Nature Notes


National Park Service
Crater Lake National Park

Crater Lake Natural
History Association

Volume XXIV - 1993
David K. Morris

Stephen R. Mark

By Kent J. Taylor, Chief of Interpretation

Last year's volume of Nature Notes from Crater Lake marked the first appearance of this publication in more than 30 years. The Crater Lake Natural History Association decided there was sufficient visitor interest for a 1993 edition because the limited number of copies in 1992 sold quickly. Contributors responded enthusiastically, so this volume is larger than last year's effort.

Nature Notes share a common characteristic of being original research or observation relevant to the visitor experience at Crater Lake National Park. In most cases these articles have not been published previously. All of the authors are employees of the National Park Service, but their contributions were made primarily on a volunteer basis. Reprinting Nature Notes articles is encouraged, as long as credit is given to the authors and the Crater Lake Natural History Association.

This volume begins with an article on the park's 1992 northern spotted owl survey. The results changed the way Crater Lake National Park has been viewed relative to the habitat it provides for the bird. Lori Stonum's piece and the others that follow it serve to underscore the point made in last year's lead article that Crater Lake National Park continues to be a vibrant field for scientific research.

The Crater Lake Natural History Association was established in 1942. Its purpose is to aid the National Park Service in educational, scientific, cultural, historical, and interpretive programs. Toward this end it sponsors this volume of Nature Notes from Crater Lake. The association operates three publication sales outlets, two at Crater Lake National Park and one at the Illinois Valley Visitor Center in Cave Junction, Oregon. Proceeds from sales items are used entirely to support the association's goals. A list of items for sale can be obtained by writing to the Business Manager, Crater Lake Natural History Association, P.O. Box 157, Crater Lake OR 97604, or by calling (541)594-2211 ext. 499.

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