Volume XXIII - 1992 90th Anniversary Edition
Saving Bull Trout in Sun Creek
By Mark Buktenica
Bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) and dolly varden
(Salvelinus malma) were once considered to be the same species.
They have been separated because of genetic, morphological, and
behavioral differences. In general, bull trout are the "inland" form,
while dolly varden migrate to the ocean (where they spend much of their
adult life) and return to reproduce in freshwater. This makes the dolly
varden an anadromous fish, similar in behavior to salmon.
Once found in most major river systems in the Pacific Northwest,
bull trout distribution has been significantly reduced over the past 30
years and many local extinctions have occurred. Oregon's Klamath River
Basin represents the southern Limit of present day bull trout
distribution. The Klamath populations are genetically distinct from
other populations in the region and are now restricted to cold headwater
streams. Habitat degradation and introduction of non-native fish species
are believed to be the primary causes for the decline. Bull trout have
been Listed as a Category 2 Species (candidate species under the
Endangered Species Act of 1973) by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
(USFWS) and is listed as a sensitive species by the State of Oregon.
Bull trout were probably the only fish species present in Sun Creek,
a high elevation, second order stream, prior to early introductions of
non-native salmonids. National Park Service (NPS) and Oregon Department
of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) records indicate repeated stocking of
rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and brook trout
(Salvelinus fontinalis) in Sun Creek between 1928 and 1971. The
only park-wide stream survey conducted during this period took place in
1947. A seasonal naturalist named Orthello Wallis (who later became the
first aquatic biologist ever employed by the NPS) found bull trout,
rainbow trout, and brook trout in Sun Creek.
A resurvey of Sun Creek was made in the summer of 1989 to
investigate the distribution and abundance of fish relative to habitat
characteristics. The survey was funded as part of Klamath River Basin
water rights adjudication. Sun Creek was surveyed from its headwaters to
the park boundary. Bull trout, brook trout, and hybrids from the two
species were collected. No rainbow trout were collected in the portion
of Sun Creek within the park and may no longer exist in the stream.
Investigators observed that habitat utilization by bull trout and
brook trout was very similar. Competition and hybridization with brook
trout have probably reduced the distribution of bull trout in Sun Creek.
Bull trout were restricted to a 1.9 km reach of the stream and the total
number of adult bull trout was estimated at 130 fish. Such a low
population density is alarming, since it suggests that local extinction
could occur within the next few years.
The NPS is developing a bull trout management program whose goals
are to remove brook trout from Sun Creek, build a barrier to prevent
re-invasion, and to re-establish a self-sustaining population of bull
trout in Sun Creek within Crater Lake National Park. During 1991, park
staff convened a "Bull Trout Recovery Team" to develop recommendations
on how to best achieve these goals. It consisted of representatives from
the NPS, USFWS, ODFW, U.S. Forest Service, California Department of Fish
and Game, and Oregon State University. A final report from the group is
expected in early 1992 and will form the basis for the first active fish
management project ever undertaken in the park. An environmental
assessment will be available for public comment before any management
action is taken.
Visitors should note that fishing for bull trout in Crater Lake
National Park and throughout south central Oregon is prohibited by state
law. Bull trout within the park are also protected by federal
regulations. Fishing for other species in most park streams is
permitted. Copies of fishing regulations are available at the park's
visitor centers. Fishing in Crater Lake for kokanee salmon
(Oncorhynchus nerka) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus
mykiss) is allowed. No state license is required and fishing on the
lake has been good in recent years.