Volume XIX - 1953 Crater Lake Discovery Centennial
Crater Lake Discovery Centennial
By H. John Runkel, Ranger Naturalist
Gold! Gold! That cry rang across the United States in the late
1840's, and Mr. Wesley Hillman heard the call and responded. He set out
for California from New Orleans in 1840 - - taking his young son, John,
along (see inside Front cover). The party followed the Old Immigrant
Trail and crossed the Rockies via the South Pass. Young John later
recalled seeing thousands of buffalo and remembered the stampedes. Three
months passed before the group reached the area where the waters flow
west. Soon they arrived at the Columbia River and used it as their
avenue to the West. Mecca of the West at this time was San Francisco, as
for thousands of prospectors, the destination of the Hillmans. An
exciting trip along the coast on various craft carried John and his
father to San Francisco.
John Wesley Hillman soon departed from his father to search for a
strike that could bring wealth in a day. Having only moderate success as
a prospector, John Hillman shifted from job to job for the next three
years. While driving mules for an ungrateful, penny-pinching, pioneer
business man, John Hillman received word of a California party secretly
purchasing supplies near his home in Jacksonville, Oregon.
A prospecting party quickly organized and decided to follow the
California group on their search for a rumored fabulous Lost Cabin Mine.
The Californians soon realized they were being followed and began
scattering through the brush, camping in inaccessible areas and using a
series of other pioneer tricks in the attempt to shake off the pursuing
Oregonians, but to no avail.
One June day in 1853, when both parties had scattered and were
searching for landmarks which would lead them to the mine, John Hillman
approached close enough to bid one of the Californians a good day. Soon
after this incident the groups settled their differences and united.
Supplies of both groups were low so it was decided to allow three men
from each party to gather as many provisions as possible and make one
final search for landmarks.
On June 12, 1853, this group, including John Wesley Hillman, climbed
the west slope of the mountain now called Mazama and became the first
white men to gaze upon this circular sea of indigo later to be named
Crater Lake. John Hillman stated that if he had not borrowed an
exceptionally fine mule from a friend, he would not have been the first
man to see the lake. Hillman was so surprised to find a lake he had
noticed in the distance that he failed to look down; his mule suddenly
stopped and he was about to spur the animal when he glanced over the rim
an noticed the 1,000 foot drop. Had his mule been blind someone else
would have discovered Crater Lake!

Hillman Plaque
Recovering from the initial impact of finding this unusual lake, the
group assembled and two names were suggested. Mysterious Lake and Deep
Blue Lake were voted on and the latter was chosen as the first name of
the Lake. Hillman suggested descending to the water's edge, but his
exhausted and hungry companions vetoed this idea and the group started
home to Jacksonville. The excitement of Indian wars and the discovery of
gold, plus the fact that there was no newspaper published in the area
allowed their discovery to be quickly forgotten.
The United States was well launched into the Civil War by the year
1862. Prospectors, settlers and westerners were hardly affected by the
war and it was in that year that Chauncey Nye and his party were heading
south from the John Day Basin area in search of water. They came upon
the rim of the Lake and thought of using it as their source of water.
However, they decided to use melted snow for their water supply, as they
soon realized the tremendous distance to the water.
The Nye party drew a crude map of the area as they moved around the
rim and they called the Lake simply Blue Lake. Enroute to Jacksonville,
Chauncey Nye and three others noticed a very rugged peak which they
climbed and named Union Peak. A majority of the group favored the Union
cause in the Civil War and they hoped the name of this volcanic plug
would never change. Following the usual slow route of travel to
Jacksonville, Oregon, the Nye party reported their discovery and on
November 8, 1862, in the Oregon Sentinel, the first printed
article about the Lake appeared.
The Civil War had spread to the West to a considerable degree by
1865, both the Confederacy and the Union Army having sent men to the
West in search of horses. Captain B. F. Sprague, Company I of the 1st
Oregon Infantry, had been detailed to build a road from Fort Klamath to
Jacksonville. He sent F. M. Smith and John Corbell to hunt game in the
area because the fresh meat supply of the Company was getting low. While
on this hunting trip, these two men came upon the Lake. They returned
and told of their discovery. This news was passed on and so excited
several members of the Company that they decided to visit the Lake at
their earliest convenience.
Meanwhile, the Snake Indians in the Steens Mountain area had one of
their frequent uprisings. Captain Sprague and five volunteers headed for
the troubled territory and decided to visit the mysterious lake on their
return. Captain Sprague suggested that the group descend to the water's
edge and a friendly race soon developed, Orson Stearns being the victor.
Since Stearns was the first to reach the water, he was given the honor
of naming the lake. With appropriate ceremonies it was called "Lake
In the course of the next four years, reports reached many scattered
towns and settlements concerning this large sunken lake and the lonely
island cinder cone on which the foot of man had never trod. Our early
western settlers had a spirit of adventure found only in an energetic
and colonizing group. These reports excited John Sutton, and in 1869 he
organized a party with the specific purpose of visiting the Lake,
Carrying a knocked down boat which they assembled at the shore of the
Lake, they rowed over to, named and explored Wizard Island. The Sutton
party wrote an account of their trip, placed it in a tin can and left it
in the rocks of the island's crater. After exploring the island they
decided to sound the Lake. They made several soundings, but soon decided
their craft was too frail for such a job. From those taken, however,
they estimated the lake to be 2,000 feet deep and later official
soundings indicated they were very nearly correct.
John Sutton's patty christened the blue waters "Crater Lake" and
also took the first photograph of the lake. In 1872, Crater Lake was
visited by the Applegate party, which included Leslie M. Scott, Lord
Maxwell of Scotland and Dr. Munson. Applegate Peak and Munson Point were
named by this party.
Hillman, Nye, Sprague and Sutton are names important in the
discovery of Crater Lake, but the development of this area was to rely
on a man of steel convictions, William Gladstone Steel, later to become
known as the "Father of Crater Lake National Park". His association with
Crater Lake began as a boy in his teens. Will carried his lunch in a
newspaper rather than a dinner pail because he did not like carrying a
cumbersome pail five miles home from school each day. One noon, forced
inside by inclement weather, Will Steel was reading various articles in
a newspaper wrapped about his lunch when his attention focused on an
article of a mysterious lake in a crater somewhere in Oregon. Will Steel
read the article over several times and while walking home to the ranch
in Kansas the curiosity and desire to visit this mysterious lake
increased with each step. Once home, he talked about that lake
continuously and eventually resolved to see it.
He never forgot this boyhood vow and when, at the age of eighteen,
his family moved to Portland, young Will Steel immediately started a
search for information about the lake. It was not until four years later
that the information necessary for a visit to the lake was found.
William Steel was employed at a local publishing firm when C. E. Watson
stopped in the office to visit a friend and told of his visit to the
lake. Of course, Will Steel obtained all information possible. He
learned of two ministers planning a visit to the lake and asked to join
the group.
In 1885 Will Steel finally saw the watery gem of the Cascades, the
rim and the Lake, a place he was to know so well that it was to become a
major part of his life. Humbled and inspired by the heavenly blue color
of the lake, he soon conceived the idea of preserving this area for all
the people, for all time. A national park there was the dream of William
Gladstone Steel.
"What was necessary to develop this area into a national park?" he
asked himself. Most important at this early date was the publication of
its beauty, to announce its grandeur and then to establish its location.
Closely connected with these steps were the publication and improvement
of the routes of accessibility. To those few who had visited the area,
the beauty and the glory of nature's handiwork were as impressed on
their thinking as the effects of the master architect, erosion, or the
results of glacier and volcanic action evident everywhere in the
vicinity of the lake. William contacted these people and asked them to
contribute articles to various organizations concerning these wondrous
sights and, more important, information establishing the definite
location of available routes to the lake.

William Gladstone Steel
The enthusiastic spirit of the people contacted by Mr. Steel soon
made Crater Lake the most visited scenic wonder in Oregon. One needs
little imagination to realize that William Steel's next problem was to
bridge the gap between Washington, D. C. and Crater Lake. National parks
are established by a Congress in Washington, and Will Steel attacked the
problem with great vigor, writing a petition to President Cleveland
explaining the natural wonders of the region. On August 21, 1886, ten
townships including Crater Lake were withdrawn from public sale. This
same year, Captain C. E. Dutton and party, coupled with the work of
Professor J. S. Diller in 1883, did a great deal to familiarize
Washington Congressmen with the geologic wonder of Crater Lake.
Officially establishing Crater Lake's depth at 1,996 feet, the deepest
lake then known in North America, was news of national importance.
Writing thousands of letters, organizing petitions, seeking
prominent citizens' support and carrying on the battle of the Cascade
Forest Range and its closely aligned fight with ranchers and lumbermen
who could only look at the forest with "board feet" eyes were some of
the unpaid tasks carried on by Will Steel.
Since the first discovery of the lake, men had wondered if there
were fish in Crater Lake. In 1888, Will Steel was enroute to the lake on
one of his many visits to explain some of the numerous outstanding
features to guests, when trouble caused the group to stop at the Gordon
Ranch The Gordon boys collected 600 fingerling trout, which Steel
purchased. Steel began the forty-nine mile trip to the lake, stopping at
each fresh stream to change water. As he neared the rim, several fish
began to die and at the time of the planting only thirty-seven remained
alive - - but the first fish had been stocked in Crater Lake.
On May 22, 1902, Crater Lake was established as our fifth national
park and Steel's efforts were rewarded. On October 13, 1902, W. F. Arant
became the first Superintendent of Crater Lake National Park, appointed
by Secretary of the Interior Ethan A. Hitchcock. Arant's first and most
important contribution was the improvement of roads. This was the
beginning of an ever-improving highway system in the park. This was not
the end of work for William Steel, for he threw his weight behind the
effort of developing roads and lodging for visitors. In 1913, he became
the second Superintendent of Crater Lake National Park. Much personal
time and money were sacrificed by him in the improvement of the
The advent of the horseless carriage was of critical importance at
Crater Lake and a suggestion was made to build two roads to the rim, one
for horses and the other for the noisy automobile. In 1907 the first
cabinet member visited the park, James R. Garfield, Secretary of the
Interior. Several years later, in honor of his visit, Garfield Peak was
named. 1907 was a year of firsts, the first public boat, the Wocus,
having been launched on Crater Lake at that time also.
In 1912, the lodge was erected and one unit of it is the oldest
structure now existing in the rim area. 5,235 visitors were recorded in
that year. Seven years later, the rim road around Crater Lake was
completed and visitors had increased to 16,645. The plaque in honor of
John Wesley Hillman was dedicated in 1925, and three years later the
Crater Wall Trail was completed. By 1931, the new standard grade road
was in operation, Sinnott Memorial was dedicated and visitors totaled
170,284 during that year. In 1953, 332,835 persons came to the park.
In Crater Lake National Park we have commemorated within one year of
each other, a centennial and a semi-centennial - - last year the
fiftieth birthday of the National Park and this year the one hundredth
anniversary of its discovery. The history of the park does not end with
these, but rather will continue to reflect the broad-minded concept of
administration initiated with Will Steel's dream - - to conserve the
scenery, the natural and historic objects and the wildlife therein and
provide for the enjoyment of the same in such manner and by such means
as to leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations.
Selected References
Arant, W. F. 1904. Report of the Superintendent of Crater Lake
National Park to the Secretary of the Interior.
Carey, Charles Henry. 1922. History of Oregon.
Fremont, John Charles. 1887. Memoirs of my life.
Gorman, M. W. 1897. Discovery and early history of Crater
Lake. In Mazama.
Gray, W. H. 1870. History of Oregon.
Steel, William Gladstone. 1914. Report of the Superintendent of
Crater Lake National Park to the Secretary of the Interior.
______, 1885 - 1934. Eleven volumes of scrapbooks containing numerous
clippings, telegrams, and correspondence concerning Crater Lake. Also
his correspondence file concerning Crater Lake National Park. In the
files of the Park Naturalist, Crater Lake National Park.