Volume XIX - 1953 Crater Lake Discovery Centennial
Oh, To Be So Diligent!
By John R. Rowley, Ranger Naturalist
A golden-mantled ground squirrel that was found dead, apparently by
drowning, behind the Crater Lake Lodge may hold a record for diligence
in spite of his unfortunate end. This little fellow's pouches were found
to contain 736 seeds, each about two-thirds the size of a grain of
wheat, and one half-peanut. The peanut undoubtedly came the "easy way",
as a handout, but the source of the seeds remains unexplained, since
these seeds were the so called "canary seeds" which are packaged
commercially as part of bird seed mixtures.
A Foggy Mood
By Beatrice E. Willard, Ranger Naturalist
Bright and early, September 1, 1953, those who approached the rim of
Crater Lake were amazed to see, not the usual brilliant blue water, but
a bowl of cloud. A fog bank completely filled the cauldron up to the
6500 foot level. The sky in all directions was clear, thus the great
surprise. (See photo back cover).
A few hardy souls ventured forth on the boat trip that morning, with
Mr. Paul Herron, boatmaster for the concessioner, at the helm. He stated
that it was the densest fog he had ever experienced on the Lake. As the
boat crept forward, all aboard had the impression of being literally
"lost in the fog", only occasionally to sight the rim walls through the
Many eerie and mystic glimpses of the walls were seen that day. The
high point came when the boat overshot the Phantom Ship and wandered in
the fog near the middle of the Lake for about 15 minutes. However, all
was clear by noon, revealing the Lake in its usual beauty, and those who
took the trip were pleased to have had the unforgettable experience of
seeing the Lake and the walls under such weird conditions.
