NPS Visitor and Resource Protection
The Morning Report

Tuesday, November 04, 2003


Mojave National Preserve (CA)
Hunter Injured in Accidental Shooting

N.B. was hunting with a group of six friends and family members in the Woods Mountain area on the morning of October 18th when he was accidentally shot by a companion. The hunters were walking through desert vegetation, spaced about 100 feet apart and in a line. N.B. got ahead of the line; when one of the hunters shot at a quail, he accidentally struck N.B. with a shotgun blast. N.B. sustained injuries from approximately 35 to 50 pellets in his left arm, neck, chest and eye. He was flown by medevac helicopter to Las Vegas for treatment. None of his injuries were found to be life-threatening.
[Submitted by John Wilkins, Park Ranger]

Mojave National Preserve (CA)
Methamphetamine Lab Conviction

On February 27, 2001, rangers acting on a citizen's tip investigated suspicious activity at two cabins at the New Trail Mine site. Four people were contacted, and rangers determined that they'd spent the night at the cabins. They were released after a consent search of their vehicle. A subsequent check of the cabins revealed the remnants of a meth lab and evidence that the drug had recently been cooked up there. The county's clandestine lab team was brought in and found $60,000 worth of processed meth oil hidden at the site. The four people that rangers had contacted there were linked to the lab. One of them — W.D. — was tried and convicted of manufacturing methamphetamine. On October 15th, W.D. was sentenced to 13 years in prison. Rangers provided key testimony at the jury trial.
[Submitted by Kirk Gebicke, Park Ranger]

Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument (AZ)
Smuggling Incidents

Rangers spotted a vehicle traveling off road on a known smuggling route on the morning of November 2nd. They placed spikes on the road, forcing the vehicle to stop. The driver and passenger were arrested. A check of the vehicle revealed that it had been stolen in California. It appears that it had been used to smuggle undocumented aliens into the country. A cell phone was seized and turned over to a Border Patrol intelligence unit. This was the third of three vehicle incursions to occur in the park over the last three weeks — two were chased into the U.S. by Mexican police, and the third was discovered by patrol rangers. One of the vehicles chased by Mexican police was reportedly loaded with narcotics. Communications with Mexican police have been difficult, as calls must go through several channels.
[Submitted by Grant Stolhand, Park Ranger]


Servicewide Training
Weekly Listing of Operations Training Opportunities

This calendar appears every Monday as an addendum to the Morning Report and a separate entry for InsideNPS. It is not meant to be replace the Learning Place; rather it is a quick summary of available training with links (as available) to relevant Learning Place pages. Please note:

  • New and revised entries are in bold face.
  • Submissions for other training courses should conform to the style used here.
  • Please include the URL to the web sites where readers can obtain the requisite forms and/or find out additional information about the training course. If a URL is not specifically listed, the announcement can likely be found on the Learning Place, the NPS training page found at
  • Closing dates for applications are underscored.



January 14 — May 8: National Park Ranger Basic Law Enforcement Training (NPRI-403), FLETC, Glynco, GA. For a copy of the announcement, go to The announcement closes on November 16th. [Wiley Golden, NPS/FLETC]

January 26 — January 30: Law Enforcement for Managers (LEM-401), FLETC, Glynco, GA. For a copy of the announcement, go to The announcement closes on December 12th. [Wiley Golden, NPS/FLETC]

January 27 — January 29: National Emergency Medical Services Conference, San Diego, CA. This training will provide participants with the latest updates on contemporary standards of pre-hospital patient care, instruction in the application of NPS EMS policy, and the coordination of EMS programs within the parks. Specific topics to be addressed include Director's Order 51, Reference Manual 51, the NPS EMS field manual, EMS program coordination, NPS national standard protocol development, the National Registry of EMT's, EMS data management, patient care reports, the NPS white card, medical-legal issues, and a presentation by the national NPS EMS medical advisor. An EMS medical advisor meeting will preceded the training conference — it will take place on the afternoon of January 25th and all day on the 26th. Nominations must be received by December 29th. For more information, contact Randy Coffman, Chief, Emergency Services, WASO at 202-513-7093. [Randy Coffman]


No entries.


March 1 — March 5: Wildland Fire Origin and Cause Determination (NWCG FI-210), FLETC, Glynco, GA. The FI-210 course is designed to provide the coursework portion of the task book requirements for red card certification as a Type III fire investigator (wildland fire cause and origin). The course is open to both commissioned law enforcement and non-commissioned fire and resource management employees who are interested in developing and/or refreshing skills in fire investigation. Fore more information, contact either John Carpenter at 912-267-2607 ( or SA Alan Foster at 530-359-2108. [Alan Foster]


April 19 — April 23: Wildland Fire Origin and Cause Determination (NWCG FI-210), Colorado Springs, CO. The FI-210 course is designed to provide the coursework portion of the task book requirements for red card certification as a Type III fire investigator (wildland fire cause and origin). The course is open to both commissioned law enforcement and non-commissioned fire and resource management employees who are interested in developing and/or refreshing skills in fire investigation. Fore more information, contact either John Carpenter at 912-267-2607 ( or SA Alan Foster at 530-359-2108. [Alan Foster]


May 10 — May 14: Wildland Fire Origin and Cause Determination (NWCG FI-210), Prescott, AZ. The FI-210 course is designed to provide the coursework portion of the task book requirements for red card certification as a Type III fire investigator (wildland fire cause and origin). The course is open to both commissioned law enforcement and non-commissioned fire and resource management employees who are interested in developing and/or refreshing skills in fire investigation. Fore more information, contact either John Carpenter at 912-267-2607 ( or SA Alan Foster at 530-359-2108. [Alan Foster]

May 24 — May 28: Wildland Fire Origin and Cause Determination (NWCG FI-210), Redmond, OR. The FI-210 course is designed to provide the coursework portion of the task book requirements for red card certification as a Type III fire investigator (wildland fire cause and origin). The course is open to both commissioned law enforcement and non-commissioned fire and resource management employees who are interested in developing and/or refreshing skills in fire investigation. Fore more information, contact either John Carpenter at 912-267-2607 ( or SA Alan Foster at 530-359-2108. [Alan Foster]


June 7 — June 11: Wildland Fire Origin and Cause Determination (NWCG FI-210), Missoula, MT. The FI-210 course is designed to provide the coursework portion of the task book requirements for red card certification as a Type III fire investigator (wildland fire cause and origin). The course is open to both commissioned law enforcement and non-commissioned fire and resource management employees who are interested in developing and/or refreshing skills in fire investigation. Fore more information, contact either John Carpenter at 912-267-2607 ( or SA Alan Foster at 530-359-2108. [Alan Foster]

June 14 — June 18: Wildland Fire Origin and Cause Determination (NWCG FI-210), Boise, ID. The FI-210 course is designed to provide the coursework portion of the task book requirements for red card certification as a Type III fire investigator (wildland fire cause and origin). The course is open to both commissioned law enforcement and non-commissioned fire and resource management employees who are interested in developing and/or refreshing skills in fire investigation. Fore more information, contact either John Carpenter at 912-267-2607 ( or SA Alan Foster at 530-359-2108. [Alan Foster]


Chesapeake Bay Gateways Network (MD)
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Specialist (Team Leader)

Dates: 11/03/2003 - 11/24/2003

The National Park Service seeks applicants for the position of Chesapeake Bay Program Geographic Information System Team Leader.

The Chesapeake Bay Program, a partnership between the US Environmental Protection Agency, Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, the District of Columbia, and the Chesapeake Bay Commission, guides conservation and restoration efforts for the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The National Park Service is a principal Federal agency partner in the Chesapeake Bay Program.

The Chesapeake Bay Program Office Geographic Information System Team provides geographic information management and analysis support and expertise to the Chesapeake Bay Program's technical subcommittees, management/policy setting committees, and regional, State, local and academic partners. As team leader, the incumbent functions as a recognized expert in the field of geographic information management and analysis of multimedia data and information within a watershed management framework.

The incumbent:

  • plans, develops, and applies innovative, state of the art, geographic information management and analysis techniques required to address complex, multi-media environmental problems.
  • coordinates the work of the GIS Team to ensure products are delivered in a timely fashion and meets the quality requirements for the products.
  • undertakes detailed spatial data analyzes and provides application and management oriented products that support the Chesapeake Bay Program.
  • provides expert technical GIS support to Chesapeake Bay Program partner regional and state agencies staff as they begin to utilize desktop GIS capabilities to address and analyze environmental management issues and concerns.
  • incumbent develops the technical design and implementation of distributed networked spatial data bases necessary for ensuring the Chesapeake Bay Program partners and stakeholders have efficient, direct internet access to the Chesapeake Bay region environmental spatial data and information required by the Chesapeake Bay Agreement.
  • supports the continued development and implementation of Internet-based watershed profiles of environmental quality, implementation action, and related other restoration and protection data and information within a scalable community sized watershed to entire Bay basin interactive framework.

This is a GS-11/12, full-time, term position, not to exceed 4 years. The closing date for applications for this announcement is Monday, November 24, 2003. Applications must be submitted in accordance with the official vacancy announcement (HRF 04-005) listed at:
[Submitted by Cather720ine Mueller,, 410 267 5720]

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Submission standards for the Morning Report can be found on the left side of the front page of InsideNPS. All reports should be submitted via email to Bill Halainen at Delaware Water Gap NRA, with a copy to your regional office and a copy to Dennis Burnett in Division of Law Enforcement and Emergency Services, WASO.

Prepared by the Division of Law Enforcement and Emergency Services, WASO, with the cooperation and support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.