Volume III No. 1 - July, 1930
Greetings From Crater Lake National Park: 1930
By Earl U. Homuth, Acting Park Naturalist
"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will
flow into you as the sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow
their strength into you, and the storms their energy, and cares will
drop from you like autumn leaves."
Quotation from John Muir.
To our many friends scattered throughout the land, to those whose
good fortune it has been to visit Crater Lake National Park, and to
those whose pleasure still lies in anticipation, we extend
The season gives every indication of success. A light, late-season
snowfall was soon cleared, and the camp grounds were bright with the
campfire of visitors long before the official opening date, July 1.
The staff of the Educational Division has been again augmented and
we wish to introduce Mr. F. Lyle Wynd, who has, during five years study
in the Park, completed a "Flora of the Park", soon to go to press; Mr.
Norman Ashcraft for five years a ranger in the park; and Mr. Clyde
Gilbert, a student of Geology, from Eugene, Oregon.