Volume XXI - 1955
Chipmunk Sequel
By Edward A. Burnham, Ranger Naturalist
In the last issue of this publication, I described the events which
followed the "chipnapping" of a baby Allen's chipmunk by a "villainous"
Clark nutcracker at the eastern end of the Rim Campground (Burnham,
Edward A. 1954. The nutcracker and the baby chipmunk. Nature
Notes from Crater Lake 20:14-15). This chipmunk was picked up by the big
bird, which tried to fly away with him and then dropped him. Mrs.
William Loftis, wife of the Park Engineer, took over the upbringing of
our little "orphan."
The young chipmunk was released last fall by Mr. and Mrs. Loftis in
an attempt to adjust him to his natural environment. According to Mrs.
Loftis, they did not band or mark him in any way; however, they now have
one Allen's chipmunk which sits on the window sill of their home and
seems less nervous and excited than most Allen's chipmunks. He will even
approach within a few feet of them for food. They are not certain that
this is the same chipmunk, but since he is much tamer than the other
chipmunks, they think he is perhaps the matured baby of last year.
A Wildflower Garden
By Edward A. Burnham, Ranger Naturalist
The kiss of the sun for pardon,
The song of the bird for mirth;
One is nearer God's heart in a garden
Than anywhere else on earth.
-- Frances Louise Gurney
There are many hidden gardens in the 250 square miles which comprise
Crater Lake National Park. Most of these are for the more adventurous
souls who enjoy out-of-the-way places.
But there is one wildflower garden, close to the road, which even
the elderly or those to whom walking is a chore may visit with a minimum
of effort.

Eastern side of Castle Crest Wildflower Garden, looking
southward. From Kodachrome by C. Warren Fairbanks
Castle Crest Wildflower Garden may be found beside the Rim Drive,
one-quarter mile eastward beyond the service station near Government
Headquarters. At this point a large sign indicates the way to the
wildflower garden, the path beginning near the parking area across the
A cold stream flows through the shady glen beneath the hemlocks and
firs. The half-mile trail passes over a rustic bridge and through a
nursery of young Shasta fir trees. Beyond, one may start the loop walk
by either of two branching paths. One of the fascinating aspects of this
wild garden is its inclusion of wet, mushy parts and dry, dusty
sections. Each area has its characteristic variety of plant life, and
one may give way to the other within a very few feet. Springs flow from
many places on the slope to one side of the garden, forming wet areas
where profuse growths of plants are found.
It has been my privilege, during the seasons of 1954 and 1955, to
place identifying signs for many of the flowers and plants, not only in
Castle Crest Wildflower Garden, but also along the trails to Garfield
Peak, to Discovery Point, and to the lake. Often my wife and
eight-year-old daughter come along as helpers. Here at Castle Crest,
late in the afternoon, we have watched yellow-bellied marmots feeding
peacefully among the rocks. Here, too, flit many tiny hummingbirds,
sipping nectar from the wild flowers.
We have found peace in the quiet of early evening at Castle Crest
Wildflower Garden. Perhaps you, too, may find here a sanctuary!
Interrupted Feast
By John Mees, Ranger Naturalist
During the month of August, Castle Crest Wildflower Garden has an
abundant growth of many varieties of wildflowers. In addition, it is
often frequented by many of the animals that make their homes in the
I was enjoying the half mile stroll through the gardens on August 2,
1955, when I came upon a chickaree, Tamiasciurus douglasi
(Bachman), eating a fungus-like growth at the base of a lodgepole pine,
While I was watching this squirrel for several minutes he appeared to
pay very little attention to me and kept eating busily away. When I
moved closer to see what he was eating, the chickaree scampered up the
tree carrying his lunch with him. Apparently the item was greatly
relished. When the squirrel reached a higher branch, he resumed his
Being curious about the nature of his meal, I tossed a few pieces of
pumice near him, and the chickaree dropped his fungus near the base of
the tree. It was later identified tentatively as false truffle,
Rhizopogon rubescen, by Wm. Bridge Cooke, Mycologist, U. S.
Public Health Service, Cincinnati, Ohio, to whom appreciation is
expressed for making the determination.
Chickarees often carry mushrooms up trees and store them under loose
bark or in the fork of a limb, intending to return later and eat them
(Cahalane, 1947; Palmer, 1954). Apparently this fellow wanted to take no
chances on having his delicacy stolen from him and was going to finish
if off immediately. Save for an interruption by a curious naturalist,
perhaps he would have completed his feast.
Cahalane, Victor H. 1947. Mammals of North America. New York,
The Macmillan Co. x, 682 pp.
Palmer, Ralph S. 1954. The Mammal Guide. Garden City, New York
Doubleday & Co., inc. 384 pp.