Volume XXIV - 1993
The Mysterious Clams of Crater Lake National Park
By Roger Brandt
High on a remote, dry ridge, 700 feet above the surrounding valleys,
is a small pond. It is not very big, perhaps 40 feet in diameter. The
shore is lined by thickets of huckleberry and shaded by tall pines.
Silence seems to be its dominant attribute. If its surface was not
occasionally rippled by the quick scamper of a water skipper or the lazy
flip of a salamander's tail, one would find it easy to assume that this
quiet pond was completely uninhabited. Nevertheless, this small pool of
water is actually home to hundreds of aquatic creatures, most of whom
are hidden in the pond's soft mud. It only takes a moment of sifting
through this mud to reveal a horde of these kicking, squirming
invertebrates. Of all the strange creatures you will find in this
community, however, by far the most puzzling ones are white,
pebble-sized, fresh water clams. They are not necessarily rare, since
populations can be found in Upper Klamath Lake as well as in the Rogue
and Umpqua river basins. But how have these clams come to exist in a
pond located on a dry, remote ridge high above the surrounding river
basins? Looking at the physical capabilities of these clams does not
make this mystery any easier to solve.
Mysterious Clams The adults get larger
than a fourth of an inch in diameter |
Clam Presence an Anomaly
The clams found in the small remote ponds of Crater Lake National
Park are small in size, in most cases less than a fourth of an inch in
diameter. They are sedate creatures, and for the most part, spend their
lives in the pond's mud siphoning microscopic organisms out of the
water. Despite their small size and sedate habits, they are known to
crawl at a speed of about eight inches per hour. This means that if they
were to crawl for 24 hours a day, it would take about three weeks for
one of these clams to crawl the length of a football field and almost a
year to crawl a mile. While highly unlikely, these clams could have
crawled to this pond from the nearest stream. In the case of the small
and isolated pond, the stream is located about a mile away. The problem
with this scenario is that these clams have gills and must remain in the
water as they move. Since this pond is filled with snow and rain that
falls directly into its basin, there is not much runoff from it. What
little it does leave flows over a rocky ledge and is promptly absorbed
by the forest floor below. Without a distinct and permanent water
course, the possibility that clams could have crawled to this isolated
pond is small. For the clams of Crater Lake National Park, their
presence in remote ponds might be better explained if their reproductive
abilities are examined.
The reproductive cycle of clams in the Sphaeriidae family is
surprisingly similar to what is seen in the marsupials. As the zygotes
of the clam pass out of the sexual ducts, they are collected in a
brooding zone of the gills called a marsupia. Here the young grow until
they have developed into a miniature version of the adult. Mature clams
are known to contain from one to twenty of these juveniles in various
stages of development. It is this brood inside the adult clam that
represents the key in the clam's ability to travel extensive
Distribution by Birds
Most investigators have attributed the presence of clams in remote
or isolated ponds to transport by birds. This is because ducks and great
blue herons, for example, relish these pill sized clams for food. When
they are eaten by the bird, the adult clam usually perishes in the upper
part of the bird's digestive tract. The brood of young clams inside the
adult, however, are protected from this acrid environment until the
adult dies. Many of these young clams survive the lower digestive tract,
too. If the bird that ate them should happen to fly to a different
location that is suitable for these clams, then the survivors that pass
out of the bird's digestive tract will find themselves in a new home
that is often far removed from their former one.
Distribution of clams by birds is the most common mode of
transportation mentioned in references on these aquatic invertebrates.
What is rarely mentioned, though, are the details on how these clams
might be transported by mammals. This is important at Crater Lake
National Park because animals of this perk probably have their own way
of moving these clams from pond to pond in ways that have not been
thoroughly investigated. A clue to this other type of transport can be
found near the park's west boundary, in a wet meadow called Sphagnum
Distribution by Mammals
Sphagnum Bog is a broad, wet, open field bordered on all sides by a
wall of hemlock trees. Low stands of shrubs and grass grow in the mud of
countless seeps and puddles. This area is a haven for clams, as
evidenced by the shells from past generations found scattered throughout
the area. High concentrations of these shells can be found in mud holes
that form wide craters in several places around the bog. These mud holes
are not just coincidental in nature, nor do they occur randomly. They
represent locations where elk come at various times to wallow in the
deep, soft mud of the bog.
Wallowing is most often observed in mid-August to late September
while bull elk are in their rut. It is common to see these bulls covered
with mud as they wander about in search of mates during this time. With
the high density of clams observed in areas used for wallowing, it is
conceivable that tens or hundreds of clams may be carried away from
wallow areas in the mud on the backs of these bulls. Since these clams
are known to live out of the water for three to four days, if
temperatures are cool enough, it is probable that clams "hitch hiking" a
ride in the mud on these elk could be distributed from wallow to wallow
and from pond to pond. Since these clams are hermaphrodites, it would
only take one clam to establish a new colony in ponds "seeded" by the
elk. Because elk use the park as a summer home, migration route, and
reproductive domain, it is also reasonable to conclude that these
mammals are probably more important than birds in the distribution of
clams at Crater Lake National Park.

Loaded with clams An elk wallow on the
south end of Sphagnum Bog. Empty clam shells could be found all over
the surrounding area. During wet periods, the clams probably crawled
where they pleased. The wallow was the only source of water for several
yards in any direction during the drought of 1992 (when this picture was
Further Study Needed
In a recent survey of the ponds in Crater Lake National Park, clams
were found in almost every pond in the park. These clam populations
reflect the historic use of the ponds by birds and elk. More information
is needed about their role in the park's food chain and how populations
of larger animals are affected by the distribution of clams. No less
important, however, is the fact that these clams are a subtle reminder
of the many mysteries that wait to be discovered throughout the