Volume XXIX - 1998
By Steve Mark
Delicious wild fruit has never been cited as the primary, or even a
secondary, reason for why people come to Crater Lake. Few of them know
that the park contains four species of huckleberries, and are aware of
the lone exception to rules prohibiting collection of plant material in
Crater Lake National Park. Each person is allowed one quart of
huckleberries per day for personal use, largely because picking does not
appear to interfere with perpetuating the host shrub. Bears will forage
for ripe huckleberries (as I found out one afternoon in the Sky Lakes
Wilderness south of Crater Lake), but this inclination has yet to bring
them into conflict with human visitors to the park.
All four huckleberry species are in the genus Vaccinium,
which belongs to the Ericaceae (heath) family. This group of
plants is distributed worldwide and contains roughly 3,300 species in
103 genera. Most thrive, as the family name suggests, on uncultivated
land with inferior drainage. This is usually where the soil is poor,
often coarse, and sometimes acidic.
The swamp huckleberry, V. occidentale, likes the western
border of the park where it forms dense thickets along streams. It is
also known as the westernbog blueberry, since western North American
"huckleberries" are really blueberries. (True huckleberries are classed
in the genus Gaylussachia, a group much more prevalent in Europe
than in the United States). In any event, this plant yields tasty
bluish-black berries which usually ripen by early August. They can be
had in easily accessible areas such as Boundary Spring, Sphagnum Bog,
and Red Blanket Creek.
Bluish-black berries can also be seen on the dwarf or mat
huckleberry, V. caespitosum. These shrubs are less than a foot
high, with most only a few inches off the ground. They are found in many
places around the park, but are probably most evident in the Castle
Crest Wildflower Garden, Vidae Falls, Annie Spring, and Wheeler
The broom huckleberry, V. scoparium, is also known as
grouseberry. Some North American Indian groups call it fireberry due to
the color of the fruits. This plant possesses bright red berries which
are edible and sweet, though usually too small for picking in any
quantity. Being the most drought-tolerant species in the genus, it is
abundant in lodgepole (Pinus contorta) and mountain hemlock
(Tsuga mertensiana) forests throughout the park.
What is certain to be the most sought-after member of the genus,
V. membranaceum, goes by several common names. It is variously
known as the big, thinleaf, or mountain huckleberry, as well as
Ewam to speakers of the Klamath language. This shrub, which is
between two and five feet in height, appears as widely branched bushes
containing thin leaves that usually measure over an inch long. Its
berries are reddish- to purplish-black when they ripen during the first
half of August. There are patches southwest of Park Headquarters, but
most pickers go to an old burn area on Huckleberry Mountain
(Ewamcan in Klamath) in the Rogue River National Forest where
more sunlight has enhanced flowering and fruiting.
Upper left: Western blueberry (Swamp huckleberry),
Vaccinium occidentale.
Upper right: Big whortleberry (Thinleaf huckleberry),
V. membranaceum.
Lower left: Dwarf blueberry (Mat huckleberry),
V. caespitosum.
Lower right: Grouse whortleberry (Broom hucklebery),
V. scoparium.
Drawings by Charles F. Yocum, Shrubs of Crater Lake, Crater Lake:
Crater Lake Natural History Association, 1954, p. 52.
A visit to Huckleberry Mountain can be combined with a trip to see
Crater Lake because it is located less than three miles west of the park
boundary. Follow posted signs from the snowpark located on Highway 62 to
a primitive campground situated within the huckleberry patches. The
bushes cover a relatively broad area, so you will have plenty of options
for where to spend a couple of hours picking berries. After a couple of
afternoons there last August, I remembered that Henry David Thoreau once
quoted Pliny in describing huckleberries, In minimis Natura
praestat, Nature excels in the least things. Anyone who has tasted
the fruit from Huckleberry Mountain will agree, especially if they are
fortunate enough to savor it in pie, jam, or pancakes!
The author would like to thank Joy Mastrogiuseppe for reviewing
this article and her suggestions.
Steve Mark has worked as park historian at Crater Lake and
Oregon Caves since 1988.

The Watchman Lookout as depicted in the July 1933
Nature Notes from Crater Lake.