/Chincoteague NWR, Chincoteague, VA
Details:    Topics will include waterfowl identification, MBTA, Duck Stamp
            Act, baiting regulations, poaching techniques, compliance checks,
            evidence handling and storage, surveillance techniques and
            planning, enforcement operations/planning, and scenarios. 
            Attendees will work in teams to solve resource crime scenarios
            and should be prepared for long hours in the field and inclement
Closes:     ---
Contact:    Clay Bunting, ASIS
Phone/fax:  757-336-6577
E-mail:     On cc:Mail by name.
Submitter:  Clay Bunting, ASIS

Dates:      November 1 - 5  
Meeting:    DOI/USDA Radio Workshop
Location:   Marriott Hotel Southeast, Denver, CO
Details:    Bi-annual radio workshop, focusing on policy and technology
            relating to the narrowband radio transition, allocation of
            spectrum, GAO and Departmental requirements for site and spectrum
            resource sharing, and communications provision alternatives to
            government-owned land mobile radio systems.  There will also be
            vendors and exhibitors displaying state of the art wireless
            technology and manufacturer seminars on servicing equipment. 
            There will be a modest registration fee; pre-registration is
Closes:     ---
Contact:    Frank Weed, NPS Radio Coordinator, WASO
Phone/fax:  303-969-2084; 303-987-6784
E-mail:     On cc:Mail by name.
Submitter:  Same.

Dates:      November 2 - 3 *
Course:     Firefighter/Law Enforcement Officer Special Retirement (6c)
            Program Administration 
Location:   Presidio, San Francisco, CA
Details:    Course for human resource specialists, firefighters and LE
            personnel, and those who supervise them.  In-depth review of 6c
            program administration procedures.  NOT a pre-retirement course. 
            No tuition.  Lodging, per diem and travel paid by benefitting
            area.  Nomination forms can be sent by cc:Mail through your
            supervisor or can be faxed.
Closes:     ---
Contact:    Rosalind Calacal, PGBSO
Phone/fax:  415-427-1343; 415-427-1486
E-mail:     On cc:Mail by name.
Submitter:  Marilee Pospahala, NPS Representative, FLERT

Dates:      November 4 - 5 *
Course:     Firefighter/Law Enforcement Officer Special Retirement (6c)
            Program Administration 
Location:   Lake Mead Lodge, Boulder City, NV
Details:    Course for human resource specialists, firefighters and LE
            personnel, and those who supervise them.  In-depth review of 6c
            program administration procedures.  NOT a pre-retirement course. 
            No tuition.  Lodging, per diem and travel paid by benefitting
            area.  Nomination forms can be sent by cc:Mail through your
            supervisor or can be faxed.
Closes:     ---
Contact:    Bobbie Antonich, LAME
Phone/fax:  702-293-8952; 702-293-8936
E-mail:     On cc:Mail by name.
Submitter:  Marilee Pospahala, NPS Representative, FLERT

Dates:      November 2 - 5  
Meeting:    Eleventh Annual Meeting, Federal Preservation Forum (FPF)
Location:   Valley Forge NHP, King of Prussia, PA
Details:    Topics will include: Training Archeologists, Cultural Resource
            Working Group on Metadata Standards, Paleontology, and GIS
            Applications in Cultural Resources.  A training session on 36 CFR
            Part 800 changes has been tentatively scheduled for November 5th. 
            For lodging and registration info, see the FPF web site:
Closes:     ---
Contact:    David Banks, WASO-HPS
Phone/fax:  202-343-9518; ---
E-mail:     On cc:Mail by name.
Submitter:  Anne Vawser, MWAC.

Dates:      November 4 - 6 
Meeting:    International Foundation for Cultural Property Protection (IFCPP)
Location:   Denver, CO
Details:    This first annual IFCPP conference will present general sessions
            on the protection of cultural resources, including physical
            security and fire protection, emergency/disaster preparedness,
            and related issues.  Two professional certification training
            courses will be offered - certified institutional protection
            specialist (CIPS) and manager (CIPM).  There will also be vendors
            and exhibitors showing state of the art protection technology.
Closes:     ---
Contact:    Rob Layne, IFCPP conference coordinator
Phone/fax:  303-322-9667 or 800-257-6717; ---
E-mail:, or www.
Submitter:  Matt Wilson

Dates:      November 5 - 7 
Symposium:  International Technical Rescue Symposium
Location:   Marriott Hotel, Fort Collins, CO
Details:    Sharing of news and insights on advances in equipment, technical
            problems and issues of mutual concern, including techniques,
            medical considerations, analysis of high-angle accidents,
            helicopter rescue developments, and "SAR screw-ups."  Followed by
            NPS SAR meeting (see below).
Closes:     ---
Contact:    Sherry Cox, Pigeon Mountain Industries, Inc.
Phone/fax:  706-764-1437; 706-764-1531
Submitter:  Ken Phillips, GRCA

Dates:      November 7 - 9 
Meeting:    NPS SAR Meeting
Location:   Marriott Hotel, Fort Collins, CO
Details:    Follow-up on NPS SAR meeting held in Long Beach, California, in
            1997.  Working meeting focusing on completion of a draft of an
            NPS SAR reference manual, the exchange of professional ideas, and
            discussion of NPS SAR issues.  Those planning on attending are
            encouraged to contact Ken Phillips ASAP.
Closes:     ---
Contact:    Ken Phillips, SAR Coordinator, GRCA
Phone/fax:  --- ; ---
E-mail:     On cc:Mail by name
Submitter:  Ken Phillips, GRCA

Dates:      November 12 *
Conference: "Commemoration, Conflict and the American Landscape"
Location:   University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Details:    The conference will explore how Americans create a collective
            memory about their past and how they treat, preserve and
            interpret nationally significant sites.
Closes:     November 5th
Contact:    Gail Brown, Department of Anthropology, University of Maryland
Phone/fax:  301-405-1418; ---
E-mail:, or
Submitter:  Barbara Little, WASO

Dates:      November 29 - December 2 
Meeting:    1999 Congress on Recreation and Resource Capacity
Location:   Snowmass Village, Aspen, CO
Details:    The congress will focus on recreation and resource capacities on
            public lands and waters.
Closes:     ---
Contact:    Susan Scott Lundquist
Phone/fax:  970-491-4865; ---
E-mail:, or
Submitter:  Susan Scott Lundquist

Dates:      December 6 - 10
Course:     Universal Design: A Design Process for All People, All Abilities,
            All Ages
Location:   Houston, TX
Details:    This NCA course will focus on accessibility aspects of the
            universal design process.
Closes:     November 9th
Contact:    Tracy Snodgrass, National Center on Accessibility
Phone/fax:  765-349-9240; 765-342-6658
Submitter:  Joyce Howe, STMA

Dates:      December 7 - 8 *
Course:     Interpreting the Civil War through Current Scholarship and
            Electronic Access
Location:   Charlottesville, VA
Details:    The goal of the workshop is to enable participates to construct a
            Civil War history in which visitors and viewers choose which
            documents to follow, permitting them to create their own
Closes:     November 19th
Contact:    Marie Tyler McGraw
Phone/fax:  202-343-5380; 202-343-1244
E-mail:     On cc:Mail by name.
Submitter:  Joyce Howe, STMA

Dates:      December 13 - 17 
Course:     Search Management Instructor Training Course
Location:   Las Vegas, NV
Details:    Participants will be trained to serve as search management
Closes:     November 15th
Contact:    Ken Phillips
Phone/fax:  520-638-7792; 520-638-7838
E-mail:     On cc:Mail by name.
Submitter:  Joyce Howe, STMA

Dates:      January 24 - February 1 
Course:     Interpretive Curriculum Coordinator/Certifier Workshop
Location:   Mather Training Center, Harpers Ferry, WV
Details:    Field interpreters will be trained in the dual role of
            coordinator/certifier in support of the interpretive development
Closes:     November 15th
Contact:    Dave Dahlen
Phone/fax:  304-535-6215; 304-535-6408
E-mail:     On cc:Mail by name.
Submitter:  Joyce Howe, STMA

Dates:      January 31 - February 4 *
Course:     Visitor Use Management for Managers
Location:   NCTC, Shepherdstown, WV
Details:    The course is designed to equip managers with the tools needed to
            oversee complex administrative aspects of visitor use management,
            including special parks uses and permitting, emergency
            operations, and fee management.
Closes:     ---
Contact:    Chuck Anibal
Phone/fax:  304-535-6215; 304-535-6408
E-mail:     On cc:Mail by name.
Submitter:  Joyce Howe, STMA

Dates:      February 7 - 11 
Conference: Criminal Investigator conference
Location:   FLETC, Glynco, GA
Details:    Class will be from Tuesday morning through Friday noon.  The
            theme will be media/law enforcement relations.  Media consultant
            Rick Rosenthal will present his highly-regarded program.  Other
            presentations will be on NPS internal investigations, legal
            updates, WASO Ranger Activities, DOI perspectives and NPS case
Closes:     January 12th
Contact:    Wiley Golden, FLETC
Phone/fax:  912-267-2245; 912-267-3188
Submitter:  Brian Smith, FLETC

Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

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