Volume XXVIII - 1997
Repeat Photography and Landscape Change
By Ron Mastrogiuseppe and John Salinas
The nature of nature is change. The physical and biological worlds
in which we exist are constantly becoming different in myriad ways. A
useful technique in comparing landscape changes occurring during a human
lifetime and in analyzing long-term trends is repeat photography. Repeat
photography is the art of locating the actual site of an old photograph,
duplicating the position of the original camera and taking a repeat
image of the same scene.
Background detail is critical in locating the position of the
historic photo point and photographer. When possible, the same or
similar film and camera type are used. A continuous record of change
will result from frequent repeated photographs, documented with relevant
information. This approach is an important part of monitoring protocol
for interpreting the story of a landscape. Old photographs create much
visitor interest, and with repeat photography, a better understanding of
the natural processes operating in the landscape may be more easily
communicated. Once resource management activities are implemented, such
historical time-lapse photographs of changes are a baseline for future
management proposals and actions.
The first known photograph of the Crater Lake caldera was taken by
Peter Britt of Jacksonville in August 1874. Since then, Crater Lake has
been the focus of many photographs. This allows for the comparison of
known time interval photo pairs, which can establish a record of erosion
rates and vegetation change in and near the caldera.
Some of the earliest photographic records of the park landscape away
from the lake were during a vegetation survey of backcountry areas in
1936. These photographs have been useful in documenting tree
encroachment into pumice fields and measuring cause-effect changes
resulting from historical forest fires or sheep grazing that took place
prior to the park's establishment. Lodgepole pine encroachment into
pumice fields, for example, began shortly before the 1936 photographs
were taken. Reduced precipitation during the 1920s and 1930s, as well as
minimal snowpacks for most of that period, extended the growing season
significantly and allowed for successful conifer seedling establishment.
An obvious change in forested landscapes has been the trend toward an
increase in conifers, a shift away from herbaceous communities to those
dominated by woody shrubs and trees. This is a common trend in western
landscapes during the past century. Trends in vegetation change are
driven by shifts in climatic factors and by human-induced disturbances
such as Indian burning practices and recent fire suppression

The Watchman in 1901 (top) and in August 1996
(bottom). Top photo by J.S. Diller, U.S. Geological
Progress during 1996
Last year the Crater Lake Natural History Association made a grant
to John Salinas and Dick Miller to produce a set of paired photographs.
One black and white photograph in each set was to be a print of an image
taken approximately 100 years earlier. This became possible when a large
number of late 19th century photographs were found in the U.S.
Geological Survey's library in Denver. These photos had been snapped by
J.S. Diller, a USGS geologist who can be credited with making the first
scientific studies of Crater Lake beginning in l 883. Diller's most
important work, a professional paper on the park's geology, appeared in
1902 -- the same year that Crater Lake National Park was established.
Many of the photos found in Denver were intended to illustrate his
paper, though he used only a small fraction of them in the
The current project began with Salinas and Miller spending hours
pouring over copy prints and negatives which the National Park Service
had recently acquired, in order to determine which ones might best show
change in the landscape. A historic photograph was selected that has
Garfield Peak as backdrop, so as to use Crater Lake Lodge as reference
in the modern view. Another image showed the Watchman Overlook (on the
west Rim Drive) without the fencing or parking lot. Diller's photographs
were also useful for studying change in the caldera. For example,
historic views which include the lake are important to detect contrasts
in the shoreline or caldera walls that become evident with time.
Moreover, some of the photos repeated around Wizard Island illuminated
the natural variability in lake levels and thereby demonstrated how that
water body can be dynamic through time.
Two incidents in particular may help convey what it is like to set
your boots in the precise footprint of an early photographer. In the
first instance, it was mid afternoon on the crater rim of Wizard Island.
The print held in the hands of repeat photographers clearly showed Llao
Rock behind a bit of the rim with a whitebark pine growing out of a
small mound of cinder covered by pinemat manzanita. There was only one
place on the island where the crater and Llao Rock would match as in the
photograph. But the whitebark pine was not to be seen. Like lightning,
the realization that the pine was now a sun-bleached skeleton on the
same small mound of cinder still covered with manzanita filled the
repeat photographers with an almost surreal awe.
The site of the second incident was very easy to find since summer
visitors take photographs from that spot every day. Something was not
right, however, as Salinas viewed Victor Rock (where the Sinnott
Memorial was built in 1930) from a point on the promenade where the
Mather plaque is affixed. Somehow he needed to angle his camera a bit
higher to take in more of the sky and less of the lake. Suddenly he
realized that this point on the promenade was not the exact spot from
where Diller had taken his photograph. The only way to replicate the
historic image was to descend about 50 feet into the caldera. As one
looks into the caldera from this point, it would be easy to imagine a
photographer on that spot -- but not Salinas. One slip on the loose
pumice and that would be the end of this and several other projects.
Consequently, the repeat photograph will have a slightly different

Summit of cinder cone on Wizard Island, Crater Lake
in 1901 (top) and today (bottom). Top photo by J.S. Diller, U.S.
Geological Survey; bottom photo by John Salinas.
Future work

The Grayback Ridge stand replacement fire of 1898 in
old-growth Shasta red fir demonstrates that at least a century is
required for a young forest to develop. Top photo by J.S. Diller,
1901; bottom photo by Ron Mastrogiuseppe, 1980.
Each person and every piece of equipment can be severely tested in
this harsh environment. As the fallen mast of the Phantom Ship was being
photographed from a tour boat making its rounds last summer, Salinas
noticed an odd sound to the shutter on his large format (4 by 5 inch)
camera. The shutter seemed to be hanging up after a cold night in the
park. As it turned out, the same shutter failed to capture a dozen
photographs around the lake and some from the top of Mount Scott. These
photographs will have to be retaken during the summer of 1997 since the
1996 season ended without obtaining a complete set of repeat images. The
project's goal is to display copies of the original and repeat
photographs in park exhibits and throughout a number of buildings. We
hope this first attempt at repeat photography will lead to another
project which will produce a book of large black and white paired
photographs in time for the centennial of Crater Lake National Park in
The authors would like to acknowledge the Crater Lake Natural
History Association's sponsorship of this and other endeavors. The
repeat photography project would not have been possible without
discovery of the Diller photos by former seasonal interpreter Mike Smith
and the assistance provided by USGS librarians in Denver.