Volume XXVII - 1996
The Old Man of the Lake
By John Salinas
On the calmest of days and with a bit of luck, one might be able to
see a boat on Crater Lake or even a floating weather station from the
rim. The sharpest eyes may catch a glimpse of something very peculiar on
the lake surface, what appears as a very small and whitish dot. Like
other objects seen from a distance, however, its size from the rim
belies how large it actually is. This untethered voyager has been
observed even before the lake became part of a national park and seems
to be as unchanging as Wizard Island or Phantom Ship. For just as long
this denizen of the deep blue has been called the Old Man of the
Many, if not all, lakes contain floating and sunken woody material.
Few lakes, though, have a large conifer floating in a vertical position
which appears to be rooted to the bottom of the lake wherever it is
seen. The Old Man is about 30 feet long and has a diameter of roughly
two feet at waterline. Its top stands approximately four feet out of
water and is bleached white. The exposed end is splintered but buoyant
and wide enough to support a person's weight.

Map showing the Old Man's movements, August 1938, by
John E. Doerr.
The Old Man poses a few questions which have been asked continually
by park employees and visitors alike. One concerns his age. Joseph S.
Diller published the first geology of Crater Lake in 1902, the same year
that this area became a national park. In his work, a short paragraph
describes a great stump he found six years earlier to be rooted below
the lake's surface on the west shore of Wizard Island. Diller wrote that
if a tree once grew in this location, the lake must have been much lower
in recent times. He did not, however, hypothesize about the tree in
question being the Old Man. Instead, Diller stated that trees commonly
slide into Crater Lake, roots first. This was attributed to the
caldera's steep slopes, but how is it that only one log floats
vertically in Crater Lake? There may be a specific set of circumstances
which give rise to this phenomena. The Old Man presently meets all of
the criteria. Perhaps this is similar to the occurrence of life in this
universe -- it just happens to fit the criteria!
In 1896, the Old Man floated just as it does at present. This, of
course, prompts the question of how a log can float in such a position.
Some have suggested that when the Old Man slipped into the lake, he had
rocks bound within his roots. This might naturally make him float
vertically, though no rocks appear to still be there. At any rate, the
submerged end could become heavier over time through being waterlogged.
Acting like the wick on a candle, the shorter upper portion of the Old
Man remains dry and light. This apparent equilibrium allows the log to
be very stable in the water.
Diller established that the Old Man could travel by tying bailing
wire around the log and pulling it a short distance in 1896. Five years
later Diller observed the Old Man to be a quarter mile from where he
previously noted its location. This should not imply, however, that the
log is slow-moving and confined to one part of the lake. An article
which appeared in the 1938 volume of Nature Notes from Crater
Lake documented that the Old Man rides the winds and currents to
travel the lake's entire surface area and can cover almost four miles in
a single day.
Just as the verdure of the trees surrounding Crater Lake provide a
sharp contrast to the deep blue water, green moss on the Old Man
produces the same effect below the waterline for those fortunate enough
to see this log at close range. In addition to the luxuriant growth of
moss below the surface, there are spiders and ants above the water.
Although limited in its diversity, this thriving community of life is
just one of the ways that the Old Man commands attention.

Old Man near Wizard Island. Photo by J.S. Diller,
Since he can be seen virtually anywhere on Crater Lake, boat pilots
commonly communicate his position to each other as a matter of safety.
At two feet across and four feet high, the Old Man would not be someone
to meet when traveling by boat across the lake. During the submarine
explorations in 1988, scientists agreed to the idea of tying up the Old
Man off the eastern side of Wizard Island. They reasoned that this
navigational hazard had to be neutralized until the day and night shifts
of research work had ended. Strangely enough, the weather went from
clear to stormy and even scientists get nervous when this occurs on the
lake. It seemed as if the weather was poor so long as the Old Man
remained bound. Once the log was freed, however, the weather
In more than one article about the Old Man, writers have expressed
doubt as to whether he will persist through the stormy blasts of winter
weather on Crater Lake. It now appears that mortals should worry about
something else, because the Old Man has shown he knows this lake and can
take care of himself. A better question might be will you be back to see
the Old Man?
John Salinas teaches science at Rogue Community College in
Grants Pass, Oregon, and has worked as a limnologist and seasonal
naturalist at Crater Lake.