Department of Interior
National Park Service
Crater Lake National Park
Earl U. Homuth
Park Ranger Naturalist
July 1, 1928 |
C. G. Thomson
Vol. 1, No. 1 |
This is the first of a series of bulletins issued monthly during the season
to give information on subjects of interest concerning the natural
history of Crater Lake. It is supplemental to the lectures and field
trips conducted by the Park naturalist.
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Publications using extracts kindly credit the bulletin and
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For copies, which are free, address the Superintendent or
Crater Lake
By Earl U. Homuth
In this, the first issue of the first volume of our "Nature Notes
from Crater Lake", it might be well to describe briefly that marvelous
feature which is known as Crater Lake, and to attempt, briefly, to
outline the theories as to its origin.
Crater Lake lies in the caldera of a once mighty mountain. The lake
is approximately six miles wide and slightly longer; is nearly 2000 feet
deep at the deepest sounding; is surrounded by cliffs varying from 500
to over 1800 feet in sheer height.
Many interesting features may be observed on the walls above the
lake; ancient valleys on a still more ancient mountain, filled with
lava, and then cut in cross-section to show in perfect clearness; broad
glacial valleys opening on the very brink of the caldera, indicating
again some points in the history of the original peak; cut edges of as
many as thirty successive lava flows and other points illustrating the
development of Mt. Mazama. Mazama is the name given to the mountain
that once stood here. Evidence that a peak did rise a full ten thousand
feet above the lake bottom, or a full seven thousand above the Rim, is
derived from four sources.
First, glacial evidence is clear, and the source of the glaciers
have been higher than the present rim, since there are no cirques, the
cut edges of moraines show at the rim, and the valleys are broad and
U-shaped at the very top.
Second, dikes stand out boldly on the inside of the walls,
indicating an angle toward an original peak. Fully ten of these can be
Third, the slope of the flow of lava is downward, away from the rim
on every side, and the walls are largely the broken edges of these
flows, not coated over with other lava material.
Fourth, Wizard Island is a true crater rising to approximately eight
hundred feet above the water, or considering the depth of the lake, a
cone two thousand eight hundred feet from base to summit. Since the
action of a crater builds it up, and material was present to build up
this cone, then possibly a previous period of volcanic action could have
raised Mt. Mazama to a height where it could rival Mt. Shasta, Hood, and
others of our great volcanic peaks.
What became of Mt. Mazama will be discussed briefly in a future
issue of these notes.

The Pines of Crater Lake
By F. Lyle Wynd
The pines may be distinguished from other conifers by the fact that
the leaves, or needles as they are often called, are borne in clusters;
and also by the fact that the seeds are borne in cones. This last
character may seem self-evident for certainly any tree in the Pine
family should have cones. But this popular conception is untrue as
evidenced by three members of the Pine family which are found in the
Park which do not have cones.
The pines are represented by five species in the Park. The most
common one is Pinus contorta or Lodgepole Pine. This is a small
tree and grows at all altitudes in the Park. This is the scrubby tree
that grows so thickly on the level valley plains.
Pinus ponderosa, or the Western wheat Pine, is represented by
wonderfully fine specimens on the lower altitudes.
Pinus lambertiana, or the Western Sugar Pine, also grows at
the lower altitudes.
The next occurring in respect to elevation is the Western White
Pine, or Pinus monticola.
At the highest altitudes the White-barked Pine grows. Botanists
know this species as Pinus albicaulis, which means
"white-stemmed" and the appearance of the small branches justify this
The pines immediately about the Rim are White-Barked Pine.
About Flowers
By Earl U. Homuth
The flora of Crater Lake has not been very thoroughly studied, and
offers unusual opportunities. This may be due to a comparatively short
season, and possibly because other regions are nearer centers of
A student from the Univeristy of Oregon, at present collecting in
the park, expects to obtain fully five hundred, and possibly seven
hundred, species. Seven species were reported as being from Crater Lake
only, but a report from the national herbarium invalidates one
determination and two others are reported from one station in northern
California, while another is found in this region, but outside the park
boundaries. The remaining three are Colomium mazama, Cov.,
Arinaria pumicola, Cov. and Leib, and Eucepahlus covellii,