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Nature Notes from Acadia / Acadia Nature Notes

Nature Notes from Acadia debuted in July 1932 and followed in the footsteps of Nature Notes of the western national parks, including: Yosemite (starting in 1922), Sequoia (1922), Mount Rainier (1923), Yellowstone (1924), Grand Canyon (1926), Glacier (1927), Crater Lake (1928), Rocky Mountain (1928), Zion/Bryce (1929), Mesa Verde (1930), Hawaii (1931), Lassen (1932), Hot Springs (1934), Grand Teton (1935), and Shenandoah (1936).

This special Web collection contains as sampling of the editions which were published and includes text and images as they were originally published.

issue cover
Vol. 1 No. 1
July 1932
(HTML edition)

Foreword (Arthur Stupka)

Some Flowers Blossoming in July on the Summit of Cadillac Mountain (Margaret Stupka)

Fishing in Acadia National Park (B.L. Hadley)

Concerning Orchids (Arthur Stupka)

The Acorn Shell (Arthur Stupka)

Deep Sea Fishing Popular at Acadia

issue cover
Vol. 1 No. 2
August 1932
(HTML edition)

August in Acadia

The Tears of St. Lawrence (Arthur Stupka)

Wild Life Along the Highways (Vernon A. McQuinn)

Bear Oak (Margaret Stupka)

A Green Snake Family (Arthur Stupka)

Life in the Ruins (Arthur Stupka)

Miscellaneous Notes

The Sun's Eclipse at Acadia (Arthur Stupka)

Index to Volume One - 1932 (Margaret Stupka)

issue cover
Vol. 1 No. 3
September 1932
(HTML edition)

Some Fur-Bearers of Acadia (Arthur Stupka)

Crowberry (Margaret Stupka)

The Coral Mushrooms (Margaret Stupka)

Lycosa, The Wolf Spider (Arthur Stupka)

Herring Gulls (Arthur Stupka)

Fish and Fishing (Louis Fowler, Charles T. Gay and Arthur Stupka)

Twinflower and Hairbell

issue cover
Vol. 2 No. 1
May 1933
(HTML edition)

Geological Map of Mount Desert Island, Maine (Edward H. Perkins)

Rhodora (Arthur Stupka)

Spring Peepers (Arthur Stupka)

Wild Flowers of Early May (Arthur Stupka)

Notes From the Field (Arthur Stupka)

issue cover
Vol. 2 No. 2
June 1933
(HTML edition)

Bald Eagles and an Ill Wind (Arthur Stupka)

The Plentitude of Life (Arthur Stupka)

Seawall Heath in Early June (Margaret Stupka)

A Woodland Drummer (Arthur Stupka)

Notes From the Field (Louis Fowler and Arthur Stupka)

issue cover
Vol. 2 No. 3
July-August 1933
(HTML edition)

Wild Animal Report from 1933 (Arthur Stupka)

The Massachusetts Audubon Society's List of Mt. Desert Islands Birds

Innocent Hawk? (Arthur Stupka)

Plants of the Ocean Front (Margaret Stupka)

White-Footed Mouse (Arthur Stupka)

Notes on Mt. Desert Island Snakes (Arthur Stupka)

A Timely Photograph (Arthur Stupka)

issue cover
Vol. 2 No. 4
September-October 1933
(HTML edition)

A Southern Visitor Comes to Acadia (A.E. Brower)

The Pagaent of the Fall Mushrooms (Margaret Stupka)

Glacier-Polished Rock (Arthur Stupka)

A Trip to Black Island (Arthur Stupka)

Flying Squirrels (Arthur Stupka)

Notes From the Field (Louis R. Fowler and Arthur Stupka)

issue cover
Vol. 2 No. 5
November-December 1933
(HTML edition)

Snowy Owls (Arthur Stupka)

Our New Home (Margaret Stupka)

The Old Man of the Sea (Arthur Stupka)

Census of Christmas Birds (Arthur Stupka)

Notes From the Field (Arthur Stupka)

Index to Volume Two - 1933 (Margaret Stupka)

issue cover
Vol. 3 No. 1
January-February 1934
(HTML edition)

The Trees of Acadia National Park (Arthur Stupka)

A Winter Ramble (Arthur Stupka)

Deer in Winter (Arthur Stupka)

A Note on the Herring Gull (Arthur Stupka)

Hardy Birds (Arthur Stupka)

issue cover
Vol. 3 No. 2
March-April 1934
(HTML edition)

The Trees of Acadia National Park (Arthur Stupka)

The Season (Arthur Stupka)

issue cover
Vol. 3 No. 3
May-June 1934
(HTML edition)

The Trees of Acadia National Park (Arthur Stupka)

A Daredevil in Feathers (Arthur Stupka)

The Lure of the Lighthouse Beacon (Arthur Stupka)

In the Field (Arthur Stupka)

issue cover
Vol. 3 No. 4
July-August 1934
(HTML edition)

Giant Sea Turtle (Arthur Stupka)

Baiting for Moths in Acadia (A.E. Brower)

Between the Tide-Marks (Arthur Stupka)

Flowers of Our Woodlands - The Pyrolas (Margaret Stupka)

The Naturalist's Sea Cruise in Frenchman's Bay (Arthur Stupka)

Woodland Jumping Mouse at Acadia (M.L. Branin)

The Season (Arthur Stupka)

issue cover
Vol. 3 No. 5
September-October 1934
(HTML edition)

The Monarch Butterfly (A.E. Brower)

A Further Word Concerning the Monarch (Arthur Stupka)

Birds From the Lighthouses

Highway Gleanings (Louis R. Fowler)

Hibernation of the Jumping Mouse (M. Lelyn Branin)

Woodland Jumping Mouse (Arthur Stupka)

Into the Beacon (Arthur Stupka)

Daylight Meteor

Bird Briefs (Arthur Stupka)

issue cover
Vol. 3 No. 6
November-December 1934
(HTML edition)

Christmas Bird Census for 1934 (Arthur Stupka)

November Flowers (Arthur Stupka)

The Mad Moon (Arthur Stupka)

Notes on the Dovekie (Arthur Stupka)

Notes From the Field (Arthur Stupka)

A List of Early November Birds (Arthur Stupka)

Lighthouse Birds (Arthur Stupka)

Index to Volume Three - 1934 (Margaret Stupka)

The Massachusetts Audubon Society's List of Mt. Desert Island Birds

issue cover
Vol. 4 No. 1
January-February 1935
(HTML edition)

Schoodic Peninsula - A Part of Acadia National Park (Arthur Stupka)

The Northern Flying Squirrel (Arthur Stupka)

Notes on Fresh-Water Sponges in Acadia National Park (Marcus C. Old)

American Eider (Arthur Stupka)

The Snow Moon (Arthur Stupka)

Donation (Arthur Stupka)

issue cover
Vol. 5 No. 1
Spring 1939

Early Wildflowers of Acadia (John H. Pierce)

Date: 09-Dec-2024