Volume XVI - 1950
Active Rock Slides
By Henry E. Kane, Ranger-Naturalist

Bedded Sands
"Oh, look at the rocks tumbling down!" is a frequent comment of park
visitors as they observe the rocks of the ancient Mazama rolling and
bouncing down the caldera wall to a resting place in the waters of the
There are many places along the inside wall of the volcanic caldera
where active rocksliding constantly occurs. Near Chaski Bay and along
the west section of the caldera by Wizard Island are some of the many
places where large fan- shaped deposits consisting of various sized
debris can be seen. The large gully-like depression immediately east of
the Sinnott Memorial offers an excellent example of this process which
is destroying the lake wall, making a very strong factor in its ultimate
The walls of Mazama consist of volcanic fragmental and glacial
debris, interbedded with well-fractured lava flows. The individual
components, particularly of the first two members, are poorly held
together and their unsupported ends incline at an angle of fifty or more
degrees on the inside of the caldera.
Many factors contribute to the downward movement of the rock debris.
Most important is melt-water derived from snow that accumulates to great
thicknesses on the rock walls. This gives lubricating and hydraulic
action for the removal of fine rock particles that support larger
debris. Once a slide is started, more material of all sizes is dislodged
along the paths. These tumble and bounce from one rock ledge to another,
breaking off the edges, filling crevices crossed enroute, cutting their
way through snow fields, and only slopping far below. Winds blowing
against the walls also loosen fine particles which are supporting more
massive material and help to start rock movement. Scurrying movements of
small animals and tremblors caused by the rumbles of vehicles passing on
the road, by thunder, or by distant slides are other contributing
As rock slides and other forms of erosion transport material from
the caldera wall to the bottom of the lake the caldera wall becomes
lower and less steep; rock slides become increasingly less important. At
the same time the accumulation of rock debris at the bottom of the
caldera tends to fill the depression. Eventually, many thousand of years
in the future, the lake will disappear by their combined action. Before
the lake entirely disappears, the gradual reduction of the steepness of
the caldera wall should result in the cessation of rock sliding as the
more usual methods of erosion assume predominance.
How Fish Came To Crater Lake
By R. S. Robinson

Taken from Crater Lake
"Were fish present in Crater Lake when it was discovered in 1853,"
is a question frequently asked by visitors to the park, but apparently
it is a query that will never be answered to the satisfaction of
John Wesley Hillman, discoverer of the lake, did not descend to the
water, and thus made no observations concerning the existence of life
within it. However, in 1865 a group of soldiers from Fort Klamath on a
hunting expedition reportedly saw on the shores of the lake a hawk-like
bird clutching a fish in its talons. Subsequent visitors to the lake
between the years 1866 and 1888 failed to find any evidence that fish
were present; so the belief has grown that Crater Lake was barren until
rainbow trout were planted by Judge William G. Steel in 1888.
Nevertheless, it is interesting to speculate concerning the possible
means by which fish might have gotten to Crater Lake providing we choose
to accept the report as given by the soldiers that fish were present in
the lake in 1865.
First, trout and allied species have been carried short distance by
ospreys and other predacious birds. The author has seen a cutthroat
trout survive such a forced trip of one-quarter mile in Yellowstone
Park. However, distances from streams on the slopes of Mt. Mazama over
the rim of the crater and down to the lake are so great that it is quite
unlikely that such a transfer occurred.
It has also been proved that aquatic birds, such as gulls and
pelicans, have occasionally carried fertilized fish eggs on their feet
from one waterway to another; but in the case of Crater Lake such a
transfer of trout eggs is only a remote possibility because the eggs of
this group of fish are usually buried by the female several inches in
the sand and gravel in the preparation of the redds or nests.
A third possibility is the presence of underground channels through
which fish could have made their way from the headwaters of adjacent
streams into the lake. It is possible that such direct channels do
exist, but the likelihood of trout traversing such a waterway is very
If fish were able to migrate through such underwater channels, it is
likely that there would have been an interchange of fish between Emerald
Lake, a small body of water on Wizard Island, and Crater Lake; for only
a short distance separates the two lakes. The fact that the chemical
composition and the water levels are identical and the fact that the
rocks which separate the two bodies of water are large and piled in a
haphazard fashion indicates that an exchange of water exists.
Throughout the world aborigines have frequently transferred fish to
water situations which were more convenient for their angling
activities. Indians certainly were present in the vicinity of Crater
Lake for many years before the first white explorers and settlers came
into the area, but it has never been proved that the Indians of Western
North America ever engaged in the transplanting of fishes.
In addition to those methods enumerated there are several other ways
by which fish have been carried from one waterway to another, such as
waterspouts, tidal waves, etc., but the chances of such a transfer in
the case of Crater Lake are again extremely remote.
On the other hand, we can choose to believe the more likely
supposition that fish were absent in Crater Lake until artificially
placed there by man in 1888. Because this transplant was made under
unusual circumstances, conditions which illustrate the endurance and
perseverance of the western pioneers, the facts will bear repeating.
Believing that fish life would add to the attractiveness of Crater
Lake, Judge Steel persuaded a friend who lived on the Rogue River,
forty-five miles from Crater Lake, to supply him with fingerling rainbow
bout. Several hundred were placed into a large bucket, covered with
cloth, and stowed in a wagon. It eventually became necessary for the
Judge to carry the bucket the forty-odd miles to the lake, for the rough
road caused the water to slosh out of the pail. At creeks enroute he
refilled the container with fresh water and during the night was very
careful to protect the fish from harm.
Upon arriving at the crater rim Judge Steel was greatly disappointed
to find that most of the small trout were dead. In an effort to save the
remainder which showed signs of life, the Judge carried the bucket down
the precipitous slope of the crater wall and released 37 trout into the
lake. These fish apparently prospered, for tourists who came to the lake
during the following years reported that rainbow trout were present in
the lake, trout which they believed were the same offspring of the
individuals Judge Steel had planted.
Since 1888 over a million have been planted in Crater Lake. Very few
of these have been taken, but they and their progeny have added pleasure
to many fishermen who have visited the park.