Volume XXXI - 2000
Not So Static a Scene
By Tom McDonough
The famous pioneer artist and photographer Peter Britt first captured
the unusual beauty of Crater Lake on a glass plate negative in 1874.
Even in black and white, the magnificence of the scenery was clearly
visible. Some 126 years later you can walk to the spot where Britt took
his photographs and discover that the view of the lake has not
noticeably changed. One might ask how it is possible that this deepest
lake in the United States, the result of one of the largest volcanic
eruptions in North America, has found some special state of

Peter Britt took this photo of Crater Lake in 1874.
Southern Oregon Historical Society photo, Medford.
Crater Lake's physical setting is certainly unusual. The lake sits
within a basin called a caldera, created when Mount Mazama exploded and
collapsed here some 7,700 years ago. Within a few centuries, a lake
appeared with a depth of nearly 2,000 feet. At the present time, the
total volume of water located beneath its surface comes close to 4.5
trillion gallons. That is enough lake water to provide 750 gallons to
each man, woman, and child on earth. Since the lake occupies a caldera,
the surface area is restricted to about 21 square miles, with the widest
point being a little more than 6 miles. Towering rocky walls loom above
the entire shoreline with some rising to nearly 2,000 feet, These slopes
stop the flow of streams originating from outside the caldera.
Given the physical restrictions nature has imposed upon this lake,
how is it that this apparently stagnant pool of water can remain so blue
and clear for so long? What prevents the lake from becoming salty to the
extreme? To try to answer these fundamental questions about Crater Lake,
scientists began examining the physical and chemical properties of
Crater Lake as early as 1883. One survey party in 1886, for instance,
made the first successful soundings of the lake and recorded depths
ranging between 93 and 2,008 feet. Research continues to the present,
not only to refine past data, but is also aimed at tackling as yet
unanswered questions.

An early attempt to gauge changes in lake level.
Photo by J.S. Diller, U.S. Geological Survey, 1901.
Warm and sunny summer days at Crater Lake are too soon followed by
months of cool and wet weather. Park Headquarters, with an elevation
6,500 feet above mean sea level, usually receives 533 inches of snow
during a weather year (July though June). This precipitation annually
provides the lake, on average, with 34 billion gallons of water. Some 27
billion gallons falls directly onto the surface of the lake, with the
remaining 7 billion gallons entering as run-off from inside the caldera.
Some minerals are introduced to the water as a result of this inflow,
but the concentrations are minor. The principal sources for the minerals
dissolved in the lake are the dozens of springs located within the
caldera. When compared to other volcanic lakes, however, these sources
are very limited. Within every gallon of water from Crater Lake, for
example, there is about 1/100th of an ounce of dissolved salt. Public
drinking water, by comparison, usually has considerably more. The
mineral content would be much greater were the rock walls surrounding
the lake absent and if creeks or streams originating from outside the
caldera were permitted to discharge into the lake their load of
dissolved solids.
A major reason why Crater Lake appears static is that the lake level
seems fixed. In actual fact, however, the level can rise and fall as
much as 16 feet with varying snowfall amounts from year to year. What
happens to the snow that falls into the lake each winter? If the lake
level changes only slightly from year to year water must be exiting in
some fashion, Both evaporation and seepage are responsible; water
evaporates at the lake surface, but exactly where water leaks away is
still a mystery. There could be several places where seepage occurs,
since the caldera is composed of fractured lava flows, unconsolidated
avalanche debris, and glacial till. One likely spot for seepage is the
north wall of the caldera where a glacial valley disappears beneath the
shoreline, The fact that the lake level is no higher than this major
discontinuity has led some observers to believe that here is a major
hole in the side of the caldera, analogous to a leaky rain barrow.
To keep the lake level static, 17 billion gallons of water must seep
out each year. We know this is the case because when Crater Lake last
froze over (in 1949), the lake level continued to drop by a rate that,
over a year's time, would add up to this amount. Evaporation removes
only fresh water, but seepage removes the denser, salty water deep in
the water column. Scientists figure that a drop of water can expect to
remain the lake for at least 150 years before it either seeps out or
evaporates away. A new lake is thus re-created every few centuries. This
is another reason why Crater Lake remains fresh and pure.
The surface area of Crater Lake is limited, but wind from above still
pushes the water around to produce ripples and waves. Under stormy
conditions, the waves grow large enough to produce a display of foamy
tops or white caps. Water is mostly pushed eastward according to the
prevailing wind direction, In winter, when the water is uniformly cold,
surface winds can push large volumes of water downward into the lake.
Descending water currents transport large amounts of dissolved oxygen
absorbed at the surface. For this reason, the upper 650 feet of lake
water is well oxygenated. The vertical mixing of water in such a deep
lake is, however, normally restricted. The upper layers are usually
warmer and less dense than the colder water beneath. Some deep mixing
may occur in January when winds are the strongest and when the vertical
temperature structure of the lake is most uniform. Even then, the water
at the lake basin is only incompletely exchanged with the oxygen-rich
surface water and it appears that several winters are necessary for its
complete replacement. Without such exchanges with surface water,
decomposing organic materials on the bottom would eventually use up all
available oxygen.
Another reason why the vertical movement of lake water is important
relates to upwelling. As descending plumbs of oxygen-rich water reach
the bottom, they displace upward some nutrient-rich bottom water. In
this way, organisms occupying the upper part of the lake receive
necessary chemical enrichment. There are 157 species of microscopic
plants, called phytoplankton, that drift in the upper 600 feet of lake
water. These plants are at the bottom of the lake's food chain and are
preyed upon by a variety of animals, including the zooplankton. Ninety
percent of the nitrogen needed by aquatic organisms must come from
upwelling, nutrient-rich bottom water. Since the annual turnover of lake
is incomplete, it is not yet known how this limited circulation pattern
affects the overall biology or clarity of the lake from year to

Winters with a higher than average snowfall will
produce a corresponding rise in lake level. Photo courtesy of Wayne and
Jean Howe, March 1947.
The clarity of water in Crater Lake also varies seasonally and
annually. In summer, as the surface of the lake heats, the less dense
warm upper layers do not mix downward very well into the cooler, denser
waters below. Floating particles remain in suspension until a strong
wind forces the water to mechanically overturn. Under warm surface
conditions, the clarity of Crater Lake usually decreases. No two years,
however, are identical. There have been summers when clarity dropped for
extended periods of time. Could it be that a successful winter turnover
has redistributed large amounts of nutrient from far below the lake's
surface? This might raise the concentration of phytoplankton in the
water column above what is normally observed and contribute to the drop
in clarity. Or could it be that an unusually large population of fish
has consumed all the zooplankton? Since the zooplankton normally preys
upon the phytoplankton, the phytoplankton populations might then soar,
High concentrations of phytoplankton may thus restrict the lake's
It is worth remembering that Crater Lake is never truly the same from
day to day. The lake is constantly in flux as water both enters and
leaves the caldera, Wind currents move over the surface and push the
water in several directions, yet from the rim this is impossible to
discern except on very windy days. From this distance, the lake
generally appears static. Given enough time, however, more obvious
changes will occur. No lake can last forever, especially a volcanic one.
The fires beneath Mount Mazama will warm some day and increased
hydrothermal activity will alter the chemistry of Crater Lake, so that
the clear blue lake will be no more. What we see as static is an
illusion created by a faulty sense of time.
Tom McDonough teaches at Chemeketa Community College in Salem,
Oregon, while also pursuing his scientific interests each summer at
Crater Lake.

Crater lake frozen over in 1949. Taken from same site
as Britt's photo of 1874. NPS photo, January 1949.