Volume XI No. 3 - September, 1938
Notes On The Sierra Crossbill
By Elmer C. Aldrich, Ranger Naturalist, 1938

During the latter part of July or the first part of August the
highly vagarious Sierra Crossbill (Loxia curvirostra bendirei)
are conspicuous in Crater Lake National Park. They are to be heard or
seen in great numbers nearly everywhere within the boundaries. The
occurrence of these birds at the rim of Crater Lake seems to be
coincident with the production of mature cones of the White-bark Pines
and Mountain Hemlocks. Though they are usually seen in small flocks up
to about fifteen in number, occasionally a single individual may be seen
flying, giving with each undulation of its finch-like flight a pair of
staccato notes (chup-chup). When flying in flocks the notes are given
as when flying singly, but seemingly not so loud. Undoubtedly, at this
time of the year, there is a desire in the crossbills to flock, and the
staccato notes may serve either to attract other individuals to join the
flight or serve to keep the already formed flock together. Flocks may
be seen to start off without any provocation visible to the observer,
continue loosely in an aimless, erratic course, and either fly out of
sight or suddenly circle above a group of trees, and then settle as
quickly as the flight began. The stay may last several minutes while
feeding ensues, or the flock may stop only momentarily and then
individuals strike up a chatter consisting of the ordinary notes but
given in faster succession. This seems to be the signal for another
flight of the same type. When a flock has descended into a tall
coniferous tree, the individuals can be seen only with difficulty
because the birds take up positions which are usually well within the
foliage. Frequently, however, one of the flock may remain perched on
the topmost branch and continue giving the notes as though on guard.
Usually the others are less noisy while foraging. Though there is
little evidence that the crossbills nest in the park, the writer is of
the opinion that they nest fairly commonly but are not obvious due to
their remaining singly or in pairs, and not giving the staccato flocking
note which brings them to the observer's attention later in the season.
On one occasion the writer (August 26) observed a yellowish crossbill
high in a tree feeding a young one that was streaked and that could fly
Sierra Crossbills, if approached cautiously, are confiding and can
be observed easily, especially if they are feeding or drinking. One
will immediately notice that members of a flock vary greatly in
coloration and markings. One has some difficulty in finding two
individuals very much alike. The young of the year may look totally
gray at a distance but on closer examination they are found to be
streaked with dirty white and gray, making them appear similar to the
immature and female Cassin's Purple Finch which are so common in this
region. The streaking of the crossbills is finer and more irregular
than that of the purple finch which gives the former a more variegated
appearance. The adults are more brilliantly colored on the head and
rump than the young, and the colors of these parts may be seen as
lemon-yellow, greenish-yellow, yellow-green, orange, rose-red and
scarlet. Some ornithologists have attributed these variations in color
of individuals to differences in age, but this fact is yet to be
In form, the crossbill, about six inches in length, presents a
stockier build than that of the purple finch, having a relatively
shorter tail that is more deeply forked. The head is relatively larger,
probably serving to support the massive, specialized bill structure
which certainly is the most distinct feature of the crossbill. The tips
of the mandibles do not meet but cross near the ends, not always in the
same direction, but seemingly indiscriminately in the different
individuals as observed in flocks. Though it is generally believed that
the bill structure is advantageous since the crossbill lives on a diet
of sees obtained from the cones of conifers, from observations it seems
apparent that their ability to grasp small objects with the tips of the
bill has some disadvantages. It is this crossing character of the bill
in relation to what are apparently peculiar feeding habits that prompted
observations recorded in these notes.
Salt-Feeding Habits
During the summer of 1938 Crossbills, Pine Siskins and Cassin's
Purple Finches were seed frequenting cliffs of andesite and pumice. In
all instances the birds were seen to fly only to those parts of the
cliffs coated with a soft, white to pink powdery crust of calcium salts
not more than one-sixteenth of an inch in thickness. Certain parts of
the rock exposed in the large road cut on the west side of Watchman Peak
and the pumice cliffs exposed along Sand Creek are well supplied with
such crusts. These crusted portions of the cliffs were regular forage
grounds for the members of the finch family, apparently requiring salts
in their diet. The crossbills visited the cliffs more than the other
two species mentioned, and were more easily watched. Approaches were
made to within twenty feet of the foraging birds their actions being
observed for some time. Occasionally the flocks were diluted with one
or two Siskins or Purple Finches, but because of their greater wariness
comparisons of their salt-gathering habits were not made. Sometimes the
crossbills would fly back and forth to the forage cliffs from a
convenient perching tree nearby. At other times the flock would remain
on the cliffs for the entire stay which would terminate with a flight
out of the region. It may be possible, with additional observations, to
correlate the differences of feeding habits with the nature of the cliff
face and character of the salty crusts. Flights to and from rough
cliffs which apparently afford the most suitable perching places occur
less frequently. In all types of feeding the process seems to be a slow
one with deliberate movements predominating.
On nearly vertical and relatively smooth cliff faces two types of
feeding positions were observed. By far the most frequent position
assumed was that resembling a woodpecker. The birds would fly directly
to the cliff face and with some difficulty gain a foothold with the
claws, and with depressed tail sustain a vertical position on or beside
a white salt patch. Usually a pause of a few seconds was made prior to
feeding and then the slow methodical movements were begun. Since they
can pick up nothing with the tips of the bill the procedure was to place
the head sidewards to the rock face, open the bill very wide and slowly
move the tongue in and out, allowing the side of the tongue to lick off
the salty crust. The tongue was distinctly reddish in bright sunlight
and seemed unusually large for bird of this size. Such a use of the
tongue is probably necessary in order to manipulate certain foods under
the handicap of the crossed mandibles. Frequently the birds were seen
to loosen the salt crusts by picking at them and follow with the usual
licking process.
Another salt-foraging position observed as like that of a nuthatch,
that is upside down. This position in all instances was seen to result
from a pivot made from the regular woodpecker position. One bird in the
nuthatch position was seen to have its lower mandible inserted in a
notch in the rock to prevent slipping down head first, while all the
time the fleshy tongue was at work.
Further study may indicate how much the location of suitable
salt-forage grounds limits the range of this interesting species, and to
what extent the physiology of the crossbill makes the feeding of salts