Volume XXI - 1955
Woodpecker Activities
By Donald Van Tassel, Ranger Naturalist
Before the month of June was very old, I realized that this was
going to be a good summer to get well acquainted with woodpeckers. Upon
moving into the Annie Spring trailer court, the family of Seasonal
Ranger J. Francis Stine informed me of recent activity by a male Arctic
three-toed woodpecker, Picoides arcticus (Swainson), at his
roosting hole in the center of the campground. This hole was located
about twelve feet up in a live lodgepole pine. It was easily recognized
as belonging to this bird because of the recent stripping of bark,
forming a band about eighteen inches wide and nearly encircling the
tree, at the same height as the hole. Only the male was seen, and he was
usually gone all day.
Late in the morning of June 11, I waited for about an hour to see if
there was any daytime activity, as I was hoping that this might be a
nesting hole. The male finally came, pecking at the bark for two or
three minutes before flying away again. No nesting there. I did hear
and, after sneaking up the hill above the nest, see him giving the
rapid, loud drumming on a dead branch of a tree which is usually
associated with mating interests. This is the only record I have been
able to find of a roosting hole in the park, and there is only one
definite record of a nesting hole.
Soon after locating this hole, the high chatter of another
woodpecker attracted my attention to a nesting hole located about thirty
feet up in the dead, bleached-out snag of what seemed to be another
lodgepole pine. The tree was standing within ten feet of the South
Entrance road just across from the trailer court driveway. The bright
red splotch of color on the top of this bird's head quickly identified
him as a hairy woodpecker, presumably Dendrocopus villosus orius
(Oberholser). It was apparently a nesting hole, but because of the
unstableness of the tree I had to be satisfied with climbing an adjacent
tree about eight feet away for observation and pictures.
After a long and uncomfortable wait, the male accommodated me by
flying to the nest. On two occasions I saw the male chase away an
inquisitive red-breasted nuthatch, Sitta canadensis L., which may
also have wanted a nesting hole. Many days later, and after many
observations of the hole and the active male, I saw the female for the
first time. Her appearance seemed to coincide with the first peeping of
the newly-hatched young, about June 20. Although I wasn't privileged to
see all the family out of the nest at once, I took pictures of a
nearly-grown male almost out of the hole on July 12, and from the noise
within I would guess there were at least two other young. By July 19
there was no sign of the family at or near the hole.
June 17 I will long remember as the day I saw my first western
pileated woodpecker, Dryocopus pileatus picinus (Bangs). This
crow-sized, black bird with brilliant red crest and black-and-white
striped neck swooped across the front of my car about four miles inside
the park on the South Entrance road. He displayed his beauty while
perched for a minute on a tree and then hurried away, giving his
characteristic, loud, laughing cackle.
The very next day, while down in Annie Creek canyon near the South
Entrance, I saw my first red-breasted sapsucker, Sphyrapicus varius
dagetti Grinnell, very active about the mountain ash, Sorbus
sitchensis M. Roem., and the black cottonwood, Populus
trichocarpa Torr. and Gray. Upon revisiting this locality a month
later, both parents were dividing their attention between feeding two
immature birds -- quite capable of flying around by themselves -- and
drinking the sap or eating the insects attracted by the sap oozing from
the characteristic rows of square holes which they had pecked in the
bark of the mountain ash. The young were also concentrating on pecking
the ooze, so much so that I could approach within a few feet.
A momentary distraction from woodpeckers was occasioned by the loud
peeping of an immature water ouzel or American dipper, Cinclus
mexicanus unicolor Bonaparte, who was also being fed, on a log in
midstream. He could hardly constrain himself when one of the parents
would fly up bringing some insect tidbit.
In this same locality I noticed a pair of red-shafted flickers,
Colaptes cafer (Gmelin), another member of the woodpecker family.
Since they were on the other side of the stream I couldn't check into
their reason for favoring that particular area. They are the most
conspicuous, if not the most abundant, woodpecker in the park,
especially in the lower regions. On July 28, while escorting a field
trip near the top of Garfield Peak Trail, I spotted one showing a
brighter red than I had noticed before. On July 21 I saw a young flicker
taking food from a parent about six miles inside the south boundary.
While exploring Wizard Island for a few hours on August 6, I noticed
what appeared to be a family group flying among the trees.
In order to round out my woodpecker experiences, I was eager to
observe the fairly common Williamson sapsucker, Sphyrapicus
thyroideus (Cassin), which is rather unusual in having a conspicuous
contrast in color markings between the male and female. It was
especially gratifying, then, to discover on July 12 a nesting hole
containing young about forty feet up in a dead mountain hemlock near the
Wineglass on the northeastern side of the lake. Both parents were in the
feeding business and were quite disturbed when I scrambled up to look in
the hole, even though I couldn't see the young.
The Lewis woodpecker, Asyndesmus lewis (Gray), is also fairly
abundant in the park, especially late in the summer. Last year I noticed
them first on August 31, traveling in small flocks near Garfield Peak.
They were evidently attracted to the area by flying insects or ripening
berries. Such post-breeding movements to higher areas are common
Other woodpeckers uncommonly observed in the park are the alpine
three-toed woodpecker, Picoides tridactylus (L.), the
white-headed woodpecker, Dendrocopos albolarvatus (Cassin), and
the red-naped sapsucker, Sphyrapicus varius nuchalis Baird.
Learning to recognize the members of a specific bird family and
getting acquainted with their habits make a commonplace walk through the
woods an adventure. Concentrating on the woodpeckers has guided my
observations, and wherever I go I find a "family friend." Now, even old
snags, instead of seeming dubiously attractive, are noticed and suggest
a potential home or a source of food for an unusual bird.
Perhaps you would like to choose a particular group of birds to
concentrate your attention upon for a while. Here in Crater Lake
National Park, Dr. Donald S. Farner's The Birds of Crater Lake
should prove an interesting and useful companion for your bird
Farner, Donald S. 1952. The Birds of Crater Lake National
Park. Lawrence, University of Kansas Press. xi, 187 pp.
Gabrielson, Ira N., and Stanley G. Jewett. 1940. Birds of
Oregon. Corvallis, Oregon State College Press. xxx, 650 pp.