NPS Visitor and Resource Protection
The Morning Report

Friday, May 20, 2005


Dinosaur National Monument
Visitor Drowning on Yampa River

Early on the evening of May 17th, S."D."P., 64, of Carson City, Nevada, drowned in a boating accident on the Yampa River. S.P. was on a private five-day river trip with eleven family members and friends. At about 6 p.m., S.P.'s 14-foot raft flipped in a deep hole in the Class 4 Warm Springs Rapid. He became separated from his raft and was found floating face down about five minutes later. S.P. was taken ashore and CPR was performed for approximately fifteen to twenty minutes. The party then traveled two miles downstream and made an emergency satellite phone call to a Colorado State Patrol dispatch center.  At about 8 p.m., the party arrived at Echo Park with the body. Rangers and Moffat County Sheriff Deputies arrived on scene shortly afterwards and performed dual investigations. An autopsy has been requested. The Yampa River was flowing at 6,530 cubic feet per second at the time of the accident, about normal for this time of year.
[Submitted by Phil Akers, Acting Chief Ranger]


NIFC/NPS Fire and Aviation Management
National Fire Situation Highlights — Friday, May 20, 2005

Preparedness Level 1

Thirty-four new fires were reported yesterday. All were suppressed by initial attack. Very high to extreme fire indices were reported in Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.

Weather Forecast

The Southwest will turn hotter with very low humidity as strong high pressure settles in over the area. A moist southeast flow with some showers will persist over Alaska.

Warnings and Watches

No warnings or watches have been issued for today.

NPS Fires

For a brief supplemental narrative on each fire, click on the bar with the arrow. Internal NPS readers can link directly to full reports on each fire by clicking on the notepad icon; public readers of the Morning Report can obtain similar information by going to

Park State Fire Type Acres Percent
Est. Full
Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area NJ Woods Wildland Fire 1.5 100 5/19/2005
El Malpais National Monument NM Montosa Wildland Fire 1/10 100 5/17/05
Big Bend National Park TX 1314 Junction Prescribed Fire Treatment May 18, 2005 Treatment re-started and 62 acres of 531 compl... See below for more... 15 5/20/2005

National/State Team Commitments

Newly listed fires (on this report) appear below in boldface. Changes in the status of a fire (type of team, change from a fire to a complex, etc.) are also noted in boldface.

Fires are sorted by type of team; teams are listed in alphabetical order within each type by the IC's last name.





Fire and Location



% Con

Est Con



T 2


Island Lake Fire, Tok Area





National Resource Commitments









































Air Tankers
















* Erroneous number.

Further Information

This report is meant to present just highlights of the current fire situation. Two other NIFC sites provide much greater detail:

Full NIFC Situation Report (PDF file) —
National Fire News —

Information on NPS Fire and Aviation Management (FAM) and on park fires can be found at:
Park fires —


Environmental Management Program
Lead/Green Ammunition Survey

The following memo went out from the Washington Office in March. Please note that responses are due by June 17th:

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) has made a determination that the use of leaded ammunition at outdoor firing ranges constitutes a release of the toxic chemical lead to the environment.  The Visitor and Resource Protection, Law Enforcement and Emergency Services Program in cooperation with the Park Facility Management Division (PFMD), Environmental Management Program (EMP) is seeking your assistance in completing an on-line survey to collect lead release data, lead recycling data, and data on the use of non-leaded ("green") ammunition from all parks that operated outdoor firing ranges during calendar year (CY) 2004.

The data from this survey will be used to determine compliance with Executive Order 13148, "Greening the Government through Leadership in Environmental Management" which requires federal agencies to reduce releases of toxic chemicals (e.g., lead) to the environment.  The lead release data from this survey also will be used to comply with the USEPA's annual Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) reporting requirements.  Individual parks will no longer be required to submit a TRI report; a comprehensive report will be sent to USEPA for the entire Service.  However, individual parks that released other TRI chemicals and/or lead from an operation other than an outdoor firing range are responsible for determining threshold releases, and if required, reporting these releases to USEPA by July 1, 2005. In addition, individual parks will still be responsible for filing TRI reports to State environmental agencies, as required.

The on-line survey form is located at index.cfm . Please note that this year, we are requiring all parks to answer at least the first part of the survey in order to obtain data on which parks have active onsite outdoor ranges and which do not.  Those that do not have active outdoor ranges will not be required to complete a survey next year.  If your park operated an active outdoor firing range in CY 2004, please complete and submit the second part of the survey.  Please include use of your firing range by non-NPS personnel in addition to use by NPS personnel in your lead release/green ammunition use calculations.

Many parks have taken advantage of pollution prevention (P2) opportunities at outdoor firing ranges through the installation of bullet traps and use of green ammunition.  This survey provides the parks with the opportunity to highlight their firing range P2 successes and share these successes with other parks.  If you have any questions, please contact Thomas P. Smith, National Park Service, Environmental Management Program at 202-513-7077.

Upcoming Training Calendar


This listing is updated every Friday. It is not meant to replace any of the various training center calendars — just to augment them and provide a heads-up on new training courses. Please submit information to Bill Halainen. New listings and revisions are in bold face.


May 23 — May 27

Fundamentals of Special Park Uses, National Conservation Training Center, Shepherdstown, WV. The 36-hour course, listed as VRPSPU3003 on My Learning Manager, covers all aspects of special park uses, from First Amendment to filming and photography to wireless telecommunication sites. Temporary food services and other health and safety issues related to special park uses will also be discussed. DO-53/RM-53, 36 CFR and NPS Management Policies (2001) will be covered in depth. A draft agenda is posted on the special park uses page. For more information, contact Lee Dickinson, WASO special park uses program manager, at 202-513-7092. For an agenda, go to

May 24 — May 26

Midwest Cemetery Monument Conservation Workshop, Omaha, NE. The National Center for Preservation Technology and Training has scheduled its third workshop on the conservation of cemetery monuments. The program will include a three-day, hands-on learning experience in cemetery and materials conservation.  Partners include the Gerald R. Ford Conservation Center and the Midwest Regional Office of the National Park Service.  A lecture and a hands-on session on metal conservation will also be added to this year's training. For more information, contact Mary F. Striegel at 318-356-7444 or

June 2005 — May 2007

The Mid-Level Management Development Program (MLMDP) is a two-year competency-based management development training opportunity designed to enhance the competencies needed to become a more efficient and effective leader. Participants will be provided with new and challenging learning experiences through a multi-faceted approach to leadership training as they stay in their current positions. The 2005 MLMDP is My Learning Manager catalog number SML2114. For full details, go to

June 6 — June 10

First Responder (6/6 — 6/10) and First Responder Refresher (6/9 — 6/10), Daytona Beach Community College, New Smyrna Beach, FL. The course meets national standards. Tuition is $125 for the full course, $40 for the refresher. The closing date is May 20th. For more information, contact Wayne Rose at Canaveral NS at 321-861-8674.

June 11 — June 22

Physical Fitness Coordinator Training Program (PFCTP-505), FLETC, Glynco, GA. See My Learning Manager for the announcement. Closes on June 2nd.

June 14 — June 16

Retooling Training for Facility Managers and FMSS Staff, Philadelphia, PA. This three-day training session will provide updates on the upcoming changes in concepts, functions and requirements for management of park assets and facilities. For more information, contact Dan Hodgson at 804-795-1115 ext. 22 or go to viewtrainingarticle&type=Conferences&id=912

June 14 — June 24

National Center for Preservation Technology and Training Summer Institute, Natchitoches, LA. Includes courses in preservation engineering that offer participants fieldwork using nationally significant structures in the Cane River region of Louisiana where NCPTT is headquartered. For more information, contact Andy Ferrell at 318-356-7444 or .

June 20 — June 24

Quarters Management Information System and Rates Training, St. Paul, MN. The course will provide housing managers a better understanding and working knowledge of the NPS housing program. Specific topics include QMIS inventory requirements, required and non-required occupancy, safety and health issues, need assessments, condition assessments, housing management plans and PMIS projects. For more information, contact Hala Bates, IMRO housing office, at 303-969-2789 or via email.

June 28 — July 1

"Cumulative Impact Analysis: Supporting the NPS Mission," NCTC, Shepherdstown, WV. Experts in the practice and theory of cumulative impact analyses will present case law, case studies and background on the requirements and policies as defined by the National Environmental Policy Act, Council on Environmental Quality regulations, and NPS Director's Order 12, "Conservation Planning, Environmental Impact Analyses and Decision-Making." Interested participants can apply through My Learning Manager for this course under NRS3021. There is no tuition and the application deadline is May 20th. For more information about the course contact Madelyn Carpenter at 202-513-7250.

July 6 — September 21

Criminal Investigator Training Program (CITP-538W), FLETC, Glynco, GA. See My Learning Manager for the announcement. Closes on June 2nd.

July 11 — July 22

Firearms Instructor Training Program (FITP-507), FLETC, Glynco, GA. See My Learning Manager for the announcement. Closes on June 2nd.

July 25 — August 5

Covert Electronic Surveillance Program (CESP-506), , FLETC, Glynco, GA. See My Learning Manager for the announcement. Closes on June 17th.

September 13 — September 15

Capital Investments for Design and Construction, Carlsbad, CA. This course will cover preparation of PMIS entries, risk management, value based decisions, budgeting constraints, scoping, estimating, schematic design, pre-design, and Development Advisory Board review to manage and lead a capital construction investment related to the line item construction program. Complete and send nomination form to the employee development officer in your region or program center no later than Friday, June 6th.  For more information, contact Kathy Hayden at 303-969-2420 or via email at

August 28 — September 2

Quarters Management Information System and Rates Training, Sacramento, CA. The course will provide housing managers a better understanding and working knowledge of the NPS housing program. Specific topics include QMIS inventory requirements, required and non-required occupancy, safety and health issues, need assessments, condition assessments, housing management plans and PMIS projects. For more information, contact Hala Bates, IMRO housing office, at 303-969-2789 or via email.

November 28 — December 2

Quarters Management Information System and Rates Training, Denver, CO. The course will provide housing managers a better understanding and working knowledge of the NPS housing program. Specific topics include QMIS inventory requirements, required and non-required occupancy, safety and health issues, need assessments, condition assessments, housing management plans and PMIS projects. For more information, contact Hala Bates, IMRO housing office, at 303-969-2789 or via email.

* * * * * * * * * *

Submission standards for the Morning Report can be found by clicking here. All reports should be submitted via email to Bill Halainen at Delaware Water Gap NRA, with a copy to your regional office and a copy to Dennis Burnett in Division of Law Enforcement and Emergency Services, WASO.

Prepared by Visitor and Resource Protection, WASO, with the cooperation and support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.