Volume XXIV - 1993
Ground Squirrel Activity at Rim Village
By Roger Brandt
Sixty Years of High Density Squirrel Populations
The feeding of ground squirrels by visitors in the Rim Village area
probably began before the Crater Lake Lodge was constructed in 1909, at
a time when camping was allowed anywhere along the rim. In all
probability, this further increased after 1928, when the parking lot and
cafeteria at Rim Village were constructed in their present locations and
the Crater Wall trail was opened (the latter served as the access to the
lake until 1959 and is now closed; its trailhead was along the promenade
in front of the cafeteria). By the late 1930s, squirrel populations were
high at Rim Village and were mentioned by Kenneth Gordon in his The
Natural History and Behavior of the Western Chipmunk and Mantled Ground
Squirrel, published in 1943. Obviously impressed with the unusual
density of ground squirrels at Rim Village, he wrote "...a peanut
concession at one of these points should net a tidy sum...".

Feeding Ground Squirrels Visitors and
ground squirrels meet at the historic location of the Crater Wall
Dr. Gordon's impression of the squirrel populations at Rim Village
may have been based on research he conducted on golden mantled ground
squirrel populations in several campgrounds located in Washington State.
He concluded in those studies that a population density of five
squirrels per acre was well above the population density found under
natural conditions. This can be put into perspective by the figure cited
in a 1947 paper by Orthello Wallis titled Mammals of Crater Lake
National Park. Wallis wrote "...in 1938, there were 150 squirrels,
by actual count of marked specimens, between the lodge and the head of
the lake [Crater Wall] trail." Since most of the squirrels live inside
the caldera rim within 200 feet of the promenade, this area of roughly
four acres provided habitat for approximately 37 squirrels per acre at
that time. This figure is equivalent to a population density over seven
times that of what Kenneth Gordon considered as "crowded".
In 1951, seasonal naturalist Ralph Heustis conducted a ground
squirrel study along the promenade between the Crater Wall trail and the
lodge. His study area was equivalent to that of 1938. Dr. Huestis
captured and marked 79 squirrels, a population density considerably less
than that found 13 years earlier. Nevertheless, his count showed a
density of almost 20 ground squirrels per acre in the Rim Village area.
This is easily four to five times larger then whet Gordon expected under
natural conditions. Heustis also stated that the greatest density of
ground squirrels in the study area was located at the head of the Crater
Wall Trail. He noted that a dozen squirrels could often be found there
begging for food.
In 1984, S. Kent Schwarzkopf conducted a study on The Feeding of
Golden Mantled Ground Squirrels at Crater Lake National Park. The
study site was located at the head to the Crater Wall Trail, probably
because this was still the location of the highest squirrel activity in
the area. I personally spent time counting squirrels at this same
location, a place that present park staff call " Squirrel Row" due to
the obviously pronounced activity of squirrels in this area. Periods of
observation varied, but at all times of the day I could easily count
eight to twelve squirrels and once counted fifteen. In light of past
studies and the observations I made, it is fair conclude that large
numbers of squirrels have been present at this site for 60 years at a
Nocturnal Activity Along the Promenade
Gordon observed that "...Ground Squirrels typically accept as much
food as possible from visitors, run a short distance to a location where
they dig a hole and bury the contents of their pouches before quickly
returning for more handouts". During my surveys, I have noticed that
squirrels at the rim in 1992 were no different than those observed in
the late 1930s. Most of the food that is accepted from visitors is taken
into the caldera, usually about 50 to 60 feet from the promenade, and
buried. These squirrels quickly return for more handouts. Their instinct
to gather and store food makes golden mantled ground squirrels
surprisingly efficient in cleaning up the handouts given to them along
the promenade. On several occasions I looked for food scraps in the
vicinity of " Squirrel Row" at the end of a busy day and found that even
the crumbs were absent.
Considering the generous handouts that are provided to these rodents
by visitors to the park, it would be interesting to determine how many
pounds of food is cached each day by these squirrels. Whatever the
amount may be, there is no doubt that a substantial quantity of food is
moved from the promenade to shallow storage sites inside the caldera.
Although these caches may seem secure to the squirrels, shallow hiding
places are hardly safe from the prying noses of nocturnal residents like
mice and woodrats. As a result, ground squirrels are unintentional
conduits of food for a host of other animals in the Rim Village area. It
would not be surprising/hat ground squirrel activity during the day is
matched by an equal amount of activity at night by nocturnal

Nocturnal Activity The feeding of ground
squirrels probably impacts nocturnal rodents who feed on their food
caches. In an attempt to estimate the population density of nocturnal
rodents, the soil along the prominade wall was swept (right side of
picture) at about 9:00 pm. At 6:00 am the next day, the swept area was
heavily trampled by nocturnal rodents (left side of picture). (Note:
broom marks in the picture were made at 6:00 am for contrast needed in
the photo.)
In an attempt to assess the level of nocturnal activity and the
associated population densities of animals in the Rim Village area, I
went there one evening around nine and used a broom to gently smooth
down the dirt at "Squirrel Row". At roughly six o'clock the next
morning, I returned to see what had happened. The area I swept was
heavily trampled by small rodents like mice and wood rats. Deer tracks
were also noted as were some tracks of ravens that I scared away when I
arrived. The total number of individual rodents that had been active
here during the night was not something that I could determine but I
could easily say that activity was intense. The level of activity along
the promenade was surprising, especially in light of the efficiency with
which ground squirrels gather every scrap that they can find and
transport it to cache sites inside the caldera. If the nocturnal
activity along the promenade was as pronounced as it was with only a few
morsels of food available and a poor selection of shelter, I could only
imagine what activity must be like 50 to 60 feet below the rim where
squirrel caches abounded and shelter is abundant! It seems reasonable to
speculate that nocturnal rodent activity must easily match, if not
exceed, the activity of the ground squirrels that people feed on days
during the summer.
Accumulations of Animal Feces
The high density of rodents in the Rim Village area means that there
is also an appreciable amount of rodent excrement being deposited there,
too. I trapped several squirrels and collected the feces that was
excreted during the active period of their day. All these samples were
dried and weighed on a triple beam balance that was accurate to a
hundredth of a gram. I found that the average weight of a squirrels
daily excrement (excluding urine) was about 1.5 grams (dry weight).
Assuming that golden mantled ground squirrels are active for five months
out of the year (May to September) and estimating that there are about
20 squirrels per acre in the Rim Village area, then the calculation of
4. 5 kilograms ( 10 pounds) per acre is a reasonable approximation for
the accumulation of their body waste over one summer season. This means
that over the past 60 years or more of historically high ground squirrel
population densities in Rim Village, at least 270 kilograms (600 pounds)
of feces per acre has been produced there by ground squirrels alone.
Much of this 600 pounds was probably deposited inside the caldera wall.
If one adds in the waste products deposited by enhanced populations of
birds, mice, rats and deer that feed on squirrel caches and if this
includes the waste deposits contributed by an assortment of predators
that feed on the dense populations of rodents, the total fecal deposit
in the Rim Village area over the past 60 years is probably close to or
more than 900 kilograms (one ton) per acre.
