Volume 3 |
November-December, 1934 |
Number 6 |
Acadia National Park - Bar Harbor, Me.
(Compiled by Margaret Stupka)
N refers to number and p. to page number
Titles of articles are designated by quotation marks
Mammals |
Bat - N3, p.4; N4, p.3
Bear - N1, p.7
Chickaree - N1, p.6
Chipmunk - N2, p.6
"Deer in Winter" - Nl, p.6
Deer, white-tailed - N1, p.6; N5, p.4
Deer, white-tail fawn - N3, p.7
Fox, red - N5, p.4
Hare, varying - N6, p.6
"Hibernation of the Jumping Mouse" - N5, p.5
Mouse, jumping N5, p.5; N6, p.6
Mouse, Hudson Bay jumping - N4, p.7; N5, p.5
Mouse, white-footed - Nl, p.5
Mouse, woodland jumping - N4, p.7; N5, p.6
Porpoise - N4, p.6
Raccoon - N5, p.4
Rat, common - N1, p.7
Shrew, short-tailed - N4, p.7
Squirrel - N4, p.7
Squirrel, flying - N4, p.4
Squirrel, gray - NI, p.5
Squirrel, red - N1, p.4; N1, p.6
Weasel, Bonaparte - N4, p.7
Whale, humpback - N4, p.6
"Woodland Jumping Mice" - N5, p.6
"Woodland Jumping Mouse at Acadia" - N4, p.7
Birds |
"A Daredev l in Feathers" - N3, p.4
"A List of Early Novernber Birds" - N6, p.7
"A Note on the Herring Gull - N1, p.7
"Bird Briefs"- N5, p.7
"Birds from the Lighthouses" - N5, p.3
Bittern - N3, p.7
Buffleheads - N1, p.7; NS, p.1; N6, p.7
Bunting, Snow - N6, p.7
Chickadee, black-capped - N6, p.1; N6, p.7
Cormorant, doub e-crested - N4, p.6; N6, p.7
Cormorant, European - N6, p.1
Cowbird - N6, p.7
Creeper, brown - N6, p.1; N6, p.7
Crossbill, red - N1, p.6
Crossbills - N6, p.1
Crossbill, white-winged - N1, p.6
Crow - N1, p.7; N4, p.6; N5, p.3; N6, p.1; N6, p.7
Dovekie - N6, p.1; N6, p.4
Duck, black - N6, p.l; N6, p.7
Ducks - N1, p.7
Eagle, bald - N4, p.6; N6, p.1; N6, p.7
Eider - N6, p.1
Finch, purple - N3, p.6; N6, p.7
Flicker - N3, p.6
Flycatcher - N5, p.6
Geese, wild - N2, p.6
Goldeneyes - N1, p.7; N6, p.1
Grackle, bronzed - N6, p.7
Grebe, Holboell's - N6, p.7
Grebe, horned - N6, p.1; N6, p.7
Grosbeak - N2, p.4
Grosbeak, pine - N6, p.1
Grouse, ruffed - N2, p.6; N6, p.1; N6, p.7
Guillemot, black - N3, p.7; N4, p.6; N6, p.4
Gull, great black-backed - N6, p.1; N6, p.7
Gull, herring - N1, p.7; N3, p.7; N4, p.6; N6, p.1; N6, p.7
Gull, ring-billed - N6, p.1; N6, p.7
Gyrfalcon, white - N6, p.7
"Hardy Birds" - Nl, p.7
Hawk, fish - N4, p.6
Hawk, red- tailed - N6, p.7
Hawk, rough-legged - N6, p.7
Hawks - N6, p.1
Heron, great blue - N3, p.7; N4, p.6; N6, p.7
Heron, little blue - N5, p.7
"Into the Beacon" - N5, p.6
Jay, blue - Nl, p.7
Junco - N5, p.3; N6, p.7
Kingfisher - N3, p.7; N6, p.1; N6, p.7
Kinglet, golden-crowned - N5, p.3; N6, p.1; N6, p.7
Kinglet, ruby-crowned - N5, p.3; N5, p.4
Lark, horned - N5, p.7; N6, p.7
Loon, common - N6, p.1; N6, p.7
Meadowlark - N5, p.3
Merganser, red-breasted - N6, p.1; N6, p.7
Nighthawk - N3, p.4
"Notes on the Dovekie" - N6, p.4
Nuthatch, red-breasted - N6, p.1; N6, p.7
Old squaw - N2, p.6; N6, p.1; N6, p.7
Osprey - N4, p.6; N6, p.7
Owl, hawk - N5, p.7
Owls - N6, p.1
Owl, snowy - N6, p.6
Petrel, Leach's - N3, p.6; N5, p.4
Phalarope, northern - N3, p.6
Phalarope, red - N5, p.3
Raven - N5, p.7; N6, p.1; N6, p.7
Robin - Nl, p.7; N2, p.4; N3, p.4; N6, p.1; N6, p.3; N6, p.7
Sandpiper - N4, p.6
Scoter, American - N6, p.7
Scoter, white-winged - N6, p.1; N6, p.7
Shrike, northern - N6, p.1; N6, p.7
Snipe, Wilson's - N6, p.7
Sparrow, Acadian sharprtailed - N5, p.3
Sparrow, savannah - N3, p.6; N5, p.3; N5, p.4
Sparrow, song - N2, p.6; N5, p.3; N6, p.1; N6, p.7
Sparrow, swamp - N3, p.6; N5, p.4
Sparrow, tree - N6, p.1; N6, p.7
Sparrow, white-throated - N3, p.6; N5, p.3; N5, p.4; N6, p.1; N6, p.7
Starling - N2, p.4; N6, p.1; N6, p.7
Swift, chimney - N3, p.6
Tanager, scarlet - N5, p.7
Tern, common - N4, p.6
"The Lure of the Lighthouse Beacon" - N3, p.5
Thrush, hermit - N3, p.6; N5, p.3; N5, p.4
Thrush, olive-backed -N5, p.3; N5, p.4
Vireo, red-eyed - N5, p.3; N5, p.4; N5, p.6
Warbler, blackburnian - N3, p.6
Warbler, blackpoll - N3, p.6; N5, p.4
Warbler, black-throated green - N3, p.6
Warbler, magnolia - N3, p.6; N5, p.6
Warbler, myrtle - N3, p.6; N5, p.3; N6, p.7
Warbler, Nashville - li3, p.6
Warbler, northern parula - N3, p.6; N5, p.6
Warbler, pine - N5, p.3
Warbler, yellow - N3, p.6
Warbler, yellow palm - N3, p.6; NS, p.3
Whip-poor-will - N3, p.4
Woodcock - N2, p.6
Woodpecker, northern downy - N6, p.1; N6, p.7
Wren, winter - N1, p.5; N6, p.1; N6, p.7
Yellowlegs, greater - N6, p.7
Yellowlegs, lesser - N6, p.7
Yellowthroat, Maryland - N3, p.6; N5,p.3; N5, p.4; N5, p.6
Reptiles |
"Giant Sea Turtle" - N4, p.1
Snake, garter - N2, p.7; N6, p.3
Turtle, green - N4, p.1
Turtle, leatherback - N4, p.1
Turtle, loggerhead - N4, p.1
Amphibians |
Frog, bull - N3, p.7
Frog, tree - N4, p.7; N6, p.2; N6, p.3
Tadpoles - N6, p.3
Fishes |
Fishes - N4, p.2
Killifish - N3, p.7
Insects |
Ants, carpenter - N3, p.4
"A Word Further Concerning the Monarch" - N5, p.2
"Baiting for Moths in Acadia" - N4, p.3
Beetles, bark - N3, p.4
Beetles, engraver - N3, p.4
Beetles, June - N3, p.4
Beetles, wood-boring - N3, p.4
Butterfly, monarch - N5, p.1
Butterfly, mourning cloak - N6, p.3
Chafer, leaf - N3, p.4
Crickets, small - N5, p.3
Lice, plant - N3, p.4
Moths, hawk - N4, p.3
Moths, owllet - N4, p.3
Moths, underwing - N4, p.3
Nymph, wayward - N4, p.3
Old-maid - N4, p.3
"The Monarch Butterfly in Acadia" - N5, p.1
Underwing, blandula - N4, p.3
Underwing, briseis - N4, p.3
Underwing, graceful - N4, p.3
Underwing, ilia - N4, p.3; N4, p.4
Underwing, mother - N4, p.3
Underwing, once - mar ri ed - H4, p.3
Underwing, praeclara - N4, p.3
Underwing, relict - N4, p.3
Underwing, scarlet - N4, p.3
Underwing, sleepy - N4, p.3
Underwing, ultronia - N4, p.3
Underwing, yellow-banded - N4, p.3
Underwing, youthful - N4, p.3
Spiders and Closely Related Forms |
Centipede - N2, p.7
Millepede - N2, p.7
Mite - N2, p.7
Pill-bug - N2, p.7
Spiders - N2, p.7
Marine Invertebrates |
Anemones - N4, p.4
Barnacle - N4, p.4
"Between the Tide-marks" - N4, p.4
Crustaceans - N4, p.2
Hydroids - N4, p.4
Invertebrates, marine - N4, p.4
Molluscs - N4, p.2
Mussel - N4, p.4
Sea cucumber - N4, p.4
Sea squirt - N4, p.4
Snails - N4, p.4
Sponges - N4, p.4
Starfish - N4, p.4
Trees and Shrubs |
Alder - N2, p.7
Alder, green - N2, p.3
Alder, smooth - N2, p .3
Alder, spe ckled - N2, p.3
Arbor vitae - N1, p.4; N1, p.6
Ash - N4, p.3
Ash, black - N3, p.2
Ash, white - N3, p.2
Aspen - N2, p.7; N4, p.7
Aspen, American - N2, p.1
Aspen, large- toothed - N2, p.1
Beech - N1, p.5; N2, p.3; N4, p.7
Birch - N2, p.6; N4, p.3; N4, p.7
Birch, canoe - N2, p.2
Birch, gray - N2, p.2
Birch, yellow - N2, p.2
Cherry, choke - N2, p.5
Cherry, wild black - N2, p.5
Cherry, wild red - N2, p.5
Dogwood, alternate-leaved - N3, p.2
Dogwood, round leaf - N3, p.2
Elder, red-berried - N4, p.7
Elm, American - N2, p.4
Fir, balsam - N1, p.4
Hemlock - N1, p.3
Holly, mountain - N4, p.7
Hornbeam, hop - N2, p.1
Juniper, creeping - N1, p.4
Juniper, dwarf - N1, p.4
Larch - N1, p.3
Maple - N4, p.7
Maple, mountain - N3, p.1
Maple, red - N3, p.1; N4, p.3; N4, p.7
Maple, striped - N3, p.1
Maple, sugar - N3, p.1
Moosewood - N4, p.7
Mountain ash, American - N2, p.4
Mountain ash, western - N2, p.4
Oak - N4, p.7
Oak, bear - N2, p.3
Oak, red - N2. p.3
Pine - N4, p.3; N4, p.7
Pine, gray - N1, p.2
Pine, pitch - N1, p.2; N1, p.5
Pine, red - N1, p.2
Pine, white - N1, p.2; N1, p.3
Pine, yellow - N1, p.2
Poplar, balsam - N2, p.1
Rose, wild - N4, p.7
Shadbush - N2, p.4
Spruce - N1, p.6
Spruce, black - N1, p.3
Spruce, red - Nl, p.3
Spruce, white - Nl, p.3
Sumac, staghorn - N2, p.5
Trees, coniferous - N3, p.3
Trees, deiduous - N3, p.3
"Trees of Acadia National Park" - N1, p.1; N2, p.1; N3, p.1
Willow, pussy - N2, p.7; N6, p.3
Willows - N2, p.1
Witch hazel - N2, p.4; N6, p.3
Yew, American - N1, p.4
Other Flowering Plants |
Arbutus, trailing - N2, p.7; N6, p.2
Aster - N6, p.3
Blueberry - N4, p.7
Bluet - N6, p.B
Bunchberry - N3, p.2
Buttercup - N6, p.3
Clover, red - N6, p.3
Dandelion, fall - N6, p.3
Dandelion, spring - N6, p.3
Fireweed - N4, p.7
Fleabane - N6, p.3
Goldenrod - N4, p.7; N5, p.1; N5, p.2; N6, p.3
Herb Robert - N6, p.2
Indian Tobacco - N6, p.3
Ladies Tresses - N6, p.3
Laurel, sheep - N6, p.2
Mayweed - N6, p.3
Meadowsweet - N4, p.7
Milkweed - N5, p.1; N5, p.2
Mullein, common - N6, p.3
Mustard, wild - N6, p.3
"November Flowers" - N6, p.2
Pearly Everlasting - N6, p.3
Primrose, evening - N6, p.3
"Pyrolas - Flowers of Our Woodlands" - N4, p.5
Shin-leaf - N4. p.5
Speedwell, thyme-leaved - N5, p.2
Strawberry, wild - N6, p.3
Thistle - N4, p.7; N5, p.1; N5, p.2
Violet, blue - N6, p.2
Wintergreen, greenish-flowered - N4, p.5
Wintergreen, one-sided - N4, p.5
Yarrow - N5, p.3
"A Winter Ramble"- N1, p.5
Bracken - N4, p.7
"Daylight Meteor" - N5, p.6
Drouth - N4, p.7
"Highway Gleanings" - N5, p.4
"In the Field" - N3, p.7
Mushrooms - N4, p.7
Sea-weeds - N4, p.2
Slug - N2, p.7
Stamp - Acadia National Park - N5
"The Naturalist 's Sea Cruise in Frenchman's Bay" - N4, p.6
"The Season" - N2, p.6; N4, p.7