Volume XXIX - 1998
Understanding the Bimodal Eruptions of Mount Mazama
By Brandon L. Browne
Crater Lake partially fills a caldera within what was once Mount
Mazama, one of the greatest volcanoes in the Cascade Range. Around 7,700
years ago it awoke with great fury and power. Roughly 13 cubic miles of
magma erupted from the volcano, covering 500,000 square miles to the
north and northeast. This eruption is considered by many volcanologists
to be the most violent and devastating that the world has seen in the
past 10,000 years.
This climactic eruption occurred in two phases. The first was a
"single vent phase" in which ash and pumice were erupted from a single
vent forming an eruptive cloud estimated to be 25 miles high. This
disturbance emptied the uppermost levels of the chamber beneath Mazama,
leaving it weak and unstable. As the eruption continued, it drained the
chamber underlying the mountain so that Mazama began to collapse inward.
This brought on the "ring vent phase," whereby the remaining magma was
pushed out of the mountain along the multiple areas where the upper
volcano was cracking and falling. This occurred along circular ring
fractures which is now where most of Rim Drive is located. This sequence
of events brought about formation of a caldera, much of which we see
today. Perhaps the most unusual aspect of the climactic eruption is
that it exhibited two distinct chemistries. The purpose of this article
is to describe some field examples of those chemistries, because their
appearance from the same volcano during one eruption is rare. Those
examples should also help to illuminate how long differentiated magma
compositions have characterized what we see around Crater Lake.
Volcanoes are commonly classified by their composition and their
structure. Mount Mazama is an andesitic stratovolcano. Andesite
is the most common lava type found at the volcano, and you can get a
great look at andesite along West Rim Drive around the Watchman. The
mountain's structure was that of a sharp faced or angular peak, making
it a stratovolcano. (Mounts Hood, Rainier, and Shasta are all
stratovolcanoes as well). Mount Mazama is believed to have been a
cluster of several overlapping volcanoes that began erupting at least
420,000 years ago. With each new eruption, more and more bulk to the
mountain would be added. The Crater Lake volcanic system consisted of
three main components: 1) several peaks like Phantom cone, Hillman peak,
and Mount Scott that piled on one another to form a conglomerate main
cone, which the lake partially fills at present; 2) about twenty smaller
volcanoes called cinder cones located within the caldera and on its
perimeter (of which Wizard Island is one of the more recognized
examples); and 3) volcanic domes, the only ones of which are now beneath
the water line. All three of these surface structure groups are believed
to have been fed by a large magma chamber. Figure 1 illustrates the
locality of that chamber in relation to the volcano.
Figure 1. This is an illustration that modifies a
figure drawn by C.R. Bacon of the U.S. Geological Survey. It shows how
the chamber may have been layered into these two main zones during the
time of the climatic eruption. Notice that the lighter, more silicic
magma floats above the heavier, mafic magma. The magma chamber is less
than four miles from the surface, and it is in the general shape of a
Each type of volcano is usually made up of a specific type of lava.
This is due to different lavas having characteristics which result in
distinct types of volcanoes. A few characteristics like viscosity,
temperature, and water content vary widely when you look at different
types of lavas. These variations that are observed in lavas play an
important role in the way that the molten rock will eventually behave
when they reach the surface. For example, if you were to drop cookie
dough on one side of a plate, and pancake batter on the other side, they
would behave differently. This is mainly because the thick and pasty
cookie dough has much higher viscosity than does the runny pancake
batter. When the dough and batter "cool" and harden, you would see two
different shapes (one flat and one tall).
The cookie dough would be analogous to "silicic" lavas , while the
pancake batter would be called "mafic" lavas. Silicic lavas usually
build stratovolcanoes and domes, and mafic lavas make up the large and
broad shield volcanoes and cinder cones. Figure 2a shows how lavas are
broken-up into specific classes based mainly on compositional changes in
the silica and oxygen.
Figure 2a. There are six main lava and ash types that are found in
the Cascade Range. These types are classified as to the amount of silica
they contain. Rhyolites have a high amount of silica, while basalts are
at the low end of the scale. Lava and ash types (such as numbers 2, 3,
4, and 5) are intermediate.
Figure 2a. There are six main lava and ash types that
are found throughout the Cascade Range. These different types are mainly
classified in terms of the amount of silica that is in them. Rhyolites
have a high amount of silica, and the basalts have a lower amount. Lava
and ash types like numbers 2, 3, 4, and 5, are intermediate.
Figure 2b. Let's say that after a volcanic eruption, you
go out into the field to gather up a sample of each type of lava and ash
that was deposited. In the majority of eruptions, several types of lava
and ash are found. If we were to plot each type found from a common
eruption with a dot, the distribution would look like the figure above.
Notice how all of the samples that you collected are randomly dispersed
along a wide range of different types. There are no clumped
Figure 2c. Now, if you were to do the same thing that
you did in 2b, the types of ash and lava that you would find after the
Crater Lake climactic eruption would only be from the
basaltic-andesite (2.) and the rhyodacite (5.) groups. Let's plot them
on the same kind of graph that we did before. The dots would only be in
those two regions. When the products of an eruption are limited to two
distinct, clumped groups, the system that fed this rare eruption is said
to be bi-modal. This is one of the aspects of the climactic
eruption that makes Crater Lake so unique.
** I should note that the 4 lava flows associated with the climactic
eruption occurred up to 4,000 years prior to the collapse. Some
geologists who studied Crater Lake do not even consider them to be part
of the climactic eruption, but rather lava flows that simply preceded
it. So, the dots in figure 2c are the ash deposits from the climactic
It is important to realize that the majority of volcanoes in the
Cascade Range, as well as those around the world, are composed of
closely related lavas and other eruptive material. In other words, it is
uncommon for volcanoes to display material of one composition as well as
large amounts of a completely different type. There is commonly some
diversity in the lavas and ash in most eruptions, but their compositions
are usually very similar to one another as shown in figure 2b.
Figure 2b. After most eruptions in the Cascades, field samples would
show that a range of different lava and ash types (shown in Figure 2a)
were deposited. The samples collected would be randomly dispersed among
the various types, with their distribution similar to the above figure,
so that no clumping of samples were evident in any group.
At Crater Lake, the volcanic system exhibits a pattern where there
are only two very distinct groups of eruptive material (figure 2c). This
is called a bimodal system. In the climactic eruption of the Crater Lake
volcanic system, materials of two distinct compositions were erupted
almost right after the other. In the first phase, an enormous (up to 30
miles high) eruptive cloud was produced. This sent large amounts of ash
and pumice into the atmosphere and was eventually deposited in an area
of nearly 500,000 square miles.
Now, in Figure 2c, if you were to do the same thing that you did in
2b. the types of ash and lava that you would find after the Crater
Lake climactic eruption would only be from the basaltic-andesite
(#2) and the rhyodacite (#5) groups. Let's plot them on the same kind of
graph that we did before. The dots would only be in those two regions.
When the products of an eruption are limited to two distinct, clumped
groups, the system that fed this rare eruption is said to be bi-modal.
This is one of the aspects of the climactic eruption that makes Crater
Lake so unique.
As the eruption continued, the cloud grew so large and heavy that
the released gases could not hold it all up and some parts fell back
down on the volcano. These super hot flows of ash and rock (called
pyroclastic flows) rushed down the flanks of Mount Mazama, and deposited
pumice with such heat and pressure that the pumice was compressed and
welded. A deposit of welded pumice brought about the Wineglass
Formation. This is the long orange colored deposit of ash and pumice
that stretches from Llao Rock to Red Cloud on the north and east side of
the inner caldera wall. It is illustrated in figure 3.

Figure 3. The Wineglass Formation (indicated by a
thick black line) stretches from Llao Rock on the north side of the
caldera wall to Red Cloud flow on the east side. It resulted from a
pyroclastic flow in the first phase of the climactic eruption. The
formation is best seen by hiking about 1/8 mile down the Cleetwood
Trail, where a huge orange-colored ash flow tuff is evident. Tuff is a
name given to ash when it is deposited so hot that it partially melts
and recrystallizes, forming a hardened mass. Look closely at the tuff
and you should see narrow lens-shaped pieces which are squished pumice
from the hot flow.
Both the airfall ash and pumice and the pyroclastic flows forming
the Wineglass were from the single vent phase. The single vent phase of
the climactic eruption drained a large portion of the magma chamber,
which left the volcano without a sturdy foundation. As it began to
collapse inward, the force of the volcano was so great that it pushed
the remaining contents in the magma chamber out along the fractures and
cracks that the volcano produced as it broke inward. This activity sent
out even larger pyroclastic flows than did the first phase. These rushed
past the flanks and out into the once glaciated valleys and deposited
rhyodacite and andesite. It is significant that all of the deposits from
the first phase are high silica rhyodacite, while the pyroclastic
deposits from the second (or ring vent) phase of that eruption began
with rhyodacite but ended with basaltic-andesite. There were no
intermediate or transitional compositions during the two phases of this
It is highly improbable that a magma chamber would show two very
different types of chemistries unless the compositions were separated
from each other into layers within the magma chamber. Layered magma
chambers are not uncommon and, in fact, they are thought to be quite
ordinary. Most of the time, however, these chambers exhibit a spectrum
of layered compositions--not just two main ones like Mount Mazama, How
one of these layered magma chambers forms requires some knowledge of the
magmas themselves. Rhyolites, rhyodacites, and dacites are considered to
be high in silica, explosive, and extremely viscous--hence the
categorization "silicic". Basalts, basaltic-andesites, and andesites are
considered to be lower in silica, less viscous, erupted at higher
temperatures (less than 1200 degrees Centigrade), more dense than the
silicic types, and are classified as "mafic" magma. If we could,
hypothetically, pour these two opposite types into a big bowl, the less
dense silicic type would rise above the more dense mafic type. The same
thing, in essence, happens in a magma chamber where the less dense
silica-rich magma rides upon the mafic type in the general shape of a
A layered, lens-shaped magma chamber is believed to have existed
beneath Mazama when it catastrophically erupted about 7,700 years ago.
The most impressive surface manifestation of the chamber can be seen at
the Pinnacles, which are found in the once glaciated valleys of Wheeler
and Sand Creeks just south of Lost Creek Campground. During the second
phase of the climactic eruption, pyroclastic flows rushed down these
valleys and filled them. These violent flows may have rushed for miles
with speeds over 100 mph and then suddenly terminated. In stopping so
abruptly, the flows trapped large amounts of hot gases at the lower
levels. As these gases rose toward the surface, they heated the ash and
pumice so that they partially melted and recrystallized. This
recrystallization process changed the soft ash into a hardened material.
The hardened ash and pumice formed around the path of the escaping gas
and began to act as a chimney. Over time, streams flowed through these
pumice and ash filled valleys. This left the resistant pinnacles
standing and eroded the softer, unaltered ash. When you look at these
pinnacles, you are actually seeing the subsurface structure that
escaping volcanic gases created.
By observing closely, you will see that the upper regions of the
pinnacles are darker mafic material, and the lower regions are lighter
silicic material. Notice how sharp the contact is between the two (shown
in figure 4). Remember how the upper silicic magma rests upon the denser
mafic magma in the magma chamber. When erupted, this material would be
in reversed sequence (just like if we were to erupt an "n", it would
land as a "u"). That sharp contact shows just how unmixed these
compositions actually were, as if they were separated from each other in
the chamber by a giant wall that disallowed any mixing to occur. The
single vent phase had already removed a large portion of the chamber's
upper level, which was high silica rhyodacite. When the volcano began to
collapse in on itself and erupt in the ring vent phase, the remaining
rhyodacite was pushed out, as well as the underlying basaltic-andesite
zone (you may wish to consult Figure 1 again to see the general
structure of the magma chamber). When both of these layers erupted, the
clouds of gas and ash were violently deposited in these valleys with the
rhyodacite on the bottom, and the basaltic-andesite above it.

Figure 4. Distinct layers in the ash flow deposits at
the Pinnacles. The "A" layer is rhyodacite that was extruded at the
start of the ring vent phase, and the "B" layer of basaltic-andesite
followed it. Note the sharp contrast between the two layers, and how
resistant the pinnacles are to the stream erosion that has taken place
since Mazama's climactic eruption.
As stated previously, the intermingling of silicic and mafic magma
is the most important piece of evidence that the chamber feeding the
mountain during the climactic eruption was layered with a lens of mostly
gaseous, silicic magmas separated from the dense basaltic material
beneath it. This evidence is only representative of the climactic
eruption, and it is worth asking whether the chamber was becoming
bimodal before that time. If so, when? Fortunately the rocks at Williams
Crater can help to answer that question.
Williams Crater, once known as Forgotten Crater, is named after
Howel Williams who wrote the Geology of Crater Lake National Park.
Published in 1942, the work is considered a classic--even though
Williams did not have the benefit of modern dating techniques. His
interpretation of the park's geology has been modified only slightly in
the past half century by Charles Bacon of the U.S. Geological Survey. It
is therefore fitting that this namesake feature represents a very
crucial and critical aspect in understanding the volcanic system which
created Crater Lake.
Williams Crater is roughly between 22,000 and 30,000 years old, and
is located about one kilometer west of Hillman Peak. It is a basaltic
cone that is aligned on a fissure (a linear crack in the earth's crust)
that is radiating outward from the rim. Unlike any other cones in the
park, there are bands and inclusions of intermediate and silicic pieces
in the basaltic lavas and the volcanic bombs that surround the cone of
Williams Crater. These pieces of higher silica lava were most likely
entrapped in the magma as blobs and crystal mush prior to being erupted
from the basaltic cone. Some high silica magma was eventually made in
the chamber and began to separate from the mafic magmas. The higher
silica lava found its way up this particular vent to the west and was
erupted as entrapments or inclusions in the basalt, due to this cone
being close enough to Mount Mazama, Other cinder cones in the park, such
as Crater Peak and Red Cone for example, were too far away from the
growing chamber for this to occur. The Williams Crater complex, in other
words, shows that there was some development of differentiated magma
compositions in the chamber beneath Mount Mazama at least 30,000 years
ago. It is uncertain whether these inclusions offer sufficient evidence
of a bimodal system extending that far back in time, but they do give us
some information about when this separation may have begun to take
place. Many geologists believe that separation between these
compositions continues into the present, but it is also worth asking
about the characteristics of volcanic activity since the climactic
On the bottom of Crater Lake, the Dacite Dome to the east of Wizard
Island is made of high silica dacite. Prior to its eruption, however,
the formation of Merriam Cone took place just south of Cleetwood Cove
from lower silica basaltic-andesite. Once again, two different
compositions in the same general vicinity. This contrast beneath the
lake is not really enough evidence to conclude that the Crater Lake
volcanic system is still bimodal, but samples around the park appear to
suggest it still has that capability.
Brandon Browne served as a volunteer-in-parks during 1997 and
is presently studying geology at Oregon State University in

Example of "spheroidal weathering" along the Garfield
Peak Trail, Nature Notes from Crater Lake, 7:2, August